Has anybody tried the Advocare 24 day challenge?



  • So I just finished Day 3. I have lost--wait--wait---ready? a whopping half of a pound. woop woop!

    I dont know whats going on. i have honestly eaten the best i ever have in my life the last 3 days and nothing. i was thinking during my legs/back with tony today that maybe everything ive learned is wrong.

    i lost 10 lbs by simply running once a day on the treadmill for 20-40 minutes. id burn about 300-400 cals. thats it. i ate better (nutrisystem) but wasnt perfect and BAM 10lbs come off. Now I measure every single calorie and am working out twice a day, doing this cleanse and I have lost about 3 lbs in 3 months. So should I just go back to my TM runs???? I wanted to lift and do higher cardio and get really toned, but for heaven sakes I havent lost one inch one lb nada.

    Im staying on the 24 day challenge through 24 days, but heavens! Can I see some results please??!!! ggggrrrrrr
  • Don't get discouraged with the Challenge. I didn't see any results during the cleanse portion. Even pounds lost wasn't that huge when it was over, but inches lost was huge! So don't get discouraged with what the scale says! good luck!
  • Yes in love! It's taking over our workplace... one girl down 5 inches in just 10 days, my energy level is through the roof as I'm preparing for a half-marathon, and my fiance has dropped 10 pounds after just 12 days! Let me know if you're interested - I love coaching people through the challenge, it's extremely rewarding!
  • Definitely not a fad diet. You can continue with minimal products after the 24 DC to keep your body in tip-top condition. I've stayed with the catalyst and thermoplus - happy to share more inside on this awesome product. PS - I've never done any sort of nutrion or diet program in my life... this is a game changer!
  • I am about to start my 24 day challenge on the 2nd. I have read a ton of reviews on the advocare website, amazon and on here and follow a lot of people who have done/ are doing the challenge on Instagram. Most people have moderate to really great results. If they didn't loose any weight they at least feel healthier. I was a little shocked at the price but Amy Perrin ( my coach) has an alternative package that she says gives you similar results for half the cost. She also has been very helpful answering all my questions that I had after reading some nasty reviews. Yes the diet and work out plan is going to be a change but that is why it is called a CHALLENGE. It's unrealistic to think that in 24 days you are going to have a barbie body, all the girls I follow work for it day in and day out all year round. Its just to get your butt in gear!! There are far more success stories then negative comments in my opinion, and its worth it! Can't wait to start!
  • ezaerr
    ezaerr Posts: 6 Member
    I'm going to start my 24day challenge on January 8. My 23 year old son told me about it bc he has lost 55 lbs on it! He is down to 147lbs and feels and looks amazing! It's worth a try to help me, who has been overweight for years now, to get that jump start! Good luck on your challenge!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I'm going to start my 24day challenge on January 8. My 23 year old son told me about it bc he has lost 55 lbs on it! He is down to 147lbs and feels and looks amazing! It's worth a try to help me, who has been overweight for years now, to get that jump start! Good luck on your challenge!

    Good luck ladies! :smile:
  • Good luck to everyone starting their first 24 day challenge! My husband and myself were introduced to Advocare earlier this year and we have not looked back. I got the chance to attend the Ladies Alive conference in Charlotte, NC at the beginning of November and had such an amazing experience! I really love the company and its mission. I had a successful challenge and I'm still taking my MNS these days! I've still got a ways to go in my weightloss journey, but I'm glad to have Advocare in my corner. :)
  • Bump for now..

    Have been wanting to try this out. Is it any different than that of Herbalife?
  • CaClifton
    CaClifton Posts: 4 Member
    I'm going to start my 24day challenge on January 8. My 23 year old son told me about it bc he has lost 55 lbs on it! He is down to 147lbs and feels and looks amazing! It's worth a try to help me, who has been overweight for years now, to get that jump start! Good luck on your challenge!
    Good luck ladies! :smile:

    I'm starting the 24 Day Challenge on Sunday, Jan 5! I'm so excited to hear success stories and positive feed back!
  • Jalyst79
    Jalyst79 Posts: 50 Member
    I am starting mine January 6th unless I get it before then.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I am starting mine January 6th unless I get it before then.

    My wife and I are starting the 6th as well.
  • I am starting on the 6th as well.

    I am doing the challenge with my husband and am a bit worried because our schedules are completely mismatched. In a couple weeks I will be on the midnight shift, and he works days. I have no idea how we are going to cook our meals and try to do this together. I am getting discouraged before I even start. Does anyone else have any experience doing the challenge with someone who's schedule is completely opposite? Any help would be appreciated!!
  • stephhulshof
    stephhulshof Posts: 2 Member
    I am starting on the 6th as well. I planned my menu and shopped today and plan to prep it all tomorrow to make it work for the work week. Am looking forward to seeing how everyone does!
  • stephhulshof
    stephhulshof Posts: 2 Member
    If anyone is interested in the menu I worked out for the week, let me know! I did it based on allowed/non-allowed foods and looking around the internet for recipes allowed.
    GSXRGIRL61 Posts: 6,395 Member
    I did the 24 Day Challenge in August to jumpstart my weight loss because I'd gained about 7 lbs. from stress eating that I just couldn't/wouldn't/wasn't motivated enough/whatever get off. It worked wonderfully well. I lost about 8 lbs., but more importantly, I lost fat and quite a few inches, especially in my waist, hips, and thighs. It may not sound like a lot of weight to some people, but I'm almost at the low end of my BMI, so trying to lose anything can be challenging for me. Of course, if one doesn't continue to eat healthily and exercise, the weight will come back. That's a given for any program. But if it's motivation you need and know that you will be excited enough by losing some quickly to continue on the journey, then it's definitely worth it. I have not done a 2nd one, simply because I've now kept the weight off. I continue to use the Meal Replacement Shakes, the Carb Ease (every great once in a while), and the Amplify A.T. (for the skin). Good luck!
  • Just saw this topic, funny...I start today. I'll let you know how it goes. I have my own ideas I'll share later.
    Good luck to you.
  • sahill314
    sahill314 Posts: 71 Member
    looking for accountability will be doing ketogenic high fat moderate protein low carb diet ill keep you accountable too! sahill314
  • rubydrm
    rubydrm Posts: 112 Member
    Unfortunately I think you have wasted your money. I too have tried it, as have a few ladies in the office. While it works in the short term if you keep up the routine, when your products run out and you don't want to rebuy, it seems as though the weight creeps back in even if you have changed to healthier eating habits. As for the other 'fad' Isogenix (I'm not sure if I spelled it right) I feel like it is the same. My sister did that one as well, and while she lost all the weight she wanted, when she quit that program, she gained half if not all of the weight back. She has a healthy diet so it was disappointing for her. It seems like these two programs only work if you consistently use the products. My advice? Go with the tried and true healthier eating habits and regular exercise to achieve your weight loss goal. You'll keep it off longer and feel better in the long run!