Can anyone over 200lbs run for over 5mins???



  • Cher217
    Cher217 Posts: 16 Member
    All of you are so motivating. I have never been able to run/jog over a minute, but with the motivation of you all I am willing to try. I may try the couch to 5k soon. :smile:
  • Posting on this thread to get it in the list of "my topics." This is making me want to start the c25k more than i did before! Awesome!
  • Ok all you runners out there....

    Are any of you Asthmatics? and how do you handle. I know with proper conditioning it can be overcome.. Was just curious what you do?

    I am over 200lbs as well, 7lbs away from onederland :) and thinking about running!

    i have asthma, and COPD to be exact, and it can be done. i take singular and dulera(inhaler) everyday, it helps. dont go out there and exect to run a marathon, but dont use it as a crutch not to go out there and do it. you'd be suprised what your capable of when you push beyond what you think you can handle. take it in baby steps. start with half a lap at the track, then 3/4, then one full lap. i do 6 laps now, im huffin and puffin but i do it!! i remember when i couldnt even do a quarter of a lap!!
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    I have found that the elliptical is my friend when I run. I have been over 200 lbs for a number of years now, and I found that running was more painful than it was exhausting so the elliptical is really helpful there. Of course, my "running" is another person's "speed walking" so it's all relative. Good luck!
  • cavycity
    cavycity Posts: 24 Member
    Don't give up on running! Of course, listen to your body and don't run injured, but within reason keep it up! I did the couch to 5K running thing, and it builds up the intensity over time. I thought it helped me a lot. Now I can run 4 miles straight! I did the time one, not the distance one. I hope this helps! Good luck!!
  • lilrhody
    lilrhody Posts: 84 Member
    A big YUP to that. When I started, running for 1 minute was torture. Now I run for 10 minutes, then walk for 1 minute, and can run 10k that way and not feel like I want to die or have someone kill me when I am done.

    You can do it - just build up slowly. I did the Couch to 5K program through week 5, then switched to my own program where I just added 1 minute of running to my intervals every week until I got to 10 minutes of straight running.
  • I am 264 lbs. and ran my first 5k in about 25 years today. Finished in 26:50, a little faster than 9 minute miles.
  • Someone mentioned the mental aspect and that's all it is for the most part. Your weight has nothing to do with your ability to run it's your mental fortitude and your stamina. I know that any time I've had problems running in the past it wasn't physical it was purely mental. Alright, well except when I messed up my leg for weeks, but even then I forced myself to run on that messed up leg. I don't recommend that unless you like not walking/running or doing anything else for a few days or weeks.
  • hozik
    hozik Posts: 369 Member
    Couch to 5k helped me, too ( When I weighed over 200 pounds I could barely jog a block without my shins killing me and being tired. On the advice of a friend on this site, I started with small, slow jogging steps to ease into it. Now (week 7) I can jog comfortably jog 25 mins! I also recommend downloading the podcasts from itunes to help with timing the walk/jog intervals. Good luck, can't wait to hear about your success:flowerforyou:
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I only walked until I reached 440ish in weight then I have slowly mixed in running. I can currently do 1/3 of a mile before I get way too winded and back to walking. I am working on a mini goal of running 1 mile non-stop. I have good knees and very good shoes.
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    I posted this yesterday in a different thread, but it also suits this thread perfectly. This is an incredible video and shows what anyone can do if they put their mind to it. Good luck :smile:!
  • jenibee1
    jenibee1 Posts: 1 Member
    Absolutely it can be done! Just takes time to train, but that's true for anyone that hasn't run much. I started at around 240. I used couch to 5k as a template, but just did what worked for me. When I started I could barely run a minute before I stopped to walk. THe key is to just keep at it. Try a little more each time you run. I tracked my milestones... first time i ran a minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, a mile, 3 miles... etc. I kept track of my times and pace like it was a science experiment! lol After about 9 months, I could run three miles in about 30 min without stopping to walk and I'd lost around 20 lb. After about 13 months, I ran a half-marathon in 2.5hours and I'd lost another 15lb. This all from someone who'd never ever been an athlete. Your body will respond, just gotta build up to it!
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Good Morning MFP budduies. This may sound funny but im serious...IS ther anyone out there over 200 lbs that can run for 5 mins. One of my biggest aspirations has been to run. Even when i was an athlete in high school i always seemed to wiggle my way out of the running part of the workout. Today i did sprints 1 min runn 1 min walk and only lasted 10 mins. Runners over 200 lbs can I get some advice on how you built up your endurance to run more than 5 mins? & Do you run on treadmill or flat road??? Thanks...HAave a Fabulous Day

    I started running at 300lbs (C25K programme) and am currently 219lbs. I now regularly run 5ks outdoors and on the treadmill (and run without stopping). My longest run (again without walking, as I'd rather go at a slower steady pace than run/ walk as I always find it hard to start running again) is an 7.8mile trail run that took me 100mins. I am signed up for 3 10ks and a half marathon in 2014.

    C25k (couch to 5k) is a great programme for building up stamina. Its a 9wk course with 3 runs a week. That was too much for me at my starting weight so ran once or twice a week and in between sessions swam, lifted weights and used the elliptical trainer.
  • TrueBloodLover1
    TrueBloodLover1 Posts: 1 Member

    I am 218 and I started running early this year; I can now run (slowly) for about 20 minutes at a time before I walk for 1 and 1 half minutes and start again. Last month I ran a 5K with friends from work and this Saturday I am running my 1st 10K. I put in a practice run on the weekend and I did it in 1 hr 38 minutes. So the short answer is yes you can just build up slowly and go for endurance (time) over speed.

    Good Luck.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Good Morning MFP budduies. This may sound funny but im serious...IS ther anyone out there over 200 lbs that can run for 5 mins. One of my biggest aspirations has been to run. Even when i was an athlete in high school i always seemed to wiggle my way out of the running part of the workout. Today i did sprints 1 min runn 1 min walk and only lasted 10 mins. Runners over 200 lbs can I get some advice on how you built up your endurance to run more than 5 mins? & Do you run on treadmill or flat road??? Thanks...HAave a Fabulous Day
    Ran 15 miles at about 210 or so.

    Size doesnt matter. There are much smaller people who cannot run 5 minutes.

    It is all about putting the miles in. Run more miles =more endurance. Simple.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Good Morning MFP budduies. This may sound funny but im serious...IS ther anyone out there over 200 lbs that can run for 5 mins. One of my biggest aspirations has been to run. Even when i was an athlete in high school i always seemed to wiggle my way out of the running part of the workout. Today i did sprints 1 min runn 1 min walk and only lasted 10 mins. Runners over 200 lbs can I get some advice on how you built up your endurance to run more than 5 mins? & Do you run on treadmill or flat road??? Thanks...HAave a Fabulous Day

    I ran a 5k at 260, took me 43 minutes, ran the whole time.

    You build up the endurance by running longer this workout than you did last workout, and building on that. Treadmill is a good tool to get over the mental block of running X distance or Y time. I like the road though.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    same for me...sitting at around 250 and Ive done several half marathons...and countless smaller races.

    when i did my first half I was running at a 13:30 pace and 18 months later I am at a10:00 pace and getting stronger...its doable.

    Just take it slow and steady because it is a little harder on your body when your carrying extra pounds!
  • dpwdash
    dpwdash Posts: 29 Member
    Weighing in at 235 pound I finished several 5k's last year, a Warrior Dash, and a 10K. It is possible my friends. I used the C25K app to start and just never stopped. I am currently training for a 1/2 in the fall. When I run it is slower than a herd of turtles in peanut butter but I am running. I do this for me and me alone. When I signed up for the 1/2 my dear sweet husband said her would be at the finish line with flowers and champagne, I laughed and said I would probably finish faster if I knew her was there with a cheeseburger and a beer. Find yourself and push push push. Best wishes.
  • livinfluffy
    livinfluffy Posts: 30 Member
    I just started couch 2 5k last week. I am slower than a turtle in molasses but am proud of my one minute intervals, Kind of curious how long I can work up to without feeling ill. So far no "runners high" for me, it is more like a a runners "I may puke", but still slogging along!
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I'm well under 200lbs, and if I ran for 5 minutes, I'd probably die.
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