My dirty little secret



  • d_Mode
    d_Mode Posts: 880 Member
    I used to weigh myself every day...not anymore.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I sometimes weigh myself a few times a day. Not because I'm obsessed with the number, but more because I find it fascinating for some reason to see the fluctuations throughout a day. This might be TMI, but you can lose a pound or two if you've had to pee really bad lol. (I know, I'm strange). So I know that eating/drinking causes the number to rise, even if it's not actually weight gain.

    For "official" weigh ins, I will use the scale at my gym. I just use the one at home for checking in to make sure I'm on the right track.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I never owned a scale until a little less than 2 years ago. Once I did, I weighed myself several times a day, every day. Pretty much every time I am in the bathroom. *shrug*

    I also still weigh myself on those scales they have in pharmacies and take my BP (even though I have a home BP monitor and have never had high BP). I like gadgets that give me data. My scale tells me weight, BF%, muscle %, and water %.
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    LOL! I weigh myself everyday. The only time I didn't was over the holidays...and guess what...I gained 10 pounds!

    We are on a journey, and the journey probably makes us a little obsessive/compulsive. No worries! We have a plan and a goal and it is the major focus of our lives right now. Its what we need to do!

    SO...I weigh myself every morning, on my scale. If I go to the Y and work out, I weigh myself on their scale afterward...just to make sure that the weight loss I see at home is reflected on their scale, too.

    I don't go so far as to weigh myself on my scale more than once, because I tend to be disappointed...the number is lowest first thing in the morning.

    DO what you have to do to get where you need to go.

    As for not having 120 pounds in your sight yet, I'm not sure how far away that number is for you. But you will get there...10 pounds at a time. So concentrate on those next 10 pounds. Soon, that magic number will be in sight. In the meantime, you will enjoy NSV's along the way...ones you never even anticipated.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    It's all about how you view it. If you let the fluctuations get to you and let that number on the scale be the judge of how you feel that day (up or down about yourself) then yeah, it's a bad habit and you need to break it.

    But if you're like me and just kinda curious (and maybe a teeny-tiny bit hopeful) then there's no real harm. I'll jump on the scale first thing in the morning and then after going #1 and #2, before getting in the shower and weigh myself again before I get dressed and head out. That's at the most - typically I just weigh before getting in the shower and call it good. I find it fascinating because sometimes I actually weigh more after using the toilet and sometimes it's less. I'll even weigh myself at night once in a blue moon - which usually makes me crack up because it's like 8 pounds more than usual, especially after dinner.

    As far as logging goes, I use whatever the lowest number is on any given day. There's such a thing as false gains (water weight) but you can't trick a scale into showing a loss.
  • balsert713
    balsert713 Posts: 39 Member
    thread title delivers...

    ...thread doesn't. :frown:


    I also thought this thread was going to go somewhere.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    thats crazy,,, i do not even own a SCALE..
    not really a secret when u just told the world that tho.
  • jclist1
    jclist1 Posts: 87 Member
    I weigh myself everyday (only once though). I am also aware that weight can fluctuate and I don't let that bother me. If the scale is making you crazy, then find a way to stop and just weigh yourself once a week or something that works for you. This is a lifestyle change. Are you really going to weigh yourself 4 times a day for life? The scale could end up making you discouraged and could throw you off your track.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I used to weight myself daily. Until I became obsessed with the number on the scale and it became unhealthy for me. So I stopped and focused on my intake and my activity levels and always progressing and how my clothes fit and it was SO LIBERATING.

    I went for months without weighing and it was the best thing I could have done FOR ME. Now I have a healthy relationship with the scale again and am back to weighing every Thursday. I am doing it now so that I can start to get an accurate log of how my weight fluctuates and so that I can more accurately determine my TDEE.

    IMO, it's always a good idea to have another goal besides the scale weight, to focus on. It's amazing what will happen when you just eat the appropriate amount of calories to support your goals and do exercise that you enjoy!
  • entropicbeauty
    entropicbeauty Posts: 10 Member
    I got into this bad habit till I realized it wasn't good for my mental well-being. I now only weigh myself once a month and am happier for it and able to see the bigger trends in my weight loss versus the daily fluctuations.
  • Annalisa_87
    Annalisa_87 Posts: 56 Member
    I try to weight myself once a week, on the same day, at the same time. This works best for me, because I can see the progress. I think I would go mad if I allowed myself to check everyday.
  • laceyfowler
    laceyfowler Posts: 127 Member
    I weigh in the morning when I get up, just keeps me aware.


    I weigh myself once a day, every day - in the morning, before I've eaten or drank anything. I've found that this makes me more aware and more accountable. When I was weighing myself once a week, I was easily able to lie to myself for a week about allll the "little" slip-ups I was making... and they definitely added up!
    Actually, to be more accurate, I weight myself twice in the morning - I often bump my scale at some point during the day, and the instructions say that to ensure accuracy, weigh once without believing it, step off, and then weigh again for the true weight. They're usually the same, but when they aren't, I always use the second weight :-)
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Hi, see above, I have one. I weight myself DAILY, sometimes 4 times a day. I know you're not supposed to, I know, I know, I know, I know it's all about how your clothes for and blah blah blah. For me I want to see that scale go down. And when it doesn't I literally give my scale the finger. Like it's really offended, I'm sure. Does anyone else do this? Or did it and stopped? Any advice? I'm trying. I'm only 5'2. I should only be 120 approximately, I'm so not even close to that number, like it's not even in my line of sight right now. Thank you :)

    Weighing daily isn't an issue unless you start to worry about every little movement. I think it's more a psychological/emotional thing to avoid weighing daily as it can get soul destroying if you see the weight go up 3 days in a row even if the long term trend is downwards.
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member

    I don't honestly think there is an issue weighing yourself multiple times a day as long as you aren't correlating your worth or value with the number on the scale, and you aren't getting upset if the number isn't lower than it was the last time.
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    I weigh myself every two weeks, and that's it. I'd rather make myself wait to see a bigger loss than weigh myself daily and get hung up on completely insignificant minor gains and losses that come and go.
  • rpmtnbkr
    rpmtnbkr Posts: 137 Member
    I also weigh every day. Yes it's frustrating at first when it stays the same or goes up.... arghhhh. When it does goes down it reaffirms I'm heading in the right direction. I find it really helpful when I've reached my goal and am in maintenance mode.... It let's me head off any gain by patterning an upward trend.