"Beyond Diet"...have you tried it? Looking for opinions



  • SunneNbudaTX
    I want to do many things in my next 10 years and I need to be healthy to do them.

    I found this website as a result of searching for review on the Beyond Diet program; I read the ENTIRE thread, now it's my turn.

    In 2005 I lost 35lbs due to weight watcher, in the beginning I was ALWAYS hungry…… I really only used their cookbook, I did not go to meetings, but I did weigh in. Life happened and
    8 months ago I weighed right about 200 lbs, I’m 5’5” (an umpa lumpa), now I weigh 170 lbs and my goal is to weigh 140 lbs. I’m 49 years young and have tried plenty of diets, I go on a diet and I gain weight. My goal is to run a ½ marathon in March 2014, I will use this website as my accountability partner so to speak.

    Back to the reason for this post, I know myself, I know the time I have and the interest I have in doing research on the internet for nutrition and healthy living, so being honest I won’t do it. But what I need is a program that will tell/show me the how to. I like that someone IS GIVING ME A PLAN TO FOLLOW. I will go to the gym and start my running program too.

    I am going to buy the Beyond Diet program because I want to be successful in losing weight, changing my eating habits and knowing how to be healthy, having a program to follow will make it easier for ME to achieve success. The $47 investment/scam/program is worth it, my time is more valuable than to spend it on becoming a nutritionist, a chef and a expert on how to surf the internet with successful results on numerous topics. As far as the ads to buy stuff they don’t bother me, I see ads on this site but I don’t have to click on any of them or I can click on all of them it’s my choice.

    Wishing all a healthy lifestyle and much happiness.

    I will upload my fat picture once I take it.
  • bunsoftin
    I want to do many things in my next 10 years and I need to be healthy to do them.

    I found this website as a result of searching for review on the Beyond Diet program; I read the ENTIRE thread, now it's my turn.

    In 2005 I lost 35lbs due to weight watcher, in the beginning I was ALWAYS hungry…… I really only used their cookbook, I did not go to meetings, but I did weigh in. Life happened and
    8 months ago I weighed right about 200 lbs, I’m 5’5” (an umpa lumpa), now I weigh 170 lbs and my goal is to weigh 140 lbs. I’m 49 years young and have tried plenty of diets, I go on a diet and I gain weight. My goal is to run a ½ marathon in March 2014, I will use this website as my accountability partner so to speak.

    Back to the reason for this post, I know myself, I know the time I have and the interest I have in doing research on the internet for nutrition and healthy living, so being honest I won’t do it. But what I need is a program that will tell/show me the how to. I like that someone IS GIVING ME A PLAN TO FOLLOW. I will go to the gym and start my running program too.

    I am going to buy the Beyond Diet program because I want to be successful in losing weight, changing my eating habits and knowing how to be healthy, having a program to follow will make it easier for ME to achieve success. The $47 investment/scam/program is worth it, my time is more valuable than to spend it on becoming a nutritionist, a chef and a expert on how to surf the internet with successful results on numerous topics. As far as the ads to buy stuff they don’t bother me, I see ads on this site but I don’t have to click on any of them or I can click on all of them it’s my choice.

    Wishing all a healthy lifestyle and much happiness.

    I will upload my fat picture once I take it.

    Very well said! You bring up some valid points and I completely agree with you. With WW you have a registration fee, weekly fees and are paying for any other incidentals (food, cookbooks, tools, etc) that you may want. Good luck and keep me posted on your sucess!
  • 2coolbaby
    I have had myfitnesspal for quite awhile on my iPhone, but just now posting here as I, like other apparently, did a search for the Beyond Diet reviews and ended up here. I'm going to give my 2 cents that's provably not worth that much. That's where I think a lot of these 1 replies are coming from. I am not a shill for the company. Like others, I was intrigued by the idea, mostly because I suffer from fibromyalgia and my son has Type 1 Diabeties and no one has bothered to ask the question of "Isnt it odd that fibromyalgia, autisum, diabeties and other diseases have sky rocketed, jumping 40 - 60% since GMO's have entered our diet?" I saw a geneticist on video that scarced me senseless answer that question and made me realize my son and I's issues were most likely a result of our diet and if we didnt change it, things would only get worse. Beyond Diet spoke directly to that issue. So, Desite some scam warnings here, I am slapping down my $47 to get recipies, meal plans, exercise plans and more. All while cutting out sugar, gluten and most importantly GMO's! I am sure I can get it online and I am sure I will. But this looks like a good place to start. And people here should really care more about GMO foods. Don't believe the hype Monsanto feeds you. Its almost impossible to avoid too!
  • Teenie71
    I've never heard of it but MFP site is FREE! You should save your $$ and ask questions here. There are some very knowledgeable people on this site.
  • Janet_in_MO
    Janet_in_MO Posts: 5 Member
    I have not read this entire thread, but I saw the original topic and wanted to put in my 2-cents worth. I have followed the Beyond Diet plan for 2 years now. I am 90 pounds lighter and think it is the BEST $47 I've ever spent. Is the info common sense? Somewhat. But, if it's available for free why doesn't everybody put it together and do it? The program founder is a nutritionist who has taken her time to develop an easy to follow portion & balance based program that allows you to eat real food and get rid of the processed 'junk' that is pushed on us by the food industry (or our laziness) and become healthier and lighter in the process.

    I will never stop eating this way. I have lower blood pressure (hoping to get off the meds soon). I've gone from a size 20W to a 10 (some 8s). I have more energy than ever before and am motivated by success.

    The BeyondDiet website has lots of great recipes that fit the plan, a food journal that also fits the plan, & community support. It could definitely be improved, but the basic program is solid.

    You do have to look past the marketing tactics for supplements and other products that are from companion providers. All the "buy this" gets old, but I simply ignore the emails and don't have a problem.

    The success in terms of weightloss is slow but I didn't get 250 lbs. overnight either, so I'm OK with that. The key is that it is doable long term.

    Hope my experience helps someone. Thanks for listening....
  • Mythrain1
    Mythrain1 Posts: 27 Member
    I just came across Beyond Diet today after seeing a FB link this morning. After watching the video and navigating the website(very informative), I must say there is absolute truth to the website and it is not a scam. Although $47 is not much compared to other programs, there is really no need to spend it if you have the time to do meal plans on your own. However, time is hard to find for most of us, and it is pretty nice to have someone else do all the planning for once!
    Anyway, people need to realize that calories in vs calories out does not mean the same to all of us, especially apple shapes or people with hormone/insulin resistance. My body hangs on to fat a lot harder than the average person and it is extremely hard for me to achieve successful weight loss.
    This Beyond Diet seems very similar to the Sugar Busters diet that my OBGYN recommended to me. Pretty much, stop with all the added sugar, especially breads/pasta/white flour. Look at your cereals. No processed foods. You can go on the sugar busters website and print a list for free.
    I know that for me, when I started eating cleaner and stopped all added sugars, I lost weight really quickly. However, I soon found out I was pregnant after this, and I had to stop my weight loss approach because it was not healthy for my pregnancy. Now, that I had my second baby, I need to start over!
    Please be advised that when you decide to lessen your sugar intake, you will get a wicked sugar withdrawal headache. No medications really helped me with that, I just had to let it run its course, which was a few days.

    Good luck to us all! I will not be joining Beyond Diet, but I would love to hear any success stories/recipes/tips that have helped any of you in your goals.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    If you think the information possibly provided to you is worth the money, go for it. I think most of us have spent money on some sort of diet plan at one point or another.

    Personally, I think that most people would get more benefit from putting in the effort to learn the things on their own rather than rely on someone else doing all the work for them in getting the info.

    Kind of makes me think of cliff notes, sure, you may get the basic info, but you won't get all the nuances you might by going the long route.

    Whichever choice you make, good luck with it.
  • sunnykelli
    For $47 I dont really think you would be out a bunch of money. I think you would get a wealth of information- I learned alot just watching their free video. Also- the meal plans would really teach you alot as far as what foods to pair and what to stay away from. Ive paid for weight watchers in the past. I dont regret it. I learned a ton about portion control and the fat/calorie/fiber ratios. Like with any diet- if you go off, you gain the weight back. It just seems like more of a lifestyle change to me with this one. Essentially all diets will be the same in that respect. If you stop following it and turn around and consume a cheeseburger, fries and a milkshake and continue to eat poorly for a bit, you will gain weight. It just depends on whether the individual decides to maintain whatever diet they chose to follow. For me- I dont think it would be a waste of money for the info/meal plans. Just sayin..
  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    Beyond diet is working for me so far. Lost 5 kilos to date
    It is indeed true that there is a reasonable amount of marketing going on but it's not difficult to ignore.
    I just stick to following the basic plan. Not fully into it yet because we had a fair amount of food that is not condemned but not recommended either. I don't know whether I'm actually eating more than before but it feels like I am. Certainly not eating through the night anymore. Not because I force myself but because I just don't feel hungry
    I just like that everything I need is there in one place and I don't have to try very hard.
    Most of my time on the site is looking for other recipes that I might like

    Anyway I posted this to let those who were interested know that I am happy with my decision and enjoying success without too much effort. It's only been a short time. I'm more interested to see what I think in six months time
  • Chimeralld
    Hello. I just joined and am not quite sure how posting to forums work - never really joined any type of forums before. As I was browsing through the MyFitnessPal message boards, I noticed someone said just eat clean and avoid the "five foods." Advertisements about not eating the "five foods" are everywhere. Could someone clue me in to what they are? Also, I read several posts stating the Beyond Diet matches the types of foods you need to eat with your metabolism. A lot of people say you can find the same information provided by Beyond Diet via the internet. How would I research what types of foods I would need to eat for my "nonexistent" metabolism? Lastly, I sam some state you can buy the ebook for $3.99. Does anyone know if the ebook has the answers to the specific questions I asked? I wouldn't mind getting the ebook if so. I would benefit from the preplanned information and telling me specifically what to eat and how to exercise as I have always put my weight on the back burner, so it sounds like I would definitely benefit from this specific information. I'm just wondering if anyone knows if all of that information is in the ebook. If someone wouldn't mind going ahead and sharing the "five foods", I'd greatly appreciate it as this has had my curiosity up for some time. Thank you for your patience and assistance with a "behind the times" person.
  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    If you mean the 5 mentioned on beyond diet
    They have already been identified in this thread but here is my thoughts on them in my own words
    I am simplifying what she says as I currently understand it and I am merely a beginner in this

    Sugar. Because it causes your body to produce insulin which converts the sugar to fat

    Proceed foods because the additives upsets your natural hormone levels

    Wheat products because wheat is so genetically modified it has become a non food

    Fake butters. Something to do with being hydrogenated and the effect that has on our bodies

    Soy products. The health benefits of soy is greatly exaggerated by its marketers.

    Something else I would like to say. Beyond diet doesn't deny that weight loss is calories in verses calories out
    What they do say is that counting calories is not the best strategy for losing weight.
    A better strategy is to eat a balanced diet of protein verses carbs verses oils. All three are important in a balanced diet.
    And all three need to be balanced over a 5 meals a day menu

    From my understanding it's all about keeping your blood sugar levels in the fat burning levels mentioned in the introductory video and never allowing it to get into the insulin producing levels. It's also all about removing the poisons in processed foods etc that adversely affects our metabolism.

    Don't ask me how to work out the balanced diet. I have no idea since I'm not a nutritionist. That's what I am paying her for. Not the info. Like everyone says you can get the info on the internet everywhere for free. There is indeed nothing outstanding by way of information on the site. Although she does explain things in a way that even I can understand. At least I think I understand :)
    Sure she is trying to make money from this but I can't blame her for that. I believe she puts a lot of time and effort into putting together the meal plans so why shouldn't she be rewarded for that. I don't know why but I just get the feeling she is sincere although a little pushy at times

    I'm posting here not to convince everyone here to join. If I had the inclination to learn about nutrition so I could do it myself then I most certainly would save my money. But I have been trying that for quite some time now and failing miserably

    This is merely my honest experience for those of you who might be like me. As I said yesterday though. It's only been a week and a half for me. I am still more interested to see what my opinion will be in six months time
  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    I will also add a picture of me once I figure out how to do it for those who think that somehow makes what I'm saying more believable. I just couldn't be bothered adding one previously
  • Chimeralld
    Thanks so much for taking the time to reply, Delerna. I greatly appreciate it!
  • mmcneil03
    I just saw an ad for this diet - did you ever try it? If so, how did it work out for you? I'm very curious - not having much luck on a 1300 calorie a day diet. Just feel too hungry all the time!!!
  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    Still going, still loosing and I've had to cut back a little on the amount of food because I feel it was too much for me. What I eat at each meal easily lasts until my next meal. I have lost 11 kilo's in 27 days now. I am a software developer and the only exercise I do is a 1 hour walk around the streets in the evening. I am more than happy with my decision.

    I must say it certainly is true that everything there is most definitely freely available and quite easy to find once you know what to look for. I have learned a lot doing this program which has helped me to weed out the bad info that is also everywhere on the internet and very easy to find. That's the problem. How do you know what to believe!

    The whole program is built around relatively recent studies that suggests that from a metabolic perspective not all calories are created equal. Ie, the source of your daily calories matters. For example calories you consume from sugar is processed differently by your body than the same amount of calories from carbs. And the calories you consume from carbs is processed differently in your body than the same number of calories from proteins.
    Just google. Are all carbs created equal and you will find the research. One I found was conducted at Harvard university. Not 100% sure but I think that's at least worth some consideration.

    Also critical is the idea that your body needs certain fats in order for your metabolic rate to work at its peak.
    I found this repeated amongst the research I've been reading.
    Can you do it for free? Yes you can.
    Whatever the case. I no longer believe its as easy as calories in verses calories out.
    Of course you must burn more calories than you consume in order to loose weight.
    But relying on simply reducing your calories also slows your metabolism. That's why so many people loose weight when they start only to find that it plateaus out after a week or two. That has been my experience every time I started a calorie counting diet.
    But not now and I don't count calories (how boring)
    Now I simply watch the ratio of proteins good carbs and good fats I eat at each meal and eat enough till I'm satisfied
    I think it's between 2000 and 2400 calories a day but not absolutely sure.

    I also have to say I enjoyed the quickest weight loss at the start.
    What caused that?

    No sugar, including substitutes like saccharin, Splenda etc. Yes the replacements are low in calories but they look like poison to our liver and adversely affects metabolism

    No processed foods. Again. Poison that adversely effects metabolism.

    Those two things had the biggest impact on my initial weight loss.
    Everything else I have learned enables me to eat to satisfaction and still loose weight
  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    Oh and one more thing. Plenty of water. An absolute must for your metabolism.
  • Casablanca67
    This is my first post, but I am not affiliated with BD either. I see the "five foods you must never eat" on Facebook all the time so I clicked on it. I listened to the LONG video, that cleverly had no pause button. While I will honestly probably try it, it isn't anything that hasn't been heard before. What I don't get is why people on here seem somehow threatened by people trying it? What is the harm? The only issue that is making me leery of MFP is that it seems to tout the Calories in vs Calories out as the last word in dieting. Anyone who has tried Atkins knows this is patently false. I, like most of you I imagine, have tried countless diets over the years. I had great success on WW and kept it off for two years. The recent changes in their program taking glycemic index into account, as well as making fruits and vegetables "free" of points. When I did WW 13 years ago I felt much LESS healthy b/c I was filling up on low point JUNK like sugar-free jello, fat free cookies, etc. If a banana was three points and a cookie was three, I'd have the cookie! So I do feel that their newest program is MUCH healthier than in the past. But it too is mostly calories in and out at the end of the day. The most successful (fast results, lots food) diet I have ever done was the Suzanne Somers Plan which she (cheesily) calls "Sommersizing." I wish it had a less narcissistic name so people would have taken it more seriously! If you can suspend disbelief and the sting of Chrissy giving you diet advice, she actually is a very intelligent woman who did a lot of research. While her plan is based on "food combining" (not eating carb and fats/proteins at the same meal) due to the way the body digests food, it's the lack of sugar, wheat flour and processed foods that I think really does the trick. On her plan I lost 9 lbs in 11 days and felt fan-freaking-tastic. On the 11th day I found out I was pregnant so I resumed normal eating, which was probably much worse for the baby, but I was fearful of losing weight while pregnant. Anyway, one quote from the book that stuck with me was "Calorie-schmalorie" which translates to you can eat high calories and still lose weight. I found it to be very true. I ate a lot of eggs, cheese and vegetables. I found the fat free carb meals not that satisfying and frankly, our western culture revolves around the sandwich, especially at that time. It has gotten more socially acceptable to eat a burger with no bun, but back in the year 2000 it was an anomaly. I think what I've learned in the last 14 years is that SUGAR is the culprit, and as someone said, a day of twinkies may be 2000 calories, but I think we can all agree that is not healthy. The new info about GMOs and food additives is eye opening. We need to eat cleaner for our HEALTH (of which weight is a part, but not the whole.) What appealed to me about BD is it is that type of eating that is laid out for me. As far as cost, that 47.00 is the cost of one month of WW which I was planning to start back up this week. As I said, I am not a shill (but agree that some of the posts do sound like that, and I was suspicious myself.) I will happily share what I find and be completely honest if it is a rip off! It's definitely a hard-sell marketing thing, but I am only going for the initial package. Some things just feel right for your own body, and eating natural foods high in good fats, and natural carbs like berries is appealing to me. My biggest problems, honestly, are chocolate and wine. Even a teensy small glass (4 oz) of white wine is 4 WW points. And, drinking wine obviously makes making good food choices much more difficult. I've also just joined my itty bitty community center gym, which is something ridiculous like 10 dollars a month so very worth it. I have found exercise to not be necessary for weight loss (I believe the 80/20 rule) but that it is good for my health and getting better muscle tone is important as I age. Anyway, sorry to rant, but I think all ideas should be welcome here, and we should be sharing what works and what doesn't without judgement or a one size fits all attitude!
  • Casablanca67
    PS- the first time around with the NO SUGAR diet, we did not know all the hazards of artificial sweeteners. I used splenda by the bagful b/c it was "better than nutrasweet." Now we know better.
  • deannak_73
    deannak_73 Posts: 1 Member
    If you look on Pinterest, you can find a lot of yummy looking recipes for the Beyond Diet.
  • Charshine
    Can you share more about the glycerin index?