those wanting to shed 5-20 lbs

I'm looking for other members who are struggling to lose those last few lbs. I'm 5'3 and weigh 123. I really want to get to about 110; that's where I feel my clothes fit the best. I became a runner a year ago, but have taken breaks from it due to surgeries. I'm now trying to stick to an exercise and diet plan. I also just started doing Just Dance on the about sore muscles. I'm 33, and since turning 30 its became very easy to gain weight :(. Would love to hear from others!


  • dmt4641
    dmt4641 Posts: 409 Member
    I am trying to lose 10 pounds and gain muscle. I'm 32 and until now had stayed at a pretty consistent weight but it is starting to creep up. I used to be able to lose weight quickly but it is getting harder. I started a weight training program 3 days a week and do some cardio as well. I'm only doing a small deficit because I get really hungry!
  • lladykaro
    lladykaro Posts: 6 Member
    I'm trying to lose 15 lbs. It's not easy. I'm doing the 1200 calorie diet. I'm doing 30 min. of yoga a day too. With the weather being horrible where I live, I can't walk or run outside. I have a treadmill but it's so boring. I need a jumpstart. Any ideas?
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    I am 23, and just recently got into this range! I am 5'3 155 and a size 6/8 with a BF of about 29-30%,

    I would really like to be a 4/6 with a BF of 25% so I roughly need to be 140ish. Only 15 more to go, and hoping to get there by my birthday in July (also my 2 yr anniversary)

    I am a graduate student so I can't focus all of my energy at the gym but I am pretty consistent logger and always on MFP.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • I'm in the exact same boat as you Calhoun007! I've always been naturally slim, but I've noticed the weight is starting to stick now that I'm getting older. When I hit 30 this year I instantly gained 5 pounds, no joke! I'm trying to lose 7-8 pounds by eating less junk. I've only worked out sporadically in the past, but I recently started doing the Focus T25 DVDs. Since the program only requires 25 minutes a day, I'm hoping I can stick to it for the 10 weeks and finally get into the habit of working out regularly.
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    that last 5-20lbs will take a long time once your body reached its happy point. eating at 1200 cals already sets you in deficit, but your BMR will say you need at least 1331. your BMI also tells you that you are at the normal range. going 110lbs is still normal but nearing close to underweight.
    you may need to take a break on diet once in a while so you can break the plateu. At that stage it gets really frustrating and youll think ...argghh nothing is working.

    Patience is all I can say, sounds like you already have a good program, just take a break and live a little.
    add me up and I can share you my protocols to lose that last lbs.
  • You know, I got to 116 this past summer and was pretty happy. I have a small frame (little bones) so lbs really seem to show on me. my major problem areas at the moment are my upper thighs and lower back...and of course my abs that have destroyed seperated muscles from three csections, uhggggg. I wish I knew some strength exercises I could do at home. I did Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 last year, and I think it helped with strength. Do you think if I did that program again, that would be good strength exercises? Those dang planks killed me, LOL!
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    JM's program is good. but I can do better in les time and produce better results. esp on the lower body
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    I couldve written this post a month ago. After steadily losing a lb a week, i hit a plateau at 123. (I'm 5'4") I stayed there for a few weeks. I cut the carbs, upped the protein, upped the weight during strength training, and became more consistant with my cardio (30 min 3 times a week). the weight came off rapidly. Rapid being 5 lbs in 3 weeks (rapid for me). Christmas derailed me (I took the whole week off) and i was at 120 last week. Im back to 118, and back on the low carb, high protein diet. My cardio could use some work, which ill deal with Monday.
  • DJEliteFitness
    DJEliteFitness Posts: 2 Member
    Kickboxing is excellent fun and amazing calorie burn, swimming, dancing. They had a program where I live called Extreme Adult where you did a different activity every week with the same group of people through the city, Good-life has lots of fun classes to mix it up a bit or if on a budget the public library has some great work out videos and you can do a new one every week. Check out what they have in your area and if it is cold outside find a friend with a condo and run some stairs! Hope that helps, let us know what you decide to try!
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    You know, I got to 116 this past summer and was pretty happy. I have a small frame (little bones) so lbs really seem to show on me. my major problem areas at the moment are my upper thighs and lower back...and of course my abs that have destroyed seperated muscles from three csections, uhggggg. I wish I knew some strength exercises I could do at home. I did Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 last year, and I think it helped with strength. Do you think if I did that program again, that would be good strength exercises? Those dang planks killed me, LOL!

    Im a mom of three as well. No c-sections though. But being short, with a short torso, pregnancy wreaks havoc on our abdominals. I dont recommend ripped. Crunches did nothing for me. Planks, supermans, mountain climbers did though. It pulled my waist in like a corset. You have to strengthen your abs AND lower back. A strong lower back will pull your stomach in.

    Try the 30 day plank challenge. My core was so weak from pregnancies and SI joint dysfunction that even 20 seconds killed my back and abs. But it will go away and it will become easier.
  • twhaley1990
    twhaley1990 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm looking for other members who are struggling to lose those last few lbs. I'm 5'3 and weigh 123. I really want to get to about 110; that's where I feel my clothes fit the best. I became a runner a year ago, but have taken breaks from it due to surgeries. I'm now trying to stick to an exercise and diet plan. I also just started doing Just Dance on the about sore muscles. I'm 33, and since turning 30 its became very easy to gain weight :(. Would love to hear from others!

    We are the same height and same goal! My original goal was 115, but at three lbs away, I don't think that's going to give me the body I'm looking for. I haven't been 110-115 since middle school, so deciding a goal weight was a big guess anyway
  • twhaley1990
    twhaley1990 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm trying to lose 15 lbs. It's not easy. I'm doing the 1200 calorie diet. I'm doing 30 min. of yoga a day too. With the weather being horrible where I live, I can't walk or run outside. I have a treadmill but it's so boring. I need a jumpstart. Any ideas?

    To help me make the treadmill less boring, every quarter of a mile I change my incline :)
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    Hi there! Im 35, 5'4", cw135 gw125. I had way to much fun over the hoildays (read Halloween on ) and now need to lose 10lbs and get back to maintenance mode. Im always happy to have new friends!! anyone can feel free to add me :-)
  • jamiebxo
    jamiebxo Posts: 116
    My current stats and goals are similar to yours OP! I'm 5"2, 125lbs and wanting to get down to 110-113 ideally but also looking to build some lean muscle and tone up. Added you! :)
  • mikeroybal
    mikeroybal Posts: 111 Member
    Hi, I'm 41 and have 20 pounds to lose. I am doing weights and cardio with a caloric intake of 1700. I know the last few are going to be tough but I can do it. My biggest hurdle is football on the weekends but that will be over soon. Good luck and feel free to add me if you like. That applies to others as well
  • Hi,

    I'm 5ft 3inches, 57 years old and 147 lbs, looking to lose 10 lbs, I'm trying to be on 1200 cals, going to gymn four times a week and doing 10'000 steps, it is raining all the time so have to try and exercise indoors, not so easy for me I get bored.

    Lately I've been stuck that's why I'm doing the 10000 steps I'm on day three of them

    Hopefully this will help

    Feel free to add me to your friend list
  • Fitmom4boys
    Fitmom4boys Posts: 36 Member
    Been working on the last bit of jiggle for waaayy to long! Determined and committed this time, i know I need to up the weights!
    Bf% is 30 now and i am focusing on getting to 25 by summer! 5'8 , 154' 42 yo and 4 kids, my abs need attention!!
    My plan is to be active here to stay focused!
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    im tryin to get back down to 139 which is where I feel best, but ill settle for 145. And I love Just Dance!!

    edited to say im about 5'9.5"
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm looking for other members who are struggling to lose those last few lbs. I'm 5'3 and weigh 123. I really want to get to about 110; that's where I feel my clothes fit the best. I became a runner a year ago, but have taken breaks from it due to surgeries. I'm now trying to stick to an exercise and diet plan. I also just started doing Just Dance on the about sore muscles. I'm 33, and since turning 30 its became very easy to gain weight :(. Would love to hear from others!

    110 is pretty slight and may not be realistic. You're at a pretty good weight right now...if it were me, I'd eat at a very small deficit and get in the weight room and start working on body composition rather than worrying about hitting some arbitrary value on the scale.

    At any rate, when you're already relatively leaned out, you simply do not have the fat stores to shed and lose's just the way it is.
  • Hi! I'm 24, 5'1, and 132lbs. Last year, I lost 10lbs with running (and not eating too healthy) but gained almost all of it back when I moved to a new city and started working two jobs. Now that I am not working two jobs, I want to eat healthy and exercise again. My goal weight 115-110lbs thats when I felt the healthiest. I am nursing a running injury so I won't be able to run again for another 2 weeks and I am also on a very tight budget as far as food and gym is concerned. I do have access to a treadmill, elliptical trainer, and a few weights. Any ideas on excerises I can do that isn't running as well as inexpensive clean eating meals?