Turning 40 in only a few days worries



  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    I understand. I turned 40 in Nov and wasn't really too worried about it but after had many of the same feelings as you do. I also had some of the similar life changes as well. Looking back, I think it was more those life changes than the age that played a part in what I was feeling. I turned it into a positive... started changing the things in my life that I was unhappy about. Although getting fit and losing weight will take time, I'm on my way and enjoying life. You'll be fine.. promise!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!

    PS - Happy Birthday :flowerforyou:
  • epigirrl
    epigirrl Posts: 54 Member

    It seems decade birthdays get more attention than other birthdays, but you really can choose how you feel about them. Many people dread them, some of us embrace them. I had my son when I was 30; I earned my PhD when I was 40 [actually had a birthday/commencement party to celebrate both]; I will turn 50 in May this year. And, I am looking forward to being in the best shape of my life when I turn 50.

    For me, I embraced the anticipation and act of turning 40. Last summer I began anticipating 50 with dread because I was somewhat unhappy with my life and physically felt like crap. But I used that as motivation to make some changes leading up to 50. I took stock of where I was, thought about where I wanted to be and what was missing, and stepped way out of my comfort zone to make some major changes. I am now staring 50 down and I can't wait to claim that number.
  • branm10
    branm10 Posts: 1 Member
    I'll be 40 in June and I'll admit, last year I started to get a little nervous. This is silly, but what helped a little was looking at other pictures of women, especially in the entertainment industry, who are "over he hill." Yes, I understand that some have had cosmetic surgery or they have chefs and personal trainers that help them maintain fabulous figures and all, but still. It is cliche, but age is just a number. I laugh though when I hear "40 is the new 20 or 30," because good lord, I don't want to repeat 20 or 30! Yes, it would also be easy to say you've 'wasted' your time, but EVERY part of your life is a piece of your journey that has led you to where you are today. Unemployment, too much 'partying,' bad relationships, etc., have all had a contribution in the person you are today. Regret has no part in my life, but that does NOT mean I have not made numerous mistakes, I've just tried to learn from them. 40 is going to be an excited new chapter in your life! Own it! Sounds like you've made outstanding progress already! Happy Birthday and continued improvement in 2014 to all!
  • Luv2Smile55
    Luv2Smile55 Posts: 133 Member
    Age is simply a number. I say change your perspective. Be happy that you are alive, breathing and healthy. SO many things that are so much worse to worry about.

    Don't worry ... Be happy! :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • moya_rargh
    moya_rargh Posts: 1,473 Member
    40 in March. Been single for a year, which is a Godsend as I need the time to get in shape!
  • First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    Listen, age is just a number. I'm going to be turning 42 in March. You're doing the best thing for yourself in losing weight and getting healthy. I don't know about you, but I absolutely refuse to be a fat middle-aged cow LOL

    Come on in, the water's fine :) 40 isn't so bad :drinker:
  • kristidem
    kristidem Posts: 160 Member
    Back in the day, 40 was old as life expectancy was in the 50's. Nowadays, life expectancy is near 80 with many living in to 90's and breaking 100. Turing 40 last year for me was a nonevent, though my mom had a hard time admitting she had two kids in their 40's! Age is just a number.
  • Happy Birthday and congratulations on your choice to be fit! Don't under estimate your achievements. As for the "turning 40", I truly believe that everybody has a different response to milestone birthdays. Back in the day, my oldest sister was completely depressed turning 30 (she is now 65). I'm 55 and have not yet had any birthday milestone troubles. I always remind myself what the alternative is to not becoming a certain age. And since I enjoy the opportunities life has to offer I look in that direction. Set a goal for yourself to "do" something this year that you feel might be a typical activity for a person in their 20's (for instance). Avoid the "I'm too old for that" attitude. I'm not referring to immature behavior. Good Luck!!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    ^^^ Aye, I can totally still do splits and backbends and I really wish I still had a balance beam I could practice on :D I've made it a point to keep up certain things I heard 'old people' can't do. Some of my yoga teachers are way on up there but still do things I never have been able to do (yet)!
  • Spiderkeys
    Spiderkeys Posts: 338 Member
    Thanks, for all the birthday wishes, now looking back it was silly, as being 39 the closer I got to 40 the more nervous It was becoming, my birthday was kind of awful, I couldn't tell or feel when I actually hit 40, i meant did I hit 40 after midnight, if not then I have to wait till 4:25pm (the time I was born) in the afternoon, this saying 'your 40, how does it feel?' is crazy, the following day was a relief, it was a much better day, my heart is still beating, im just as alive, and already enjoying the start of my 40s, maybe cause I got whole decade to enjoy them, I always started panicing, at 27/37 and 28/38, and 29/39 esciapply, I hated turning 30, but that was just a mini mid life crisis, and I think I wasted my early 30s missing my 20s, but 30s was just 30s, I wont miss them...
  • I cried on your birthday for it was my youngest's 30th! I'm soon to be 58. Life is made up of how we spend it. My suggestion to you, young man, is to not stress it! No one looks good crying! ;-)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Happy day after your birthday OP! :)

    My husband and I were just talking about this yesterday. He had more of that pre-40 dread where he starting talking about it about a year ago and always acts like he's older than he is. But this weekend he seemed to come to the conclusion that 40's not that bad after all (he's still got 9 months until he gets there so we'll see how he does on the big day). We're in good health and eat well for the most part and take good care of ourselves so we've still got a lot of years to go.

    I still have a little over 4 months to get to 40 but I'm not dreading it nearly as much as I was turning 30. I think that was harder because I was still a lost kid and hadn't gotten my **** together like you'd think you would by that age. But the last 10 years have been full of accomplishments and big steps - bought a house, got married, am well respected at my job, lost most of my excess weight and am in the best shape of my life so far. What's not to be happy about?!

    Now 50 on the other hand... ;)
  • rosiegoes
    rosiegoes Posts: 16 Member
    Happy birthday spider keys!