Its cold!!!!!



  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    I've grown up with it and am used to it.... I played in a pond hockey tournament for 7 hours on Saturday. By the time we got to our last game it was below zero.

    BTW, how much snow did you get to have to drive 10MPH, like 3 feet?

    LOL! It's been snowing for hours and the roads are in bad shape. So I go really slow because I am afraid of ice patches. At least a Foot though.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    I am really craving munchies and I am not motivated to work out. Here in Chicago it is 18 degrees and snowing. To those who are living in colder states, what do you do to stay motivated? What gets You up to go dig the car out of the snow and then make a very cautious 10 MPH drive on snow covered streets to the gym. Man, this weather has got me down. Shoveling snow is a great workout but its literally freezing outside!!!!

    Hmm, where I am it is summer and 25 degrees but in winter I would:

    1) pack all my stuff the night before
    2) sleep in workout gear so that I literally just had to get out of bed, put shoes on and go to the gym

    And then I quit the gym in favour of working out at home with workout DVDs. Now I just have to get up and trundle to my living room.
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Sorry, which temperature classification are you using, I'm in the UK. 18c would be bliss. I expect it is 18f a world of difference. Its very, very, very, wet outside here. Many on the west coast of Europe are in floods and its horrid. I don't fancy the rain we have had in the last three weeks falling as snow instead though. I vote for hibernation.

    They're using Fahrenheit. Agreed 18C would be lovely. I would have gladly swapped some of the cold for the heat we had last week - we had 45C last Friday. I'd love some rain my vegetable patch is looking sick.

    Edit - I'm in Australia.
  • sigsby
    sigsby Posts: 220 Member
    Try skiing. I downhill once a week and cross country a couple of times a week.
    If I don't feel like going out in the cold to go to the gym I use my basement gym.

    There are other ideas too. Try sled riding. The walk back up the hill is a great workout. You could also go ice skating or snowshoeing.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I live in the Maritime part of Canada. It's been like -35 C the last few days. I work out at home, though. But I also use the bus system because my car is in pieces right now. I wear like 3 scarves over my face, hat, mitts, winter coat with a sweater underneath, extra socks, and a spare pair of socks as well for walking.

    I'd suggest working out inside. xD
  • rfechter
    rfechter Posts: 109 Member
    I am fair weather outside exercise person. If it is cold or wet i stay inside. Luckily my employer has an on site fitness center so I can stay motivated in bad weather because i have to go to work any way and the gym is right there. It is tough though because I really hate the cold.
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    Oh my, last week our high was 30 with winds at 16 mph in central tx. I am a whimp and couldn't stand that! I really admire all of you!! Hopefully you don't have just as brutal a summers!!!
  • dlbredesen
    dlbredesen Posts: 122 Member
    Windchill advisory/warning here in Minnesota. Governor has canceled all schools tomorrow. In this dangerous cold, frostbite occurs in five minutes or less. Gonna assume this advisory includes me and hit the treadmill. Be safe and keep warm.
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    Workout dvd. I have a few as backup when I cant get to the gym
  • herheighness
    I'm in NE Indiana and I went to the gym on my way home from work and worked out! It was only 25 min, but at least it was something ;)
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I'm in Wisconsin where it's supposed to be -20 by tonight. I actually don't mind the cold that much (the snow is a different story).

    When I work out, it warms me up and makes me feel good. So the more I do it, the happier I feel.

    And my gym is just up the street - two blocks away. In nice weather I walk; in this weather it's like a 2 minute crawl up there.
  • regosaki
    regosaki Posts: 265 Member
    I'm in France and went to the shops in my shorts and flip flops before! This weather is BONKERS!!!! It's January SEND ME SOME SNOW!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Proper winter riding gear and I get out on my bike unless it's super windy then I just skip it. My gym is heated so I don't really have any issue being cold for a couple minutes while I go out to my heated car and drive to my heated gym. If it's some kind of nasty storm or something I would probably just stay in, start a fire, and eat some soup and call it good.
  • SusanL222
    SusanL222 Posts: 585 Member
    I'm in Maine where we too are having sub-zero (F) temps and everything is covered with ice and snow! I layer up, put Yaktrax on my boots and still go out for walks! And yes, shoveling snow gives me more satisfaction now, thinking about the calories I'm burning. Thanks for posting! It's good to know that others are feeling the challenge of coping with this extreme weather! :wink:
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    Minus -40 C a few days ago........went to town, but my truck was reluctant.:happy:
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    My mom told me it's pretty crazy in Chicago right now. Brrrr! When I was living in Chicago and Michigan where the snow was crazy, I tried joining a gym, but because of the weather I didn't always make it. So I started having some backup workout DVD's and saved FREE videos on youtube. Now that they did away with the time limit, there are SO many great workouts. I loved the hour long ballet ones. Feel the booty burn! But eventually I just did the videos instead of going to the gym. It was way more convenient, cheap, and fun. And with a lot of them you don't need a huge space. Just enough to do a push up. I'm doing T25 right now and it's a KILLER workout. Having the home workouts is great for warmer weather too. It's nice in Hawaii right now, but when the tourist season starts, it can easily take an hour to drive 5 miles (no joke, that was my old work commute and that was the average time), and it can get HOT. So it's still nice to not have to deal with that. As long as you really focus on having excellent form (#1 rule to me) I think workout DVD's are awesome!
  • Mof3wc
    Mof3wc Posts: 126 Member
    I get exercise outside everyday by walking my kids to school and pulling my 40lb toddler on a sled, amend the rest I do at home, or in the gym. Icy roads dint stop me, we go out unless there is too much snow for me to shovel in the driveway, or the roads are dangerous because if heavy snowfall.

    I live in Northern BC, Canada, -35 today and we got more then 4.5ft of snow in December.