im starving myself but it doesn't feel like I am

Hello, I am currently 5'8 and 240lbs. A couple weeks ago I decided I wanted to lose weight. I bought a bunch of chicken and mixed vegetables, made a ridiculous amount of meals and all I've been eating since Monday is chicken and vegetables. I have small green apples and raw spinach as snacks and ive been drinking diet Sierra mist as my drinks. After joining this site I realized I am eating well under 1000 calories and I am putting myself in danger, but the thing is I feel fine, in fact I feel better than I have in a while. Im never really that hungry. I did buy multivitamins and I also got a supplement called adipo-x by axis labs. I dont know how much I've lost because I just got a scale today but I look much better so I know ive atleast lost water weight. My question is, is it ok to be eating such little calories, even though I actually eat a lot, but what I eat has very little calories and im taking vitamins?


  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hello, I am currently 5'8 and 240lbs. A couple weeks ago I decided I wanted to lose weight. I bought a bunch of chicken and mixed vegetables, made a ridiculous amount of meals and all I've been eating since Monday is chicken and vegetables. I have small green apples and raw spinach as snacks and ive been drinking diet Sierra mist as my drinks. After joining this site I realized I am eating well under 1000 calories and I am putting myself in danger, but the thing is I feel fine, in fact I feel better than I have in a while. Im never really that hungry. I did buy multivitamins and I also got a supplement called adipo-x by axis labs. I dont know how much I've lost because I just got a scale today but I look much better so I know ive atleast lost water weight. My question is, is it ok to be eating such little calories, even though I actually eat a lot, but what I eat has very little calories and im taking vitamins?
    You are a guy with what sounds like quite a bit of weight to lose, plus you're young. You are correct that you need to eat more--MUCH MORE.

    Go here and plug in the information:

    I don't know how much you exercise, but I plugged in the information I read from your post and profile and came up with this, with no exercise added in:

    BMR (basal metabolic rate): 2361 <---- not supposed to eat below this.
    TDEE (today daily energy expenditure): 2834 <
    the amount of calories it takes to maintain your weight.
    To lose 2 pounds a week: 2267 <---- eat this to lose 2 pounds a week.

    These are just estimates, but you can see 1,000 is indeed way too low for you.
  • emmaemz1985
    emmaemz1985 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm 5.4 and 224lbs I'm also eating well under 1000cals a day plus doing exercise and like you I feel great. I know that loads of people will tell you that you need to eat sooooo much more however as I am in the same boat as you I just tell myself that it's my body and it will tell me when I need to eat more. I feel great and I'm eating 3 healthy meals a day and drinking lots of water. I refuse to eat loads and loads if I'm not hungry lol :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I'm 5.4 and 224lbs I'm also eating well under 1000cals a day plus doing exercise and like you I feel great. I know that loads of people will tell you that you need to eat sooooo much more however as I am in the same boat as you I just tell myself that it's my body and it will tell me when I need to eat more. I feel great and I'm eating 3 healthy meals a day and drinking lots of water. I refuse to eat loads and loads if I'm not hungry lol :)
    When you have lots to lose, you CAN eat much more and lose weight. 1,000 calories really is not enough. Super-duper fast results are not the answer to a long term lifestyle change. I know because I've been there.

    The OP posted because he's saying that he needs to eat more, not because he's trying to get people to tell him NOT to eat more. :wink:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I'm 5.4 and 224lbs I'm also eating well under 1000cals a day plus doing exercise and like you I feel great. I know that loads of people will tell you that you need to eat sooooo much more however as I am in the same boat as you I just tell myself that it's my body and it will tell me when I need to eat more. I feel great and I'm eating 3 healthy meals a day and drinking lots of water. I refuse to eat loads and loads if I'm not hungry lol :)

    That awkward moment when someone misses the entire damn point.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    OP there is no reason to eat so little if you don't have to. Ive been big and I know what its like to want to just get the weight off no matter what. I can understand not feeling hungry (the human body and brain are tricky.) But at the same time eating a little more isn't going to harm you and may help. Getting enough protein and fat via the proper amount of calories, as well as micronutrients, can only improve your health.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I'm 5.4 and 224lbs I'm also eating well under 1000cals a day plus doing exercise and like you I feel great. I know that loads of people will tell you that you need to eat sooooo much more however as I am in the same boat as you I just tell myself that it's my body and it will tell me when I need to eat more. I feel great and I'm eating 3 healthy meals a day and drinking lots of water. I refuse to eat loads and loads if I'm not hungry lol :)

    I've learned that I really can't trust what my body is telling me when I'm on a deficit. Hormones go haywire and before I know it I've cut too fast and eaten my precious muscle, leaving myself out of shape, weak, flabby and with a lower than necessary BMR that I can't stick too and end up bouncing up again.
    Lots of us here have done this several times and have found there are better ways to get a slim fit strong body that can be maintained with lots of lovely food for a lifetime.
    Please take time to listen to these experienced people, they really know their stuff, you'll soon start recognising their wisdom if you're patient. It's better to hold off a little on the advice too, just see if your way actually works and sticks first. This could be a year or two in your case. Good luck! Please eat more!
  • MurrayElliot
    MurrayElliot Posts: 17 Member
    A balanced diet is much better than popping pills ans supplements, widen your range of food would be my advice - increase your intake of fruit, and add a mixture of other foods, e.g. fish and you'll soon find your intake going up and less need for the supplements. It's INCREDIBLY important that you get enough of the whole package, not just the vitamins, but the zinc, iron, healthy fats (there's a very long list) that will keep you healthy in the long term. Do your research and expand your horizons a bit and you'll avoid heartache further down the line (as well as the tendency to quit when it all gets boring).

    As a 52 year old male, I average 1200 calories and still feel hungry from time to time, but my diet is very well balanced and I'm losing 1-2lb per week (currently at 152lb and two lb away from my overall target)

    Most of all, keep going, and find a regime which will work for you for the rest of your life, not just for a month or two.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Have some ice cream. Problem solved.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    You may feel fine now, but in a little bit, you won't. There's a whole gamut of side effects that will begin to creep up on you as you keep going.

    Listen to the previous posters and eat more.
  • So you guys are saying that I should force my self to eat more high calorie food even when im not hungry?
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    So you guys are saying that I should force my self to eat more high calorie food even when im not hungry?

    It's not necessarily the quantity that is your problem, it's the quality. In the future, pick foods that are more caloric dense... full fat cheeses, yogurt, nuts, peanut butter.... etc.

    You can literally eat ANYTHING you want. Ice cream, pizza, hamburgers, whatever.... you just fit those items within your calorie goal. If you restrict your self with eating things like just chicken and veggies, it gets old, fast, and you may end up binging, which will set back. A moderate deficit, eating the foods you love will be more sustainable and will help you ALOT.

    If you have ice cream in the house, think about eating some later in the evening. I don't have to "force" myself to eat ice cream, if you know what I mean.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    So you guys are saying that I should force my self to eat more high calorie food even when im not hungry?

    hunger is not a good indication of how much you should or shouldnt be eating, hunger is controlled by hormones and hormones can be manipulated .

    eat food. from an evolutionary standpoint, i seriously cant believe we have to tell people to eat :laugh:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    If that is all you are eating it would suggest that you are substantially deficient in dietary fat...dietary fat is an essential nutrient. Eat some avocado, eat some nuts, sautee some veggies in olive oil, etc. You don't have to stuff yourself to get calories and you need dietary fat for proper nutrition.
  • I was thinking, could I allow myself to eat one unhealthy thing a day between 500-700 calories but besides that do what ive been doing. It seems like it would work.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    So you guys are saying that I should force my self to eat more high calorie food even when im not hungry?

    I would say eat more calorie dense foods in general. Cook with butters and oils, add cheese to your eggs(if you eat them). Eat a tablespoon or two of peanut butter.
  • MurrayElliot
    MurrayElliot Posts: 17 Member
    So you guys are saying that I should force my self to eat more high calorie food even when im not hungry?
    That's not what I said at all. Re read my post. If it's too hard to figure out on your own, then speak to a nutritionist who will help you create a diet which will keep you healthy. This is NOT all about calories.
  • liliaceclipse
    liliaceclipse Posts: 5 Member
    Lemme give you my example:
    It was Jan of 2013 and I decided that I wanted to lose weight. I did exactly what you are doing. I dropped from 184 to 158 in 2 months. Then I stopped losing. 4 months on a plateau I gave up. I stepped on the scale 2 months later and was a shocking 198. I even have lovely stretch marks from it.

    Frankly, the way that I ate and the way you are eating is not sustainable. Sure, I felt pretty good: very active in fact. However, my body refused to lose weight. It may seem okay to eat at that level, but I wouldn't go past 2 weeks.

    And another example:
    I was eating around 1000 calories for about 7 days a couple of weeks ago (I was staying at someone elses home), my weight loss stopped. Literally. My calorie goal is 1500. When I got there I weighed 172. When I left I weighed 178. It's probably one of the strangest things on the planet. I got home and started eating between 1400-1500 again and within 3 days I was down to 172. Just to clarify: measuring weight every morning is not good. I only did it because someone else was fixing my meals (very rude to get your own food) and was below my calorie target anyways so I wanted to see what it would do.

    The human body is VERY good at losing weight. Enjoy eating! Just don't eat everything in reach.
    Just as SLLRunner posted: find your TDEE!

    TLDR: I've personally gone through the same thing. I lost ~30 lbs and gained back 40 lbs. Your body needs calories to lose weight. By depriving your body of the right amount of calories it will stop losing weight.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I was thinking, could I allow myself to eat one unhealthy thing a day between 500-700 calories but besides that do what ive been doing. It seems like it would work.

    Why don't you eat what you enjoy and is natural for you? Just less of it? Ie 15-20% below TDEE? Then when you are at your goal weight eat the stuff you like but at tdee?
  • liliaceclipse
    liliaceclipse Posts: 5 Member
    It's not necessarily the quantity that is your problem, it's the quality. In the future, pick foods that are more caloric dense... full fat cheeses, yogurt, nuts, peanut butter.... etc.

    You can literally eat ANYTHING you want. Ice cream, pizza, hamburgers, whatever.... you just fit those items within your calorie goal. If you restrict your self with eating things like just chicken and veggies, it gets old, fast, and you may end up binging, which will set back. A moderate deficit, eating the foods you love will be more sustainable and will help you ALOT.

    If you have ice cream in the house, think about eating some later in the evening. I don't have to "force" myself to eat ice cream, if you know what I mean.
    ^-- This
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Hunger signals get suppressed when you eat too few calories.

    I guess it depends on what you want- if you starve yourself to lose the weight, you won't be able to keep it off, so I guess it depends on your goals- if keeping the weight off isn't one of your goals then you're on the right track.