Cheat day

Does anyone have a "cheat day"?


  • donjessop
    donjessop Posts: 186
    In many respects, every day is a cheat day, I just plan the rest of the day around it. For example, my wife and I went out with the kids to the movies this afternoon (saw The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug) and I ended up eating the majority of the nachos. It was planned, however, so I came in under the target for the overall day. I don't necessarily limit the food I am eating so much as limiting the portion size.

    The only thing I haven't touched is Salt and Vinegar Potato chips. I have a weakness for those and I don't want to test my resolve on limiting portion size yet.
  • jweindruch
    jweindruch Posts: 65 Member
    I considered this. I even did a few "tests" to see the difference from week to week. From this I found that cheat days set you back and can cause a considerable delay in reaching your goal. So, I would say it's ultimately up to you. Do you want to take the more scenic route or just get it done and then get to add a few more calories once you get to maintenance. There really is no right or wrong. Both approaches will yield the same result, but eliminating cheat days will get you to your goal quicker.
  • sadiecara
    sadiecara Posts: 59 Member
    I had an accidental 'cheat day' yesterday... I had a big family dinner and ate a bit too much, but still under my calorie goal for the day (just), but then when making the kids tea (Heinz tomato soup and toast) I decided to have a little bit.... Which was so lovely, and not something I would normally eat (white bread), I just kept going.... :-( but decided not to give myself a hard time, and its ok if I, occasionally go over, as long as I exercise lots the rest of the days to make up for it... Long session at the gym is required today!!
  • candirose69
    I don't do planned 'cheat days' firstly because I dont like the term 'cheat day' but also because I don;t want to eat junk just because its my cheat day therefore I HAVE to. I'd rather decide to eat something I really want when I want. I tend to be pretty strict mon-fri dinner. After dinner Friday-Saturday I tend to relax a bit (not mind if i skip a workout, go out for dinner, meet a friend for coffee and cake ect) but I am always back to my meal plan 100% by Sunday and I dont feel like I HAVE to eat certain food because its my cheat day because if i really really want cake during the week I will as long as it fits my cals. SOmetimes I eat cake on a thursday and sometimes i'm 100% good within my cals during the weekend.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    i would have re-feed days which consist of dropping fat and protein and raising carbohydrates and overall calories... there is a metabolic benefit to doing this if consistantly in a deficit and you are resistance training.. as for having "cheat days" it just slows progress
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    date night!
  • amcsouth
    amcsouth Posts: 283 Member
    I used to have planned cheat days but it ended up turning into a weekend binge every damn time! It gets pretty hard to get over! I am now trying to fit a "cheat", when I really want it, into my days calories with one day (maybe) having between 100 - 200 cal over calorie goal. If It's something special (like a birthday) then I don't mind it being over (within reason of course). :smile:

    It's really up to you :smile:
  • riverain
    riverain Posts: 55 Member
    I just read good advice about having a ' Cheat meal ' once or twice a week, it might be just as satisfying and less sabotaging than an entire cheat day. I tend to go whole hog if i think of the entire day as a loss, and end up eating all the calorie deficit for the week, thus gaining back the one pound i might have lost... Hoping to end this vicious cycle by thinking in terms of cheat meals instead.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I lost 25kgs, and prepped for bodybuilding comps by following a meal plan 6 days a week and having a "cheat" day/meal. I didn't use it as an excuse to eat copious amounts of junk, but gave me the opportunity to eat something different. I didn't track that day, but it wasn't usually excessive. It didn't make me go backwards....

    I enjoyed that aspect of what I was doing before - I'm doing iifym at the moments and there isn't a lot of spontaneity. On a cheat day I'd be able to eat dessert, or go out and have an icecream on top of my normal food. Doing iifym I have to sacrifice something to fit these things in..
  • iamMLH
    iamMLH Posts: 101 Member
    I'm trying IIFYM, which has some built in room for enjoying foods that aren't normally health foods. I don't worry too much about them though. I like to eat pretty clean most of the time, and if I see something I want, I'll go for it. As Monty mentioned, there are some benefits to changing it up, but it's the difference between planning listening to your body and living a full life and binging.
  • hasses
    hasses Posts: 9 Member
    I personally can't do a cheat day because I tend to go overboard....Instead I've been trying to plan out my meals ahead of time and include some "goodies" throughout the week so that I don't feel like I'm being deprived of anything.
  • X_littlemiss_X
    I personally can't do a cheat day because I tend to go overboard....Instead I've been trying to plan out my meals ahead of time and include some "goodies" throughout the week so that I don't feel like I'm being deprived of anything.

    this :)
  • watto1980
    watto1980 Posts: 155 Member
    I used to have the occasional 'cheat meal'. It had twice the amount of calories as I would normally eat in the form of a gigantic bowl of chocolate chip ice-cream.

    It never stopped me losing body fat. Never really had a 'cheat day' though, that would probably lead to disaster for me.
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    I just call it Saturday.
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I don't find myself going over calorie wise as much as sodium wise. I am not a big salt person, so the gain, then lost is pretty quick. I am usually back to normal in a day or two.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    Yup. a cheat-binge day every 10 days or so( 2-3 times a month)

    I try to eat clean for 10 days but that's my cap.

    I pick days where I eat wtv I want( I still write it though for reference so I can observe my weight loss).

    Usually ends up being 5-6kcal with chips, cookies, high carb foods like pizza, noodles, etc.

    After a day like that, I have 0 cravings for those types of food for a good 4-5 days.

    Still losing 3-4kg weight (more fat/ putting on muscle and strength) every month. Lost about 30 in 4 months now and still losing.

    I like it because I can do this long term + it reflects my life style well. I can go out and drink alcohol/have fun/eat junk food and eat clean for 10 days or so. You should adjust your diet so that it fits your life style.

    Some people can go 120 days eating clean then during the holidays, they pig out for 15-20 days straight. I think that's worse than having a selected/ controlled binge/cheat day
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    Think of it this way.. this is a little too simple but it'll show you the math:

    Your maintenance at current weight: 2000 kcal/day

    What you're currently eating/day : 1600 kcal/day

    Cheat day: 4000 kcal.

    Now lets do the math if you have one cheat day every 10 days and you follow your diet for the other 9:

    Total calories needed to maintain weight: 2,000 x 10 = 20,000 kcal

    Total calories consumed in 10 days: (1,600 x 9) + 4,000 = 18,400 kcal

    Total deficit in 10 days: 1,600 kcal

    Total deficit in 30 days(one month) : 4,800 kcal

    You will lose approximately 1.5 pounds a month.
  • amwood89
    amwood89 Posts: 165 Member
    Most days - I generally eat what I want (within reason).

    I plan in advance (usually a week at a time) with all my meals & leave a bit of room for a little treat, so if I want something, I have it!

    I've lost about 60lbs & this method has always worked for me .
  • t1954
    t1954 Posts: 81 Member
    Never. I never wanted to go backwards and give back what I worked so hard to lose. For me, mentally, it just wasn't worth it.
  • megot78
    megot78 Posts: 31 Member
    I used to have planned cheat days but it ended up turning into a weekend binge every damn time! It gets pretty hard to get over! I am now trying to fit a "cheat", when I really want it, into my days calories with one day (maybe) having between 100 - 200 cal over calorie goal. If It's something special (like a birthday) then I don't mind it being over (within reason of course). :smile:

    It's really up to you :smile:

    This is what happens to me. If I allow myself to cheat, it's hard for me to get back on track again. I'm starting over after a 6 month hiatus of cheat days.