Help me quit Diet coke!



  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Come to the Pepsi side.
    Too hardcore for me - can't handle that level of caffeine!

    (Seriously - despite having 'dablled' in all sorts years ago and generally having reasonable tolerance, after getting a pack of Pepsi Max because it was cheaper, I had a can then another a bit over an hour later as was still a bit tired and that left me 'buzzing'!... turns out 2 cans of pepsi is over 4 cans of Coke Zero worth of caffeine - 'extreme!!!!')

    Full disclosure: I drink diet ginger ale, so I'm on the caffeine free train. I do 2 cups of coffee on weekdays but beyond that I abstain. But taste wise Pepsi is still king.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    diet mt dew!

    and diet ginger ale is delicious
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    diet mt dew!

    and diet ginger ale is delicious

    Add diet orange soda to that list and I'm in.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I had a diet coke addiction for years and had a horrible time quitting. The way I did was to replace it with with iced coffee. It's got the caffeine and the cold. When I finally quit diet coke, my skin got better, and I didn't feel the need to snack. It's been scientifically proven that diet coke damages your brain cells and makes you crave carbs.
    I've been a lot happier since I quit.

    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Aspartme studies from 50's and 60's show it will kill you, by causing tumors. Also increases unhealthy gut bacteria, which causes belly fat (increases in Candida - a bacterial parasite which makes you crave crabs, sugar etc)

    Double lol.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I had a diet coke addiction for years and had a horrible time quitting. The way I did was to replace it with with iced coffee. It's got the caffeine and the cold. When I finally quit diet coke, my skin got better, and I didn't feel the need to snack. It's been scientifically proven that diet coke damages your brain cells and makes you crave carbs.
    I've been a lot happier since I quit.

    Could you provide the studies that show this please.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    I had a diet coke addiction for years and had a horrible time quitting. The way I did was to replace it with with iced coffee. It's got the caffeine and the cold. When I finally quit diet coke, my skin got better, and I didn't feel the need to snack. It's been scientifically proven that diet coke damages your brain cells and makes you crave carbs.
    I've been a lot happier since I quit.


    oh. is that what's wrong with me?
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    If 1 can of diet Coke a day is your biggest addiction, I think you are doing ok!

    Just stop drinking it. I used to have a large amount of coffee's a day, decided to cut back to 1 or 2 a day. It wasn't that hard.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Aspartme studies from 50's and 60's show it will kill you, by causing tumors. Also increases unhealthy gut bacteria, which causes belly fat (increases in Candida - a bacterial parasite which makes you crave crabs, sugar etc)
    Aspartame studies from the 50s would be difficult, since it was first discovered in 1965.

    On the safety of aspartame:

    From the first link: "the totality of research, reviewed by many independent agencies and expert panels, supports the safety of aspartame."

    From the second: "Most studies in people have not found that aspartame use is linked to an increased risk of cancer."

    From the third: "The legitimate attempts that have been made to confirm and replicate allegations of adverse reactions from aspartame ingestion have not been successful"

    ^^quoting ...coz....
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I drank coke for a whole summer when taking classes in college...first time addicted to sodas, and did not realize it.
    I quit drinking it when the classes were done, and found myself laying around for a week with a headache.
    Quitting cold-turkey is one option.
    I think sodas are better replaced with cultured fizzy drinks....kombucha is an example. GT Dave's Synergy is an example, I love those! They're actually really good for you, give you a sense of well-being and have vitamins and other factors in them.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Water cleans toilets, carves canyons, and kills people annually. Down with water.

    That said diet coke is gross. Come to the Pepsi side.


    :passes a diet Pepsi:
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Water cleans toilets, carves canyons, and kills people annually. Down with water.

    That said diet coke is gross. Come to the Pepsi side.


    :passes a diet Pepsi:

    Meh, Pepsi leaves me drinking barely any liquid and mostly just burping a lot. COKE ALL THE WAY!
  • Femtec74
    Femtec74 Posts: 347 Member
    Two years ago I was drinking about 5+ cans a day. My office has a free soda machine and I found it too easy to grab a soda whenever I passed by. I stopped drinking all sodas cold turkey. The first week was rough, I tried to drink iced tea to get my caffeine, but drank mostly water. After about 6 months of no soda, I allowed myself to drink an occasional root beer or ginger ale (usually the kind that is made with real honey). Now, I don't even like the flavor of coke or diet coke. If you can get through the initial week or two, you will kick the habit. Good Luck.
  • dzmikki
    dzmikki Posts: 254 Member
    I used to stop at the local gas station for a 32 of diet coke almost every morning. Just like so need their coffee to function I need my diet coke. With that said I have not had any for 2 weeks. About a month ago I stopped going to that gas station and would take 1 can on to work with me instead. Then I ran out of cans and refused to buy more. :) you can do it. When you are ready to give it up you will.
  • laurasuzanne2006
    laurasuzanne2006 Posts: 103 Member
    I've hit the one week mark. You just have to stop drinking it. cold turkey. I agree maybe one a day won't hurt but i was drinking many many so i knew it was a problem.
  • CaliLizard
    If you only drink one a day your doing fantastic!, but my advice as a pop fizz ahh junkie is to ween, for two weeks start to buy the smaller cans or imagine all the saliva that looks at the bottom and dump after you drink half. After two weeks try to only drink 1/2 a glass every other day. Also I'm finding tart helps me replace cola so I try juice like cranberry black cherry or lemon aid. But be cautious and try to pay attention to what's in certain juices BC you could actually end up drinking more sugars. Then after two weeks of tart juice switch to cold cold ice waters which will give you That new ahhh feeling after two weeks of juice.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Just dont buy it and if it isnt there you cant have it.....
  • CaliLizard
    OH! also, try not pouring a full glass! out of sight out of mind, pour half of the cola into your glass and then store the other half in your fridge for tomorrow. this will make you feel like your not wasting anything but may also make you not even want it the next night bc the taste is a bit different once its remained open over night.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    I drank coke for a whole summer when taking classes in college...first time addicted to sodas, and did not realize it.
    I quit drinking it when the classes were done, and found myself laying around for a week with a headache.
    Quitting cold-turkey is one option.
    I think sodas are better replaced with cultured fizzy drinks....kombucha is an example. GT Dave's Synergy is an example, I love those! They're actually really good for you, give you a sense of well-being and have vitamins and other factors in them.
    That "sense of well-being" could easily be related to Kombucha's alcohol content.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Just I can haz all the diet cokes.....:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I actually tried Coke Zero for a while...wasn't bad when mixed with diet lemon aid.