Getting started AGAIN...



  • karak80
    karak80 Posts: 19
    I'm re-starting. Re-set my ticker and everything. I really am DOING and trying to ignore all the January hype that ends by February. Every day I will do SOMETHING. :)

    This is the approach I'm taking, too. In the past, I've done a whole lot of thinking/wishing/hoping and not enough DOING. So every single day I'm doing something to help me get to my goal. Today was looking for more recipes to add to list of healthy meals I already make. We can do this!
  • yorkiebear
    yorkiebear Posts: 1 Member
    Hey I am starting over tomorrow too…never posted here before but need to have some motivation also! Looking for friends. Feel free to add me :)
  • kikalique
    kikalique Posts: 52 Member
    Hi all, I'm definitely in for this. I lost about 30 lbs a few years ago, and after some significant life changes, the weight has crept back on. Now that I'm getting married in June, I want to refocus and get back to that -30lb place to start my marriage off right.
    I keep watching Extreme Weight Loss and these people are losing 80-100 pounds in three months and thinking "what is MY excuse?" And I have none. So it is time to do it and MEAN it!

    I love EWL and Biggest Loser! MTV used to have a show called Heavy that was similar to EWL but with teens. I like those shows better because they seem more realistic than BL, like they actually are at home and dealing with time management/temptations.
  • angelajmrn
    angelajmrn Posts: 63 Member
    I too just started over. Would love extra motivation
  • kroldridge
    kroldridge Posts: 16 Member
    My birthday was Friday. I told myself I will be ON IT starting tomorrow. I definitely need a KICK IN THE you know what to help me.

    Good luck to everyone! Add me if you like--I need ACCOUNTABILITY :-D
  • MrsHeatherG33
    MrsHeatherG33 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm Heather and I'm new to MFP, but not to weightloss and starting over. I can't even tell you how many times I've gained and lost the same 40 lbs. I can't remember the last time I was at my goal weight, probably 10 years and two kids ago. I'm ready to take control, so I'm starting over, 2014 is going to be my year.
  • I've been back and forth with my weight for years and I'm over it... This is the year and I wanna be in the best shape of my life by this time next year. I'm looking for motivation and support myself so please add me :)
  • Just starting...AGAIN, after a few false starts I lost a couple lbs then put them all back on, so now I'm back with a new year, new me mentality and I now feel that this is the real deal. Hoping to make some friends to keep me motivated too! :P
  • CardinalKoolaid
    CardinalKoolaid Posts: 11 Member
    I'm back again after a 10 month hiatus.

    I lost about 35lbs and was only a few lbs from my goal weight when I stopped using MFP and thought I would be able to keep the weight off. Gradually my weight has crept up again.

    Very disappointed with myself but I am determined and I know I can do it as I have done it before.
  • littletreasures
    littletreasures Posts: 3 Member
    I am back ???? I lost 3 and half stone and over time I've gained it all back and I'm only few pounds back to where I started. I'm not happy and have loads off dresses I'd like to get back into so here I am new year new me
    I'd like to make friends and we can all help each other and keep on track and support each other
  • Rayjewls
    Rayjewls Posts: 96 Member
    Definitely on board with getting started again. I managed to gain back all of the weight I lost a few years ago so it's time to start fresh and see what can happen. It's hard to keep motivated and do the proper exercises, that is where I usually fall off. Nothing specific to target (no wedding or plans) just a desire to get back down to a manageable weight.

  • laurendav1
    laurendav1 Posts: 4 Member
    I managed to lose 21lbs last year using myfitnesspal, Last christmas i hit a bit of a wall and stopped using it, although ive not put on a lot of weight, i want to get back into it! So ive started a new profile and here I am, if anybody wants to add me to help motivate me and i will definatley help to motivate you back! :)
  • littletreasures
    littletreasures Posts: 3 Member
    I too am disappointed in myself for letting weight creep back on and I am determined to get it back off and keep it off this time
    I know where I went wrong I was way too strict on myself and didn't allow myself any treats at all so I fell off wagon so this time will be diff.
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    Hi all,
    This is absolutely me. I get disheartened so easily, I'm excellent at making excuses to delay the start, and after emigrating to the US last year I'm struggling to find meals to make myself and the new hubby that are healthy and not full of processed stuff. But time to finally get started again, looking for friends and motivation!
    Good luck everyone!
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    Definitely ready to start again. I haven't had a massive break from MFP, only a couple weeks or so over Christmas, but I did have LOADS of chocolate! :P
    I am also getting married this year and want to lose weight + tone up my flabby arms so I can do my gorgeous dress justice! Feel free to add me too. :)
  • Count me in. I need more active friends to stay motivated. I will send you a request.
  • sarverga
    sarverga Posts: 6 Member
    Yes starting again Friends fell off the wagon!! it is now after Christmas time to get motivated!!!
    lets do this!
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    I'm starting over too.. even the ticker has started over. I fell off the wagon and fell back into the barely eating dead end which makes me gain weight -_-
  • blondelis50
    blondelis50 Posts: 24 Member
    me too.:ohwell:
  • I am starting over today. I did this in 2011 and lost 30 lbs and felt great. Since then I have gained it all back to today I will do it all over again. Every year we go to Maine to sit at the ocean for a week and this year we are going to take a grandkids to see as they call it the big water and I want to be able to keep up with them. I know we all can do this if we stick to it.