Early Morning Workouts.. PLEASE help!

So due to my tight schedule, it's VERY hard for me to squeeze in workouts. The best time for me would be ideally getting up early and doing it then. Unfortunately, I'm really not an am person. Any tips/ tricks to help me with jump starting the day would be great. Maybe some recipes of juices or anything would help! No. . I'm not lazy, I don't get enough sleep I'm sure, but that's another topic in itself :) I've tried the workout in the mornings a few times, and it made me sooo tired around lunch; others say that actually fuels their day, and increases energy. What am I doing wrong?!?

Just looking for some suggestions maybe some ideas that have worked with other Non - am people to get jump started for workouts in the morning!


  • doodlecakes_07
    doodlecakes_07 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm not a morning workout person at all, but when I get crunched for time, I have to change my schedule to fit in exercise. The best way to do morning workouts is to do them consistently. Once you get into a routine of starting your day off with exercise, your body will adapt, leading to you to feel more energetic throughout the day.

    The hardest part is getting in a routine.

    Some tips:
    -lay out EVERYTHING at night, your top, bottoms, bra, socks, shoes, headphones, charged phone/ipod, water bottle, etc
    -set multiple alarms (and if it's on your phone, title the alarm something motivational)
    -make a daily commitment to workout in the morning
    -put motivational sticky notes on everything
    -keep a physical exercise journal, one that you can right in and make notes on, writing all of your workouts down can inspire you to push through future workouts, even though you're tired and it's early
    -have a good breakfast prepared for when you're done working out (overnight oats, smoothies, etc) I'm always motivated by food
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I'm not a morning workout person at all, but when I get crunched for time, I have to change my schedule to fit in exercise. The best way to do morning workouts is to do them consistently. Once you get into a routine of starting your day off with exercise, your body will adapt, leading to you to feel more energetic throughout the day.

    The hardest part is getting in a routine.

    Some tips:
    -lay out EVERYTHING at night, your top, bottoms, bra, socks, shoes, headphones, charged phone/ipod, water bottle, etc
    -set multiple alarms (and if it's on your phone, title the alarm something motivational)
    -make a daily commitment to workout in the morning
    -put motivational sticky notes on everything
    -keep a physical exercise journal, one that you can right in and make notes on, writing all of your workouts down can inspire you to push through future workouts, even though you're tired and it's early
    -have a good breakfast prepared for when you're done working out (overnight oats, smoothies, etc) I'm always motivated by food

    This is all excellent advice. Your body can adjust to many things if you are just consistent with your routine. The first week will probably suck, but you will get used to it. Good luck!
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    No tips. You just get up and do it because it is so worth it. I wake up at 4:30am to make it to my 5:30am meet with the trainer 3 mornings a week and at 9 on Saturdays. Not easy but I don't think about it. I just go.

    ETA: Go to bed early at night so you don't feel sleepy by lunch time.
  • monisiaczeq
    monisiaczeq Posts: 131 Member
    Just stick with it... After a while it becomes a habit and it's not that difficult... Plus make sure your house is warm when you wake up- ie heating on a timer as there is nothing worse than getting out of a warm bed into
    Freezing cold
  • dpaden25
    dpaden25 Posts: 99 Member
    Yep! I totally agree! Just have to do it! Sleep, I could certainly use more of. Thanks for the tips!
  • dpaden25
    dpaden25 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm not a morning workout person at all, but when I get crunched for time, I have to change my schedule to fit in exercise. The best way to do morning workouts is to do them consistently. Once you get into a routine of starting your day off with exercise, your body will adapt, leading to you to feel more energetic throughout the day.

    The hardest part is getting in a routine.

    Some tips:
    -lay out EVERYTHING at night, your top, bottoms, bra, socks, shoes, headphones, charged phone/ipod, water bottle, etc
    -set multiple alarms (and if it's on your phone, title the alarm something motivational)
    -make a daily commitment to workout in the morning
    -put motivational sticky notes on everything
    -keep a physical exercise journal, one that you can right in and make notes on, writing all of your workouts down can inspire you to push through future workouts, even though you're tired and it's early
    -have a good breakfast prepared for when you're done working out (overnight oats, smoothies, etc) I'm always motivated by food

    Thanks! Excellent tips!
  • ronnio_ron
    great tips are already here...

    i do AM runs everyday....
    One thing definitely helps is a BCAA drink (ON Amino energy or something similar) with (or without) some coffee tabs / drink about 15 mns before your start (earliest, or earlier the better, 30 mns the best)....

    Note that the BCAA drink helps in few ways....restore energy, help with curbing muscle loss as you do not have any energy intake, give you the needed boost and other Amino acids helps with overall profile structure and body maintenance

    i will suggest you read about this and select a nice tasting drink...tangy orange/fruit punch....
  • JenzL13
    JenzL13 Posts: 27
    I'm not a morning workout person at all, but when I get crunched for time, I have to change my schedule to fit in exercise. The best way to do morning workouts is to do them consistently. Once you get into a routine of starting your day off with exercise, your body will adapt, leading to you to feel more energetic throughout the day.

    The hardest part is getting in a routine.

    Some tips:
    -lay out EVERYTHING at night, your top, bottoms, bra, socks, shoes, headphones, charged phone/ipod, water bottle, etc
    -set multiple alarms (and if it's on your phone, title the alarm something motivational)
    -make a daily commitment to workout in the morning
    -put motivational sticky notes on everything
    -keep a physical exercise journal, one that you can right in and make notes on, writing all of your workouts down can inspire you to push through future workouts, even though you're tired and it's early
    -have a good breakfast prepared for when you're done working out (overnight oats, smoothies, etc) I'm always motivated by food

    ^This!! :smile:

    I also put my alarm across the room, so I have to get out of bed to turn it off haha. Put it right on top of my work out gear! I also find having a gym buddy to keep you accountable. For me - I'm more likely to get there if I know someone is expecting me.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    There are 7 minute workouts for general health. Weight loss has more to do with calorie deficit than exercise.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ejs192
    ejs192 Posts: 4 Member
    - Set your coffee maker on a timer so you'll have coffee before your workout (if your stomach can handle it). Also drink coffee after your workout. And stop drinking coffee midafternoon (or whatever time works for you) so you can sleep well at night.
    - Pick a workout you're excited about and that starts at a particular time, like a great class at your gym, or make an appointment to meet a friend or trainer. It's harder to hit snooze when you're supposed to be somewhere at a particular time.
    - Start at the end of the week. Yeah, sounds counterintuitive. But on Friday morning you can tell yourself "I can sleep late tomorrow" and that will make it a little easier. Then you'll have done it once. The next week, try Monday and Friday. Then add Wednesday, and then more days if you like.
    - Give yourself more sleep by doing a shorter, more intense workout. Or do cardio in the morning and strength training in the evening. Or work out for less time, more days a week.
  • TXEXrunner
    TXEXrunner Posts: 178 Member
    For me, I started with easy workouts that didn't take much time out of my otherwise morning routine. Once exercise got into the picture, I added a little each day, generally getting up earlier. I also find that as this routine continues, I am going to bed earlier (and cutting out late night snacks as well). I agree with all the other "incentives" or "tricks" offered by the others. Plan the night before and move the alarm clock!!:smile:
  • CassaJ23
    I'm not a morning workout person at all, but when I get crunched for time, I have to change my schedule to fit in exercise. The best way to do morning workouts is to do them consistently. Once you get into a routine of starting your day off with exercise, your body will adapt, leading to you to feel more energetic throughout the day.

    The hardest part is getting in a routine.

    Some tips:
    -lay out EVERYTHING at night, your top, bottoms, bra, socks, shoes, headphones, charged phone/ipod, water bottle, etc
    -set multiple alarms (and if it's on your phone, title the alarm something motivational)
    -make a daily commitment to workout in the morning
    -put motivational sticky notes on everything
    -keep a physical exercise journal, one that you can right in and make notes on, writing all of your workouts down can inspire you to push through future workouts, even though you're tired and it's early
    -have a good breakfast prepared for when you're done working out (overnight oats, smoothies, etc) I'm always motivated by food

    Yup! ^^ She's got it.

    I also bought myself that alarm clock that is on wheels, jumps off of the table and runs away so I HAVE to get out of bed to stop it and at that point - you're already up!

    Also, I PRE-plan my workouts, sometimes a week in advance. If i know I'm supposed to do something specific, I'm more likely to look at it as just another thing that NEEDS to happen in my day vs. showing up at the gym, feeling tired and lazy, and not getting the best out of my time there.

    It also helps if you find an early morning group class that you LOVE. That way, you won't WANT to miss it.

    Good luck!
  • framingsammie
    framingsammie Posts: 144 Member
    If you would have asked me if I could get up extra early to get in a work out, I would have laughed... But what with uni commitments getting a workout in the morning is vital and makes me feel accomplished before I've even really got the day started! About the lack of energy, waking up early and having a decent breakfast helps. It's difficult but once you get into the habit of it, it gets easier. You have to think about how much you want it and if it's worth it (I think it is!) Good luck! xo
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    Set your alarm clock FAR AWAY from your bed.

    Set it in your living room so that you have to get up, walk out, and turn it off out of annoyance.

    Work out on an empty stomache(cardio + light weight). No need to run in the morning, just walk.

    Then eat eggs/chicken bacon and no bread... or steel oatmeal.

    Drink coffee.

    Drink a 100 kcal protein shake between breakfast and lunch.

    You won't be tired.
  • LongIsland27itl
    LongIsland27itl Posts: 365 Member
    Sleep with a coffee on your night table. When your alarm goes off, down the coffee and get up and pee. You probably won't be able to snooze the clock anymore, or if you do, not more than once bc the coffee will have kicked in,
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I use an app alarm clock called "I can't wake up". I have an andriod phone but I'm sure it's also available for iphone. It sets tasks that force you to concentrate, really helps me to wake up - you have to get the right answers or the alarm keeps going off. Slightly torturous, but what isn't at 6:30am :bigsmile:

    And I am REALLY not a morning person, but it does make you feel more awake and like you've achieved something when you work out in the morning :)
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    I'm not a morning workout person at all, but when I get crunched for time, I have to change my schedule to fit in exercise. The best way to do morning workouts is to do them consistently. Once you get into a routine of starting your day off with exercise, your body will adapt, leading to you to feel more energetic throughout the day.

    The hardest part is getting in a routine.

    Some tips:
    -lay out EVERYTHING at night, your top, bottoms, bra, socks, shoes, headphones, charged phone/ipod, water bottle, etc
    -set multiple alarms (and if it's on your phone, title the alarm something motivational)
    -make a daily commitment to workout in the morning
    -put motivational sticky notes on everything
    -keep a physical exercise journal, one that you can right in and make notes on, writing all of your workouts down can inspire you to push through future workouts, even though you're tired and it's early
    -have a good breakfast prepared for when you're done working out (overnight oats, smoothies, etc) I'm always motivated by food

    this and put yourself to bed earlier than usual -at least in the beginning- I always stay up until 11 or 11:30 but I need to be up for work no later than 5:30 (and this if I don't need to shower first ie if I showered the night before) thus in order to workout at all before work i need to be up and dressed and ready by 4:50 am (30 minute work out, 10 minute shower plus time for getting dressed etc)
    in order for this to happen, I need to be in bed by 10:30 latest so, if I really want to work out, I sleep in my sweats, have my shoes and socks ready, water bottle in the holder

    have some protein after your workout (protein shake or a greek yogurt or a piece of chicken or, my classic, steam in bag salmon straight from freezer to microwave- a little weird at 6am but still protein and super quick)

    and, whenever you really think you don't have the time in your schedule, I refer back to others who are stronger than I am and good with time management- like this guy, two jobs and a family (mind you he also has a wife who supports his efforts greatly but still he does the work)
  • Julesbait
    Julesbait Posts: 190 Member
    Like others have said, the really hard part is just getting into the routine of doing it.

    My alarm goes off at 3:15am. I usually hit snooze once. I have all my workout stuff right by my bed, so I get up and put it on right away. I like to eat a light breakfast before I workout, but I'm usually starving first thing in the morning. Let my food settle a few minutes, and I'm working out by 4:00.

    And it DOES give me energy for the day (despite what someone else said). Granted, I'm extremely tired fairly early in the evening. But it's worth it. I like getting my workout for the day done first thing so I don't have to worry about not having time to do it later, or being to tired/lazy later.

    At the end of the day, you've just got to listen to your own body and do what works for you and what you will stick to. Best of luck to you! :)
  • doug_pierce
    My best trick for this is sleeping with a nightlight. While it does take some getting used to, it makes getting up when your alarm clock goes off a lot easier.