Friends needing to lose 100 :)

I would love friends or groups where the goal is to lose 100 pounds! My end goal is 115 so I have 105 pounds to go - I'm pumped! Extra motivation and encouragement :)


  • jpads1234
    jpads1234 Posts: 95 Member

    I'm going to lose 100 lbs this year. Add me and we can motivate each other.
  • I have over that to lose feel free to add me
  • TLTucker80
    TLTucker80 Posts: 123 Member
    I have 125 pounds to loss. Feel free to add me it sure would be nice to have someone with about the same goals as I have!:drinker:
  • MattQuinnFitness
    MattQuinnFitness Posts: 15 Member
    I still need to lose around 112 Pounds. Feel free to add me
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member

    I started off with just over 100lbs to go and now have 40 to go. Please feel free to add me and would like to wish everyone good luck.
  • MistyLee81
    MistyLee81 Posts: 6 Member
    I have around 130 pounds to lose. Add me if you like :)
  • oliv2065
    oliv2065 Posts: 204 Member
    I had 140 to loose...I only have about 60 left but you could add me if you like
  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    Hi! I need to lose over 100lbs. I lost 60, then got pregnant, gained 40 back and am now on the journey to lose this weight for good. I'm pretty active. Feel free to add me. This is open to anyone:) The community and support is one of the biggest reasons I had such success before. Good luck to you. You CAN do this!!
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    I have about 110 lbs to lose this year or the next 2 not rushing it.. Add me if you like! We can do this together!
  • krolikah
    krolikah Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there -- I'm a newbie here, and wasn't originally planning on doing the 'community' thing, but now I think it would be really great to link up with others that have a similar amount of weight to lose (I have just over 100 lbs as a target)... hopefully it'll help keep me accountable and a support network is always a good thing! Anyone on this thread, please feel free to add me as well, and good luck to everyone! : )
  • lonestargyrl
    lonestargyrl Posts: 10 Member
    Count me in! I have about 137 to lose as of this morning! I lost 3 lbs yesterday and am pumped as well!
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    My goal is 150 by the end of the year. It will be my Christmas present to myself. I can't take all the pain and fatigue when I walk and considering I wear an artificial leg on the left, my right knee is SCREAMING at me.
  • tweetypixx
    tweetypixx Posts: 65 Member
    I have around 91lbs to lose so please feel free to add me. :) Already lost 5lbs in 2 weeks.
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    WOW. Your doing good. When did you start your journey?
  • I would like to lose at least 100 pounds.
    have tried Fp before but not with the community portion.

    I am looking forward to being a part
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    I have more than 100#'s to lose. I've been working on it since I had my Twins over a year ago. I've sent friend requests and am looking for more people to help and be helped during this journey.
  • Im losing 100+ lbs this year! Feel free to add me. I'm on daily and my diary is open =)
  • HI! I have over 100 to loose but I am going for 50 this year. I am brand spanking new to MFP as of an hour ago. Lol.
    Add me, I need all the support I can get!
  • :) I have a feeling this year will be a great one for all of us! I know I'm feeling super pumped and confident about tackling this weight loss already! We can do it :)
  • nabooth
    nabooth Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in the same boat...feel free to add me, maybe we can all help each other!