When was your last straw that made you want to change?



  • sue_stef
    sue_stef Posts: 194 Member
    being told on Dec 2 2013 that my blood pressure is dangerously high and so is my blood sugars and that I would need to go on meds right away.
    I have an autistic 6yr old, my youngest out of 5 boys, that gets into everything even keeping meds under lock and key would be no problem for him to get into those kinds of meds would kill him
    so I cut out sugar decreased salt and started exercising
    losing 1lbs so far is a bonus to that
    I monitor my blood pressure at home so far that is much better
    I do not have a glucometer so I have no idea how my blood sugars are hopefully they are better too
  • blackwarrior
    blackwarrior Posts: 20 Member
    Just to rub my hubbies nose in it after some comments he made I am more determined to do it now
  • I lost ~20 lbs. on the Carbohydrate Addicts Diet (and vastly improved my mood, eliminated uncontrollable carb craving) but had plateaued (didn't regain, but didn't lose more). Last summer, I checked out Johnny Bowden's comparison of different low carb eating systems (I'm looking for lifelong weight control, not rapid weight loss). The one I liked best was the WomensHealth Perfect Body Diet, but it requires tracking carbs, fat, and protein. I found an app that could help with that, but I have a stupid phone which couldn't use the app. I was thrilled to find a FREE food diary and exercise log which I can access from my wifi tablet (NOOK, which also has limited apps), as well as my laptop. So I joined not so much because of a last straw as finding a great tool.
  • Dch2272
    Dch2272 Posts: 93 Member
    In addition to being a wife and mother (which should have been reason enough), I hold down a full time job and for the better part of 2 years was the caregiver of my mother who passed in June of completely health related illnesses. So now, anytime I feel down or want to just give up, I think of her and what a nightmare she lived through due to her poor health choices. That is motivation enough to get my rear end to the gym every day at 5am and to make healthier choices in my life. I will not do to my boys what my mother did to me.

    Wishing you all the greatest of success and a fabulous day!
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    being told on Dec 2 2013 that my blood pressure is dangerously high and so is my blood sugars and that I would need to go on meds right away.
    I have an autistic 6yr old, my youngest out of 5 boys, that gets into everything even keeping meds under lock and key would be no problem for him to get into those kinds of meds would kill him
    so I cut out sugar decreased salt and started exercising
    losing 1lbs so far is a bonus to that
    I monitor my blood pressure at home so far that is much better
    I do not have a glucometer so I have no idea how my blood sugars are hopefully they are better too

    I LOVE your post! It is as though your son has given you the gift of motivation and you are givng him the gift of health and safety.

    Powerful! I wish you great success!
  • k8mcminn
    k8mcminn Posts: 49 Member
    I weigh now more than I did when I was pregnant 20 years ago. I have muffin top. I am afraid to put on my jeans. None of my little black dresses fit. I just refuse to buy the next size larger
    NCYYC Posts: 4 Member
    I didn't want to get up and go out for months... which was VERY unlike me!

    I stopped took a look at why and realised I don't like dressing up cause I don't feel comfortable in my clothes. I became sluggish and felt about 50 years older than I was!

    I had to change the way I thought, my routine and therefore my whole being!
  • PtheronJr
    PtheronJr Posts: 108 Member
    Got dumped, was getting sick every other week, bipolar was taking control of my life again, was sick of my job and needed something active in my life. I was also an incredible athlete in highschool and used to box and wrestle, and I wanted to feel the same sort of strength and power in my body that I did back then.
    I was also blessed with some good genetics and decided that it was pointless to sit around with broad shoulders and be fat, and would be better off sitting around with broad shoulders and be buff as hell.
  • Hi!

    Great question to think about. For me, I've been wanting to lose the extra weight for over a year, but some awful life things happened and I turned to food for comfort. I mean, I turned to cigarettes, weed, and alcohol first, but ditched all those because a piece of chocolate cake took the edge off like no drug out there, which is probably a good thing really.

    My BF was no help in that he is a chef by profession and loves to cook and pretty much scoffed my efforts at weightloss. He's not into large women, but I guess I'm not at that point yet and he enjoys feeding me. That made me a little too comfortable in my own fat skin for a while.

    Then, I starting snoring. Loudly. And that for some reason I just cannot abide. I've always had a very hard time sleeping in a room with snorers, so now that I've become one I feel so much disgust toward myself.

    I got on the scale today (the second day of this journey) and it was 180, which is the highest I've ever weighed.

    So basically today was THE last straw and I'm more determined than ever to get back to where I was (145-150 and toned).

    Good luck to us all!
  • My friend had a stroke due to high blood pressure, we were all checking our blood pressure and i couldnt be checked because the cuff wouldnt fit around my fat arms *blush* :(
  • I have struggled most of my life with my weight. I have always been heavy. I have tried every diet scheme out there and have always fallen off the wagon.I am sick of wishing and thinking about changing my health and then I descovered that if I make a goal that is obtainable and tangable I will succeed. In the past (most of my life) I have set the goal of loosing all the weight I need to loose to be at a healthy weight and that alwasy failed becasue It was a long term goal that I was trying to make happen QUICKLY. Instead, this time I am setting short goals that will ultimately resolt in weight loss. I have decided to train to run a 5k sometime this summer. I am following a 12 week regimine to work up to be able to run for 20 minutes non stop. It litteraly starts the first week with no running at all and the second week only running for one minute at a time. I can do that! After the 12 weeks I will set another goal to run for 40 minutes non stop and then work on the goal of decreasing my time. I believe this is what is going to make the difference for me. This way Im not focusing on the scale and determining my "success" by how much Im loosing. Instead, I am basing my success on the completion of each small goal. Hopefully, the weight will just decrease because of what Im doing. Also, I have realized that I have to write down a plan of action complete with naming my possible barriors to succeeding and what I can do to prevent it. Its about being proactive this time. I also am realy relying on prayer to stay focused and MFP's message boards for inspiration. Someone on here said in a post that it takes six weeks to form a new habit and that during that time it will be the hardest. So, I marked on my calander the six weeks and set a goal to push thru during that time as well as be aware of my tendency to want to quit during that time. So, thank you everyone for sharing your stories. It helps me succeed! God bless!
  • Last summer I didn’t have enough strenght to pull myself out of the swimming pool. I felt so embarrassed and disappointed with myself because I used to be a swimmer and a karate enthusiast in high school, so I was very strong back then. However, instead of motivating me it made me feel so awful that my self-confidence decreased even more and I spent 3 months eating until I felt sick.

    In November I got tired of it. Enough is enough, I want to feel powerful again! I'm taking it easy, one step at a time, but I already feel much better :)
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    Ive mentioned this before on another post, but mine was going in to get a PAP and weighing in at 278 pounds. I had no idea, I had gotten that bad. The gown was like a size extra small it didnt even cover half of my body. My breasts and tummy were out for the entire exam, of course so was my EVERYTHING ELSE. that was on july 19th 2013. a friday. i didnt think too much about it on the weekend. but something clicked. snapped. monday i woke up july 22nd 2013 and started doing something about it. I have never looked back since or thought of giving up.
  • mcm5106
    mcm5106 Posts: 1 Member
    Mine was that I worked hard and lost 18 pounds before the holidays down from 190 to 172, and then decided to take a month and a half off just to enjoy the holidays and not stress about weight. Then of course today I get back on the scale and I gained all but 2 of the pounds back. Now I have to start all over, and am realizing that I need to stop the yo-yo weight loss or I will always be in this same pattern.
  • judyamk
    judyamk Posts: 79 Member
    ha ha busted out of pants, me to my stomach looks like an over hung mushroom on a tree!!! I started over 12/31/13 I weighed in 01/06/14 lost 2.2 pounds. I am measuring & weighing food. I am also a night time eater even when I am not hungry. I will now eat string cheese & some Boars head low sodium turkey, or have apple with peanut butter, or a caramel rice cake fit & Active with a smear of peanut butter, At night when I snack I make sure I have a protein and a fat because it takes longer to digest & i stay full longer so it is so much working for me. plus i invested in a Fitbit & a Nutri Blast from Amazon. I have had enough of this old way of eating and being to lazy to walk.
    you can do it !!!!
    take care
  • csmullins78
    csmullins78 Posts: 61 Member
    High blood pressure... didn't motivate me.

    High cholesterol... didn't motivate me.

    Chest pains... didn't motivate me.

    Wearing a size 20... didn't motivate me.

    Huffing and puffing going up one flight of stairs... didn't motivate me.

    The two things that DID motivate me happened at the same time... a lupus diagnosis and being dumped by someone I was madly in love with. He had the audacity to tell me he had never been attracted to me. OUCH! But those two things together caused me to completely change my life and I'm happier and healthier for it. (And a size 12 - yay - with a goal of being a size 6/8)
  • Mayzee42
    Mayzee42 Posts: 8 Member
    My Brother-in-law called me Fata**....sorry. Granted he was already mad at me and we were arguing, but just tired of whenever there is conflict, he has to go there. To be honest it doesn't even hurt anymore, I'm like oh yea, duh!!! However, I would like to remove the temptation for the personal attacks.

    I have many reasons to want to lose weight, but mainly it's confidence. I have let myself go over the past 4 years since meeting my now husband (gaining over 50 pounds, yikes!!) and it is beginning to affect my marriage. He isn't cruel to me like his Brother is, but I am not comfortable and not only do I have trouble with intimacy, I can be quite short and stand offish. I want to be a better person physically and emotionally.
  • davadoto
    davadoto Posts: 105 Member
    My first doctor warning din't do it for me, the second one either. Neither my back, knee, cholesterol problems. I started to seriously think about it when my blood pressure went up and refused to go back down. Lost a couple of pounds, but that was it. I had always been overweight, so what was new?

    Scale at 200 for the first time in 20 years...scary, but not quite there yet.

    Clothes couldn't fit? just order a bigger size: 10, 12, 14, 16W...uh, wait 16W?? when did that happen? Oh well...

    Pics? what pics, I stopped posting or looking at those for years. Somehow, for some "unknown" reason, I was becoming less and less photogenic, so why bother.

    And then, one day, going to Facebook, "chillin" a friend tagged me on a pic. OH! how dare he post a picture of me! worst outfit? nope. worst hair day? nope. Anyway , the worst picture ever, for some reason. No wait a minute...that's the worst, fattest "me" ever. And all the doctor warnings, the scale, the clothes that wouldn't fit, the back pain swooshed over me into a sea of thought and realization...that was the scariest moment ever- not sad, but o so scary.

    Anyways, I got myself into this position, I WILL get out of it, one day, one milestone at a time.
    Thanks for the question, brings back memories and extra boost of motivation.
  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    Trying on wedding dresses and none of them would close. Felt like a fat *kitten*!!!! That was my last straw, vowed to lose weight and have succeded. I have lost a total of 70lbs and currently have 10lbs to go til I get to my goal weight.
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 686 Member
    Buying a 2x cause an XL was tight. Yeah, I'm back.