30 Day Log In Challenge.



  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    Im on day 7 day of logging in too, im definalty taking a much more wholehearted approach to logging in that i have in the past. Before i only ever used MFP to record my calories and never anticipate the benefits of looking at the whole community available to me. I am now fully embracing the whole concept.
  • melwangerin
    melwangerin Posts: 6 Member
    Is it too late to join this challenge? I've been on MFP for a year now, lost 40 lbs in 2013. Last fall, I got lax in getting my food prep done, planning and exercising and now I find myself needing to get back in control. I keep starting and re-starting. I do great during the day but once evening comes around I struggle. Wish I could access the community section of the website thru my iPad as I don't get on the computer much. I know that in order to have success again I'll have to make it a priority to get here. Feel free to add me, I can use all the help I can get.
  • Hi everyone!!!!! This is exactly the group I NEED...I'm looking to expand my support system on MFP. I recently weighed myself after the Holidays and almost fell off the scale...HOW COULD I WEIGH MORE THAN I DID WHEN I WAS PREGNANT :(
    My son is 15 months & its time for me to start taking better care of myself. Please count me in on this 30 day Challenge...

  • I'm in! Anything for a little extra support and motivation!
    Also looking for friends for motivation and a kick in the *kitten* when I need it!
    Add me, please!
  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    keeping going .. lost 5. walked 5.9 miles (total) but burned 1225 calories walking and kick boxing.
  • Chilepepper34
    Chilepepper34 Posts: 53 Member
    I am starting a few days late, but I am totally in!
    I've tried losing weight so many times but never stick with it! I can't wait to actually make progress -- hopefully establishing a mfp group of friends will be incentive!
    Thanks for the post!
    SW: 158
    Short term Goal: 148
    Eventually want to be: 110

    Please add me to keep up the mutual support!
  • AlisalGal
    AlisalGal Posts: 88 Member
    Day 8 check in. You ever have days where you swear you're just too exhausted to even log your meals, let alone entertain the idea of exercise? Today's like that for me... so logging in, counting every calorie, being accountable is my victory for the day.
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    My first day on the site and I'm looking for challenges. This is a perfect one to start with. I have an easier time working in time for the workouts over logging. I've got to get better. Logged everything for the day.

    Thank you.
  • have logged all food since 1-2-14, so I guess I am on day 6. trying to encourage other people I work with to join me, so I will have backup there. discoved frozen biscuits have 300 calories, but really wanted it so I didn;t eat the hash browns. husband is a stick, so I try to save up for dinner and pick and choose what I really want. so far it is working. haven;t begun exercising yet, hopefully I will get to that next week.
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    I"m late too! I started logging Jan 3 and have logged every day and exercised 3 days.
  • Kyttiara
    Kyttiara Posts: 28 Member
    Late to the party, but I'm in.

    In reading some of your stories, one really piqued me. You mention below that you are currently at 22-25% BF and want to get it much lower. As a woman (I assume you are a woman based on your photo) you actually need to have body fat or you risk stopping your period (and possibly other health issues). Before going lowering your BF% lower than what it currently is, I would strongly suggest you consult your physician or a nutritionist.

    CW: 135

    GW: 105-125 ???

    not bothered about the number in the long run, just lower my BF percentage, eat clean, healthy and intuitively & build/maintain lean muscle mass.

    At the minute my BF % is around 25-30, i want it much lower.

    I'm training for a trip in april which will involve skating 40 ish miles/day for 7 days, i have problems with my back/joints so need to get my strength back up fast.

    i have been maintaining around 22-25% body fat & 125-132lbs for months til xmas came and screwed everything back up.

    never felt so disgusting, my muscle id gained is now flabby & useless buried away, very annoyed as id worked very hard to healthily lose fat this past yr or so ... feel back to square one.
  • DeniseB0711
    DeniseB0711 Posts: 294 Member
    HUGE:bigsmile: :glasses: :smile: :wink: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Congrats to everyone who has made it 7 days as of yesterday. I cannot believe I did it. In the past I have always cheated on at least one day.
    Here is to the next week.

    TO those of us who've joined late, welcome to our little journey here. All you have to do is log. That is the goal of this group. Don't worry if you go over, or don't work out, or eat something bad...really look at my diary...there's plenty of junk. Stick to the goal of just writing is all down.
  • DeniseB0711
    DeniseB0711 Posts: 294 Member
    have logged all food since 1-2-14, so I guess I am on day 6. trying to encourage other people I work with to join me, so I will have backup there. discoved frozen biscuits have 300 calories, but really wanted it so I didn;t eat the hash browns. husband is a stick, so I try to save up for dinner and pick and choose what I really want. so far it is working. haven;t begun exercising yet, hopefully I will get to that next week.

    I tried to get people at work on board but luckily our time is so taken up most people do not have time to bring junk. I know all to well the challenge of picking and choosing what is and is not eaten and saving calories until dinner time for meals with the family. Just yesterday I was faced with going out to eat. 0_ 0 my old standby...canned soup at lunch got me through until dinner.

  • cdstaufenbiel
    cdstaufenbiel Posts: 45 Member
    I would love the join this challenge! I know I'm late to the game, but I really do want to give it my all for the remaining time and be held accountable through this challenge!

    I have been on MFP for a long time, but have been very sporadic with tracking my calories and exercise. I'm ready to change all that. :)
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    Present! Got up and put dinner in the crockpot, worked out, now at work and logging... :bigsmile:
  • semousse
    semousse Posts: 17 Member
    I am in as well. I started this weight-loss journey before and stopped. I have been logging now since 12/30/13 thought I would bring the new year in with new habits. This will really help me stay motivated and to help me see my shortcomings. I have a determination to finish what I start this year, so whatever it may be I'm going to finish! Good luck to everyone and I'm looking forward to this journey with you all......
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    Completed yesterday and been logging all day to day. It really feels good.
  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    promised my son we could have a take a way for dinner tonight, so last night i sat down a worked out my calories backwards, figured out how many i would need, without going over board or greedy then could plan the rest of the day around it. I decided i had earnt my treat this week.
  • AlisalGal
    AlisalGal Posts: 88 Member
    Day 9 - good day! Stuck to my calorie goals, did enough of a workout that I'm feeling it... could have been better but I did it.
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    hey guys i created a group for motivation and accountability.. feel free to join.. we can do the challenge there.. it seems they are going to be asking for challenges and such to form in groups instead of posting in the forum.. so feel free to join the group and post challenges, goals, whatever you like. we can share recipes, workouts..

    join me.
