Advice for a Juicing Virgin?



  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    Always have a clean towel nearby.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    The MFP forums give better advice on domestic terminology than juicing, that's for sure.
  • fittertanme
    fittertanme Posts: 259 Member
    I to have just started this and trying new things so its a mis match but has been great so far and plan on doing a bit more at leat one a day to start with but good luck and yes cleaning takes time but I tried nutribullet nice but leaked and was very noisey so that went back then got a standard juicer that takes time to clean but the juce if out of this world and will stick with this on ad off
  • illuvatree
    illuvatree Posts: 185 Member
    At the health food store I work at, we juice for customers. Some customers are really big fans of all things green with a little lemon in, like kale, parsley, cucumber, and celery. Some don't want the sugar from apples or whatever. But to be honest, putting in something sweeter, like apples or even beets or carrots, won't do any harm. For me, personally, they help juices go down easier.

    Also, I agree with anyone who said drink smoothies! I wouldn't replace juicing with it, but with smoothies you do get the whole thing. If you put kale in a smoothie, the pulp isn't going to be ejected out, you'll actually get all of the kale you put into it. I recommend kale, apple, lemon, and a little ginger with some sort of liquid (milk, almond milk, rice milk, whatever).
  • walkinthedogs
    walkinthedogs Posts: 238 Member
    Nutribullet FTW. No pulp extraction, easy to clean, juices as smooth as you want. I use mine twice daily.

    My domestic partner girlfriend person


    Oh you old romantic. I can see why she fell for you.

    I struggle with what to call her. I was filling out the emergency contact form today at the doctor's office and it had a section for "relationship to patient." I froze. I filled out some "domestic partner" paperwork a couple years ago for work so that's what I sort of go with, but it makes it sound like I'm gay (not that there's anything wrong with that).

    Just go with "my old lady"... My wife LOVES that one!

    "The old ball and chain" goes down well too.

    Try "Current <girlfriend, wife, whatever>" No use in letting them get too comfy.

    Hate to admit it, but I live for these threads to go off track like this. Totally makes my day. In fact I scour the forums for these threads only
  • trpeppin
    trpeppin Posts: 16 Member
    I don't have time to make juice in the morning so Is it ok to juice at night and put the juice in the fridge for the next morning?
  • jkowula
    jkowula Posts: 447
    I don't have time to make juice in the morning so Is it ok to juice at night and put the juice in the fridge for the next morning?

    That is exactly what I do. I juice a bunch in the evening that will last my wife and I a few mornings. I hope its ok... so far, so good!
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    Sorry I thought this said "Advice for a Juicy Virgin" *Leaves thread disappointed*
    yes, messy but I've started putting a plastic bag in the container that holds the pulp and that makes the juicer easier to clean.
    Always use protection!! LMAO, sorry i just had too!

    :blushing: :laugh:

    Juice away!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    The MFP forums give better advice on domestic terminology than juicing, that's for sure.

    the only good advice on juicing is don't do it and eat real food…IMHO
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    There's nothing inherently wrong with juicing, but there is PLENTY inherently wrong with the "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" juicing plan thing. I strongly recommend that people avoid said forum, book, and plan.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I am thinking about juicing. My sister did it for awhile and she said she loved how she felt... more energy and all that. I am planning on doing this in addition to my other food. I do not want to do a juice fast or anything like that. I have been losing weight with exercise and calorie deficit, but I feel like I want to get more nutrition in my diet and it seems that juicing could be a simple and yummy way to do that. Thanks!


    If she felt great why did she only do it for a while
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Only read OP. Just eat the fruits and vegetables.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member

    There's nothing inherently wrong with juicing, but there is PLENTY inherently wrong with the "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" juicing plan thing. I strongly recommend that people avoid said forum, book, and plan.

    It happens to be the name of the group, I joined. There are hardcore juicing addicts in there to be sure.... mostly the ones who had mega 'detox' plans, and then disappeared.... I like to consider myself to be the 'voice of reason...' and there are many there who just 'chip...' a juice a day, or whatever... so don't let the Fat Sick and Nearly Dead moniker steer you away.... 'come on in, the water's fine....' and 'the first one is always free.....'

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    There's nothing inherently wrong with juicing, but there is PLENTY inherently wrong with the "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" juicing plan thing. I strongly recommend that people avoid said forum, book, and plan.

    It happens to be the name of the group, I joined. There are hardcore juicing addicts in there to be sure.... mostly the ones who had mega 'detox' plans, and then disappeared.... I like to consider myself to be the 'voice of reason...' and there are many there who just 'chip...' a juice a day, or whatever... so don't let the Fat Sick and Nearly Dead moniker steer you away.... 'come on in, the water's fine....' and 'the first one is always free.....'


    "The voice of reason" doesn't recommend daily calorie deficits of 1600 or more calories. That is in fact strictly against the MFP rules.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Juicer seems like a waste of space and money, and a waste of the ingredients as well. My guess is it would get nowhere near enough use to justify purchase vs just picking up one of those organic superjuice products when the hankerin for juice hits.
  • klyn7788
    klyn7788 Posts: 52 Member
    I love juice, but often find myself skipping the juicing process due to the ridiculous clean up process and my general annoyance at spending time in the kitchen during the week. (Also, I don't have much counter space and excuses, excuses, excuses ....)

    During the week, I've opted to purchase bottled juices. Suja and BluePrint are my favorites. Although pricey, the flavors have been perfected (as long as you know what to expect when you drink green juice) and will last in your refrigerator for a few days. (These are not like some of the juices that are prepared to last for a few weeks ... it's important to check the expiration dates carefully and not to buy too many at once.) I've learned this is the only way that I'm getting juice during the week and think that the benefits outweigh the cost.

    I try to juice at home on the weekend. It's a work in progress. Beet juice will make your home look like a murder scene.
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member
    Always have a clean towel nearby.

    Actually, that's pretty good advice regardless of how one may have read or mis-read the topic line of the original post.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Juicer seems like a waste of space and money, and a waste of the ingredients as well. My guess is it would get nowhere near enough use to justify purchase vs just picking up one of those organic superjuice products when the hankerin for juice hits.

    Depends on the user. My son uses his daily. Those "superjuices" have been hit before by lawsuits for having ingredients in them they shouldn't, and they often have added sugar.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member

    There's nothing inherently wrong with juicing, but there is PLENTY inherently wrong with the "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" juicing plan thing. I strongly recommend that people avoid said forum, book, and plan.

    It happens to be the name of the group, I joined. There are hardcore juicing addicts in there to be sure.... mostly the ones who had mega 'detox' plans, and then disappeared.... I like to consider myself to be the 'voice of reason...' and there are many there who just 'chip...' a juice a day, or whatever... so don't let the Fat Sick and Nearly Dead moniker steer you away.... 'come on in, the water's fine....' and 'the first one is always free.....'


    "The voice of reason" doesn't recommend daily calorie deficits of 1600 or more calories. That is in fact strictly against the MFP rules.

    If you're referring to this....
    Day 9 161 lbs. Total loss 2 lbs. I'm gonna guess that's about the final stopping place. I'll keep weighing to see, though.

    Current take on the three days of The Sloth 3 Day Detox Diet ® ?

    Pretty much.... meh..... did feel somewhat 'rebooted....' that is, less cravings, and so far, appetite seems a bit lower. Not the easiest way, or the most sensible to lose 2 lbs. I guess I'd give it a 5 out of 10. In other words, can't say I'd strongly recommend it, but I doubt it did me any harm.

    My final words were that I wouldn't strongly recommend it.... so I think that quoting me that I recommended it, wouldn't be accurate. I did that as a personal experiment, and simply posted my results, so others could see. I think in that thread, I also used the term 'fail' at one point?

    Unless you're just referring to 'juice fasts' in general... ?