IIFYM, what it means (to me) and a day in my life...



  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    Need pop tarts

    the problem with pop tarts on a deficit is that I really I can get around one in a day, and the package has two. I'm WAYYYYYY too lazy to find a way to keep the other poptart fresh...
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Need pop tarts

    I have a Peanut Butter Pop Tart. I'll share. :flowerforyou:
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Need pop tarts

    the problem with pop tarts on a deficit is that I really I can get around one in a day, and the package has two. I'm WAYYYYYY too lazy to find a way to keep the other poptart fresh...

    You put the second one in a zip close bag, and keep the bag in the box with the Pop Tarts after you eat that second one another day. See, problem solved!
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    Need pop tarts

    the problem with pop tarts on a deficit is that I really I can get around one in a day, and the package has two. I'm WAYYYYYY too lazy to find a way to keep the other poptart fresh...

    You put the second one in a zip close bag, and keep the bag in the box with the Pop Tarts after you eat that second one another day. See, problem solved!

    you underestimate my laziness...
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I'm not a fan of IIFYM... but this was done in a perfect way.

    Too many see IIFYM as if it fits your mouth and macros - without considering how much of of it it is processed and what that processing actually may do to what you it.

    IIFYM is meant to be 80-90% good and 10-20% 'whatever' foods, sometimes people miss that. Like how you've shown it to be done well without going nutty on crap!
  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    Love it!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Need pop tarts

    the problem with pop tarts on a deficit is that I really I can get around one in a day, and the package has two. I'm WAYYYYYY too lazy to find a way to keep the other poptart fresh...

    I have kids. They usually split the other one.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    I don't know about you OP, but we are all here for the same reason. To be healthy. And healthy is obviously non artificial, non sugar, non GMO, non tastebuds, non sensical, vegetables. You know what, from now on if it's not a vegetable that you grew in your back yard, you should stop promoting it. Im going to come up with IIFYV. If it fits your vegetables. You're welcome.

    We all have different ideas on what is healthy and we all have different baselines set up by our parents, friends etc. that we are trying to deviate from to become healthier - I say deviate from, because most of us have signed up here with the aim of losing weight and/or eating healthier and obviously the majority of us weren't previously happy with our previous meal choices or the size of those meals. Healthy for you might be non GMO, non artificial and non sugar, i.e. non tastebuds as you put it but other people will have no problems eating artificial sweetner, GMO and sugar laden foods - IIFYM.

    I like to think I eat healthy but I do have the occasional fast food and enjoy a bit of fatty, sugary chocolate and icecream from time to time which some would consider not healthy but it does fit my macros and it tastes soooo good. In fact I just had a can of coke with some chocolate for afternoon tea - it did fit my macros!

    At least the people on here are attempting to do something about their health, even if it is simply by eating less of the processed crap that they were eating before. They are reducing their caloric intake and eating foods that fit their macros and allow them to lose weight. Hopefully they are eating a little healthier than they were before they began their journey but either way they are doing something...

    I too eat chicken, broccoli and brown rice from time to time but you have to live a little too...


    Otherwise, it was a really great thread...
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    I'm not a fan of IIFYM... but this was done in a perfect way.

    Too many see IIFYM as if it fits your mouth and macros - without considering how much of of it it is processed and what that processing actually may do to what you it.

    IIFYM is meant to be 80-90% good and 10-20% 'whatever' foods, sometimes people miss that. Like how you've shown it to be done well without going nutty on crap!

    yeah, the sugar in the dark chocolate and the ice cream are definitely my "whatever" food for the day, but the ice cream also some calcium that I didn't really do a job of getting on this particular day otherwise. Also I tend to eat a diet VERY low in saturated fat, so the chocolate (and the ice cream cone which had cocoa butter and milkfat) are calculated in my day. (I would call that monster the thing that is the most "crap" in my day fwiw)

    I did try to post what I was thinking, and realizing I needed to eat a high % of protein on for my evening meal was the only time I really stopped, evaluated and readjusted my day.

    I know i need to eat a little more calcium with my high protein diet, and on most other days I do.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Need pop tarts

    the problem with pop tarts on a deficit is that I really I can get around one in a day, and the package has two. I'm WAYYYYYY too lazy to find a way to keep the other poptart fresh...

    You put the second one in a zip close bag, and keep the bag in the box with the Pop Tarts after you eat that second one another day. See, problem solved!

    you underestimate my laziness...

    Apparently! :tongue:
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    The sad part about this (great) post is that there will still be users who "don't get it" Because you can't possible eat what you stated and reach your goals :noway:
  • missADS1981
    missADS1981 Posts: 364 Member
    I have recently moved to IIFYM and have been very happy with it, it helps me know by mid day what i should be making for dinner, what I can have and has me yes still focusing on calories but more on what food i am eatin.

    for example i hit my protein # by mid afternoon yesterday! so i kenw right away a nice big bowl of brown rice pasta with walden farms alredo sauce was calling my name! i still had a hard time though hitting my carbs without going over on my protein. it takes time though. thankfully i enjoy food more now, and not unhealthy, over processed food, but food unlike before when my super clean diet was getting boring
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I'm sorry, but this is absolutely, horibly ridiculous...

    where's the beer?


    awesome post...I do think so many people misunderstand and think it just means to eat whatever...if you have your macro goals properly set up to get optimal nutrition, you can't exactly eat whatever whenever...but you can fit a lot more good stuff in than just celery sticks and actually enjoy yourself.
  • steve2kay
    steve2kay Posts: 194 Member
    curious about this - do you just monitor the 3 macros - Carbs, Fat, Protein?
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    FY, you can save a 150 calories for something else if you use PB2 Peanut butter.

    Serving Size 2 tbsp (12g)
    Calories 45
    Fat Cal 16
    Protein 5g
    Sodium 94mg
    Fiber 2g
    Sugar 1g
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    After reading the OP, all I can think about is dark chocolate dipped in peanut butter.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I'm sorry, but this is absolutely, horibly ridiculous...

    where's the beer?

    Quoted for truth. I specifically work my diet around my beer options for the day. What a _noob_.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    FY, you can save a 150 calories for something else if you use PB2 Peanut butter.

    Serving Size 2 tbsp (12g)
    Calories 45
    Fat Cal 16
    Protein 5g
    Sodium 94mg
    Fiber 2g
    Sugar 1g

    I love PB2 but if I am low on fat, regular peanut butter seems pretty fitting :)I really want to try the chocolate PB2...silly snow keeping me from store.
  • zilfig64
    zilfig64 Posts: 71 Member
    "The sad part about this (great) post is that there will still be users who "don't get it" Because you can't possible eat what you stated and reach your goals"

    You read my mind - I was thinking the same thing... but then I thought again (isn't the mind a wondeful thing), and realized I was basing that off of MY goals and macros, not his. I checked out his diary, and the total calorie intake was high for my goals, but obviously is just fine for him. However, I use a similar method in my own IIFYM daily intake.

    Good post, and good example of IIFYM - which has worked great for me.

    There is the Beer! Rogue Brewery - Dead Guy Ale - YUMMM!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Love this! Now I'm off to find some chocolate and peanut butter