Ladies 5'-5'5 who want to get to 115-130 lbs



  • nerge
    nerge Posts: 52 Member
    5'4 CW 150 lbs GW 120lbs - need motivation - I can keep on track during the week but how do you girls manage the weekends - dinners out drinks etc?
  • That's me! I'm new to MFP, but I'm 5'4" and I'm not exactly overweight right now, but I do want to lose a bit and get down to about 118. I'm mostly just a really unhealthy eater! Would love to make some friends on here to help keep me motivated and accountable!
  • apierron01
    apierron01 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Everybody! I'm 5'0" and currently weigh 148 lbs. I want to get down to 125 lbs!! Feel free to add me :)
  • cj205
    cj205 Posts: 1
    5'5 Current weight:125.5 - GW: 115. Feel free to add me, I've been on MFP for a few months but haven't been involved in the community until now :)
  • Hi I am 5'4 want to be 120....I am doing all I can to get this weight off and tone up as well as eat good...
  • nikkik8806
    nikkik8806 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 5'5" and would like to be 130 again. Feel free to add me ladies :)
  • i am 5.4 and have not lost weight in years. 112 when married now 154lb. would be happy at 135lb
  • bombshellmel
    bombshellmel Posts: 7 Member
    So great to see all these posts! I am 5 3 and feel so alone in my weight and weight loss goal, but then I see I've got a lot of company! My hope is to get to 130 or maybe 125. I'm 163 now which is a lot more than ever in my life. I don't think I've lost anything yet but I've been good about the gym and recently been tracking food here. I know these are the right actions and I must stick with it.
    Glad to read everyone's posts.
  • TeacherMomU2Fan
    TeacherMomU2Fan Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'0". I currently weigh 165. My goal is 130 by June. I'd like to see 120 again if possible.
  • Is just under 5'6" applicable? I have the weight loss goal of 130-135, and as I am at 168 as of today, I could use some support getting there! I log everyday, except major family holidays (Christmas etc) and I am committed to getting fit :D Add if you'd like!
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    im 5'2-ish back up to 165..i got down to like 135 a while back, then real life hit me, so i gained and gained and always down for more friends..
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    5'3 and want to be 115-120. Depends on how I feel. Currently at 144. :)
  • sarahwitnh
    sarahwitnh Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in. I am 5'4 and weight 180. I would like to get down to about 130. I am looking to add on muscle while losing fat.
  • I'm 5'3 and (as of today) 130lbs. Aiming for 119-122lbs and could really use some support as this half a stone hasn't been shifted in years and is very, very stubborn. Feel free to add and we can motivate each other! (That goes out to everyone on this thread :))

    I do 5:2 fasting and am about to start Jillian Michaels DVDs again. Have a goal of 126lbs for Valentine's Day!
  • natalieyeo39
    natalieyeo39 Posts: 90 Member
    5'4 and I want to get to 116 just so I can say I lost 30 pounds, but 120 would be good too :)

    My biggest motivation is to look really good and that even though I didn't control my eating during the Christmas period at all, my weight has stabilize at 138-141! So I guess for me it'll be a slow and steady process.
  • Hey, currently 5' 5 and 170 after pregnancy. Looking at 120 for my ultimate goal.Count me in :smile:
  • I am 5' 3". Started Jan 1 at 141, now at 139.5. My goal is between 125 and 130. I just got lazy last year. I am soon to be 57. Training for a 10K on Easter weekend.
  • I'm new within the last 4 days. I seem to have lost myself. she's not in the mirror anymore. I'm 5'5 and currently 159lbs. Looking to lose at least 25lbs. My husband says he doesn't think I should go below 145 but any research I've done says I should be 130-135lbs. That's what I will aim for with a healthy start. Looking for some other women who may be going through the same ups and downs as I am. My husband and 2 daughters(11&13) are getting tired of hearing about my goals and excitement. I have been doing aerobics for an hour every morning and plan on continuing everyday as long as the day allows. I have to say in the short 4 days of watching what I eat and moving it I feel like I have more energy and sleep better already.
    So anyone wanting to share or need a little motivation I am a willing ear. :)
  • runforestrun35
    runforestrun35 Posts: 480 Member
    I am 5'7 and want to o get back to 130, Did it once and I want to do it again!
  • 5'2"

    Current: 180
    Lowest: 155
    Goal: 130

    I could use some friends with a similar goal!