1200 Calories



  • kayb58
    kayb58 Posts: 20 Member
    Think protein and high fiber. I plan my diet around protein, vegetables and whole grains, then I add in a grapefruit or orange and an apple everyday. My favorite souces of protein are egg whites and salmon. You won't believe how many egg whites you can eat for very few calories. Salmon is a great source of protein and healthy fats. I also eat a very large salad each day for lunch, it is full of romaine, spinach, carrots, peppers, radishes, chickpeas and hard boiled eggwhites. I love it and get very full. I even throw on some avocado, another very healthy fat, also high in fiber. Look for sugar free whole grain, high fiber breads, they also keep you feeling full longer. Make a black bean burrito, using whole grain La Tortilla factory , high fiber tortillas. They are wonderful.
  • swtally80
    swtally80 Posts: 278 Member
    I make regular old fashion oats with a few raisins and a lil brown sugar.... seems you get a lot more bang for your buck that way. Also, 1200 calories a day I find to be nearly impossible... I cannot function... so I have come to terms with losing less than 2 pounds a week. I like to eat very small meals (more like snacks) every couple of hours, then I feel like I am eating more even if its a slice of meat and cheese here and a little later a piece of fruit etc....
  • niknok28
    I'm on a 1,200 daily goal and have stuck to it. When I exercise I eat more IF I am hungary. It was odd for the first week since I was used to eating 3,000 - 5,000 calories daily but I stuck to it. Veggies, fruit, lean meat, beans and rice! I cook almost all of my own foods which typically saves you as well.

    A typical dinner for me can be 1 cup of jasmine rice, 8 oz of new york strip steak and a cup of steamed broccoli.

    Lunch and Breakfast can be eggs, fruit, veggies, and well for me Lara bars.
  • kvero
    kvero Posts: 3
    try having healthy snacks in between your meals. For example, i had 2 poached eggs 1 thin sliced rye bread toasted with 1 teaspoon of butter and 2 cups of water. I try to have 1 cup of water before i eat to help and then 1 after to help me feel fuller.
    then 2 hrs later for sanck il have my sugars, like half a pear and a probiotic yorgort.
    this way by lunch im not starving and wanting to eat so much i cant breath. I know the feeling im also on a 1200 calorie plan. What also helps is i look up my favorit foods/junk food and look up there calorie factor and it helps when you see that 1 my favorit big mac combo is 1,000 calories+ and that dosnt include your drink. thats pretty much 95% of my daily goal...OMG
    It makes you think how much you put into your body when you add breakfest and dinner to your day....
  • amberchristi
    It can be tough - but with added calories from exercise, it's doable. I would probably skip the butter in any breakfast, though - it will add up QUICK and your calories will be gone before you know it.

    Try out low cal options for your favorite foods - egg whites instead of whole eggs, Sara Lee Delightful bread instead of regular, etc. That way you can stretch your calories further without staying hungry.
  • kvero
    kvero Posts: 3
    I have just upload a yummy realy low but filling chicken wrap. Karla's greek chicken wrap, if you like wraps this will fill you and keep you under your goal. it works for me im also at 1200 calories and one more thing try to drink your 8 glasses of water....
  • keysr
    keysr Posts: 19
    Doing 5 small meals, or 3 meals with small snacks between really helps me out. Plus the benefit of working out and getting extra calories. I takes some time to get used to the decrease in the calories and I think for it to really work it should be a slow process of cutting calories. Going from 3,000 a day to 1,200, you will be so hungry and think you won't be able to do it. But if you cut 100, 150 or 200 calories a day it will be a lot easier, plus your body will be able to adjust and get used to the change.

  • gracienkaidens_momma
    I feel the same way. I almost have to exercise each day in order to be able to eat enough to feel full. Sometimes I think it's too low for me, but I am also only 5'0 and 125 so maybe it's right.
  • Want2bHealthE
    Want2bHealthE Posts: 39 Member
    MFP has me at 1200 cals too. In HS when I lost a lot of weight with the guidance of a doctor, I was eating 1200 as well. That said, on days when I've made good food choices and still feel hungry (or irritable/cranky/tired) I eat something (usually with a little fat in it) and don't think twice about going over. On gym days, I always eat more than 1200 calories, but usually never all of my cario calories, and I never feel hungry on those days... so I'm thinking of upping them from 4x to 6x per/week...basically because I want to eat, lol! BTW... instead of butter I add a tablespoon of pure maple syrup or brown sugar to my oatmeal and it is very satisfying :) I think it is the sugars.
  • cstibbe
    cstibbe Posts: 47 Member
    I agree with all those who like 5 small meals throughout the day! I started doing this eating plan about a month ago and I NEVER feel hungry throughout the day and I have followed a strict 1200 cal diet for the past two months as well. It is to the point where I don't even feel hungry before a small meal, I eat because I know it is time to. Fill your diet with veggies, fruits, and whole grains and it will get easier for you. My first month I started out consuming 1500 cals because 1200 was too little for me. For the past two months I have found that 1200 is enough for me and I never go to bed hungry. I also exercise a lot so I know that on an occasional night if I wan't to eat that slice of chocolate cake, then I will and not feel guilty about it! They key is that it is all about YOU. If 1200 cals isn't enough for you then up your cal amount to 1500 or 1400. What works for others may not work for you. Also, that treadmill or eliptical is your friend! Even though somedays it may seem like the devil, it will help you through this journey and let you eat more food throughout the day which is great bonus :happy:
  • blel0906
    I also adjusted mine up after 2 weeks on 1200 calories..some days 1200 is just fine, others its just not enough, I don't ever hit the 1500 calories but I can't seem to stay at 1200..Plus I also figure I have 60-80 lbs to lose, decided why go for the bear bones minimum in the beggining.
  • kitjos
    kitjos Posts: 158 Member
    Ive just adjusted mine so i go down to 1200 cals per day. MFP requested me to eat 1650 per day before hand but i just couldnt manage it and struggled to even get close to the cal recommended (excluding the exersize i did!) :noway:. So just changed the settings now which will be better for me (hopefully). But i do agree there are days when you have to go over - not sure why, maybe coz its the weekend or time of the month for us ladies *goes psycho* but just do what you feel comfortable. :wink:
  • Rosie02
    The way I make my oatmeal is I use light vanilla soy milk instead of water so I am getting protein and fiber with my oatmeal. If I have a half cup of light soy milk (35 calories) and 1/4 cup of instant oatmeal (75 calories) I have a yummy breakfast for 110 calories. Sometimes I will have a piece of fruit too. The oatmeal is really yummy without all the extra sugar the packets have and keeps me full till lunch. I too exercise to get more calories to eat.
  • ezgoingal2
    I am also just starting this and it helps me to drink water all day. I have cut out everything else except skim milk. But, for breakfast, when in a hurry, it's a protien shake or slimfast. On days I have time: try egg white eggbeaters, fresh spinach diced, 2% shredded cheese, onion and make a yummy omelet..my hubby loved it...esp when I broke out the salsa for topping! OH, and I'm also planning my meals ahead of time and trying to make sure I meet all the amounts everyday...when I can see it...I check them off as I go.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I agree, I found it to be extremely difficult at first. However, if you exercise you have more leeway to eat things. Also, after I got the first two weeks under my belt, I found that my appetite adjusted and I wasn't hungry all of the time. Keep it up! Your body will adapt!
