New and looking for friends with thyroid problems!



  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    When I was a teenager I was diagnosed with Grave's hyperthyroidism, When I was 20 years old I had RAI which turned my thyroid into mush, no I have no thyroid and I am considered hypothyroid for life. I am 37 years old now, I managed my weight pretty well up until I had my daughter 7 years ago which my weight shot up to 255 pounds. I struggle with this daily. I have done numerous diets, joined gyms, etc. I know there is a way to lose weight. I just haven't found it yet, or I am just impatient. I can use friends who understand what this disease does to you. BTW I also have endometriosis! Fun fun!

    My thyroid appears to not function at all. Once I got on the right dosage of meds, losing weight became the same for me as for anyone else. If your hypothyroidism is well controlled, it shouldn't be a roadblock towards losing weight. But, if you are still exhibiting hypothyroid symptoms, keep working with your doctor(s).
  • kshaw5501
    kshaw5501 Posts: 390 Member
    Hi there! I have hypothyroid and PCOS. I take synthroid daily. I sent you a friend request.
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member

    Since being on Synthroid I reached my highest weight (236), yet also dropped to my current 215. Mostly through walking and weightlifting. OH - one really useful thing in managing my food, was getting my resting metabolism rate TESTED, rather than using an online calculator. Since thyroid issues mess with your metabolism, even really good calculators may be (understandably) way off.

    Sounds like you've got a good handle on your working range and which meds work best for you. That's great! The weight WILL come off.
  • Wow, Thank you all for the support! Can ya'll recommend some pretty good strength training DVDs?
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    I've been in treatment for thyroid disease for well over 35 years, presently for hypothyroidism and nodular thyroid.

    I was not morbidly obese because of my TD, but rather because of my overeating. Once on a low carb, highly nutritious eating program I have been able to lose quite effectively. I took RAI years ago, but it only knocked out half of my Thyroid. Don't know why that happened, and since the doctor who administered it was awful, I never found out. I do know that it can happen sometimes following RAI.

    I currently see a very good endo, which is obviously a big help. I take 45 units of Armour Thyroid, which seems to work best for me.

    I do eat slightly below my MFT recommendation, but I feel well and all my medical consultants are really happy with my progress.

    I typically do better in warmer months and poorly in severe cold.

    I also have fibro, which seems to go hand in hand with TD, so my exercise is a little limited, but I've recently seen a great kettlebell training program and I'd love to try it.

    Hope you have great experiences with MFP!
  • I've been in treatment for thyroid disease for well over 35 years, presently for hypothyroidism and nodular thyroid.

    I was not morbidly obese because of my TD, but rather because of my overeating. Once on a low carb, highly nutritious eating program I have been able to lose quite effectively. I took RAI years ago, but it only knocked out half of my Thyroid. Don't know why that happened, and since the doctor who administered it was awful, I never found out. I do know that it can happen sometimes following RAI.

    I currently see a very good endo, which is obviously a big help. I take 45 units of Armour Thyroid, which seems to work best for me.

    I do eat slightly below my MFT recommendation, but I feel well and all my medical consultants are really happy with my progress.

    I typically do better in warmer months and poorly in severe cold.

    I also have fibro, which seems to go hand in hand with TD, so my exercise is a little limited, but I've recently seen a great kettlebell training program and I'd love to try it.

    Hope you have great experiences with MFP!

    Did you have Grave's? I had Grave's when I was a teenager, and had the RAI when I was 20. I have no thyroid gland and last year I was diagnosed with Fibro. That's why my doc does not want me to over do it, he said he can aggravate the fibro. They have been playing around with my meds for a year. I never felt completely well on Synthroid so after all the hype of Nature-throid I decided to try it and it does not seems to be working. After I get it straight again, I may ask to try armour. Do you feel good on it?
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    I definitely feel better on Armour than on synthetics. I was never told I had Graves, but once again my DR was an idiot who would laugh at what I told him and brush off questions.

    I hope you are able to work closely and productively with your medical professionals. I could absolutely kick myself for accepting lousy care for as long as I did.

    One thing I know now- if I am 100% faithful to a super nourishing eating plan with grains, dairy, salt, and sugar eliminated, my fibro is about 95% better! I'd been feeling GREAT for several months and the next thing I know, I'm summoned to a particularly arduous legal responsibility, and BAM, BACK INTO A FLARE!

    So now I'm hoping my doctor's note will free me of that issue so I can go back to taking care of myself properly!

    Hope that helps!
  • Hi, I'm Janet and I too suffer with hypothyroidism! its a constant struggle to lose the weight and to keep it off. If I anything I seem to gain weight over night. I'm so frustrated!!!! I truly need support to get this weight off. Glad to have this site with so many others going through the same problems.
  • I definitely feel better on Armour than on synthetics. I was never told I had Graves, but once again my DR was an idiot who would laugh at what I told him and brush off questions.

    I hope you are able to work closely and productively with your medical professionals. I could absolutely kick myself for accepting lousy care for as long as I did.

    One thing I know now- if I am 100% faithful to a super nourishing eating plan with grains, dairy, salt, and sugar eliminated, my fibro is about 95% better! I'd been feeling GREAT for several months and the next thing I know, I'm summoned to a particularly arduous legal responsibility, and BAM, BACK INTO A FLARE!

    So now I'm hoping my doctor's note will free me of that issue so I can go back to taking care of myself properly!

    Hope that helps!

    I just fired my 3rd endo doctor. I have read everything I could get my hands on and I am not a know it all patient, just well-informed and when a doctor no longer listerns to me, then it is time to let them go. I don't need a lousy doctor wasting my time or his. I had one years ago and I loved him, but he moved out of my area. :( So now I am on the search for a new one. Can I ask you what is your typical breakfast?
  • Hi, I'm Janet and I too suffer with hypothyroidism! its a constant struggle to lose the weight and to keep it off. If I anything I seem to gain weight over night. I'm so frustrated!!!! I truly need support to get this weight off. Glad to have this site with so many others going through the same problems.

    Welcome to the club! I sent you a friend request! We can do this!
  • ad5561
    ad5561 Posts: 2

    I have not logged on to MFP in a bit, but my reason for logging in today was specifically to find a group for those of us with thyroid issues. I was diagnosed with Grave's Disease back in 1999. I was treated with I-131, which did its job and destroyed my thyroid gland. Since then, I've been on Levoxyl. At my highest weight, I was 240, I am 5'11" and am now down to 216.

    It's kind of sad, when you look forward to a time when you can call yourself overweight, instead of obese. smh LOL!

    I am looking forward to giving and receiving hints tips and suggestions.
  • aggieamber05
    aggieamber05 Posts: 15 Member
    I normally don't post much on these forums...but I thought I would here.

    I think you're in good company here. I was diagnosed Hypo 4 years ago after having problems TTC and miscarraige. OB here locally put me on snythroid low dose and it didnt do much of anything. Struggled with weight loss over the past 2 years, only lost 20 lbs in 2013 while working super hard and eating right. After going through about 4 endos, finally found one about 3 hours from me. He put me on Armour in Nov. and an adrenal supplement. Not only do I feel much better, but the weight has started coming off at a more normal rate!

    MFP has helped tremendously with kepeing me in line with eating and working out. Personally I've been doing the BodyRock TV 30 day real time challenge and that has helped a lot too. Its free on Youtube, but it is pretty hardcore.

    At any rate, just stick to it! It may take forever for the weight to come off or to find the right Dr, but it will happen! Feel free to friend me!
  • ErniesMom863
    ErniesMom863 Posts: 36 Member
    I am also hypothyroid and I ignored it for years. I have been doing Crossfit for 3-4 years and just couldn't take off the weight. In August, I decided to get my thyroid straight once and for all after weighing in at an all time high of 186.5! I am only 5ft so that is a tall persons equivalent of the 200's. I go to a doctor who tested me every thirty days until he leveled my medication. I am so thrilled. I now weigh 145.5 and I am now able to eat more calories and still lose weight. I have been overjoyed about it!
  • ClaUuuUuu
    ClaUuuUuu Posts: 13 Member
    Hi girls...

    Im Claudia, I'm 27 and I had RAI 3 months ago... So far I haven´t gained any weight... BUT I completely changed my eating habits.. Because I had Graves disease on my eyes, I can´t eat gluten, and at the same time I decided to not eat meet, except for fish. I also stopped eating so much processed sugars because I used to eat cookies, ice cream and chocolates every day and lots of it. Also my advice is create muscle... Don´t really worry so much about cardio. For us, with a slow metabolism, muscle is the absolute key. For me for example: I used to do tons of Zumba and cardio classes at the gym but now I'm doing body pump and lifting a little bit of weight on the gym machines.

    We can do it!!!!! Yes!

    And ... I have to say that weight is such a pain in the *kitten* but if you didn´t have your eyes affected YOU ARE VERY LUCKY.

    Wishing you the best of lucks!
  • JenJBS
    JenJBS Posts: 83
    Severely hypothyroid. Taking synthroid. I'm thinking about asking the Doctor about upping my dosage. My metabolism is just so slow...

    Any and all Friend requests welcome.