Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Carnline2
    Hi I am surfing through checking out some groups. I have a lot to lose and a lot to gain on my way down. My needs are portion control and an efficient exercise schedule. I would like to use other people's thoughts and accomplishments as fuel for my motivation. Please
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Hi all... just a drive by today.
    Thursday truth: I get to write a plan of correction for my boss tonight, to explain to her why I should still have a job. :noway:
    Needless to say, the past couple of days have not gone well, either at work or on the calories. And believe me, I feel awful ... stomach feels bloated, etc. :sick:

    Hanging in only because of a glimmer of hope from that QRM manager, who thinks my position belongs in her department instead of nursing -- and she doesn't like my boss much either, it seems.

    Or I could win the lottery...

    Daughter's best friend is here for a short visit, so may not be much of a poster until Saturday.... love to all of you...
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Just a quick stop tonight.

    Truth-Been craving cookies and sweets this week not surprised but I need to cut back. Thanks to TOM, which explains the sugar cravings.

    Now I need to review a few papers before tomorrow.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I just spent a lot of time entering a recipe into MFP and it isn't showing up in the data base. Does anyone have a clue what else I need to do?
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I just spent a lot of time entering a recipe into MFP and it isn't showing up in the data base. Does anyone have a clue what else I need to do?

    It won't show up in the database. (unless you take further steps to add it).

    Go to your food diary and choose add a food under whichever category you want the recipe (breakfast/lunch/dinner/etc). Now on the far right tab (under where you would type in a food for search) choose the very last tab labeled recipes.

    It will be listed there.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @charlotte--congrats on the new grandson!! :drinker:

    @vickie--so sorry for all of your workplace woes--I hope the QRM gets you transferred. :flowerforyou:

    @carnline--welcome! One of the best investments I made in this journey was a digital kitchen scale to weigh out the proper portions. If you get your food under control, you can lose quite a lot of weight even with limited time for exercise.

    @robin--we've been colleagues and friends for 12 years, so it's easy to forgive and forget. Regardless of how rude it was, I know it wasn't her intention to hurt my feelings. I'm also sure I was overly sensitive due to my own stress and lack of sleep.Glad you got that tooth filed down. There's nothing better than a really good burger--glad you enjoyed it. I finished my "holiday" bottle of Bailey's and won't be buying another any time soon--way too tempting for me. :blushing:

    @tracy--sorry you aren't getting more support at home from your husband, but I'm glad to hear his depression bouts are infrequent. I've found buffalo wings aren't too terribly high in calories is you can stop at 5 or 6 (I can, but I have friends who can't). They are super high in sodium though, so drink that water!! :drinker:

    @gwen--yes the 20 degree weather here in Chicago feels so warm after that polar vortex! Heard it will be in the 40s this weekend.

    @tom--sorry to hear about your arm--take it easy and let it heal. :flowerforyou:

    Sorry to those I missed--will catch you on the next round. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks to others who sympathized with my rant yesterday. Today was much better day--thanks in part to a bit more sleep last night. Still could use more. :yawn:

    Thursday Truth:
    I need to take my own advice to Tom with my darn knee! I hurt it a couple of weeks ago doing squats--it seemed to be better. Then I ran 2 days in a row this week, and the pain really flared up. :grumble: I may need to go to the doctor to get a diagnosis b/c it's a completely different injury than the torn meniscus I rehabbed a couple of years ago. It's the opposite knee, first of all, but the pain is in a totally different place and it feels completely different as well. I think it may be my ACL b/c it's my outer knee slightly below my kneecap. The pain radiates down my leg almost to the ankle. It's feeling better today since I haven't worked out in two days. I'm going to take tomorrow off as well and see if that does the trick.
  • SeeLShrink
    Hey everyone!

    Just a quick check in. . .

    Did my circuit class tonight, got my butt kicked! I was still pretty sore beforehand, so instead of doing an intense cardio session, I walked the track for a while. All in all, a pretty good gym day :smile:

    Thursday - Truth: I'm kind of a scale junkie, I need to start doing weekly weigh ins instead of daily. It drives me too nuts to check everyday, but it's hard to break away from! I'm going to ask my husband to put it away so I'm not tempted to jump on so much.

    Have a great night!

  • dukesduchess350
    dukesduchess350 Posts: 77 Member
    @tlh- Sorry to hear that you're going through a rough patch. I hope things get better for you.

    @vickie- I hope things go well with everything at work and pray that they will see that you're a great asset to their company. Good luck and my prayers are with you!

    AFM- Thursday Truth: My day did not start out on a good note. My fur baby has been sick for a while and we've been going back and forth to the vets multiple times a week. This morning I woke up to my little having seizures so at 600am I'm rushing him to his doctor. He was there all day long under their care. They allowed him to come home so he would have continued around the clock care and eyes on him. First thing tomorrow morning I have to bring him back to the doctors. I hope and break we can beat this and he gets back to his normal feisty little self.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thanks, Mowmow, I found the recipe.
    We woke up this morning to a skiff of snow. DD told me it was too slick out for me to walk so I spent an hour with Leslie Sansone. I did the 3 mile power walk. It was a lot more intense than my usual 3 mile walk, but I missed being outside.
    Sorry for the injuries that some of you are dealing with. Hope you heal quickly.
    I'm getting tired of the scale being stuck in the same place, too. I join Susan and a number of others in the frustration of being stuck. I'm not sure that resetting my goals when I did was a good idea. I may do some reevaluation if nothing happens by the end of the month.
    Have a great evening. Kaye
  • NaomiGibbins
    NaomiGibbins Posts: 57 Member
    Hi all, am loving reading your newsy posts. I've been watching and learning all about you, and while I haven't had time to post, I have been thinking of and praying for you. I'm amazed by just how committed and generous you all are.

    Friday fitness - not really for me at the moment. Fibromyalgia keeping from getting out there. As for planning for my weekend eating I'm on my own until Sunday night so got to be very organised. I've shopped today and planned my meals. Have to make sure it's all logged too.

    Happy weekend all, N
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Vicki~I’m sorry for your continued saga at work, I sure hope you get some relief from the drama soon.

    @Karen~I’m sorry for the knee issues, unfortunately I can relate all too well. :frown: If you have any swelling try elevating and icing it when you get home this evening, maybe take ibuprofen for a couple of days to help with any inflammation. I would say if it doesn’t improve after one more rest day, to maybe see your doc and make sure you don’t have a more serious injury. I hope it feels better soon.

    @Madeline~I’m sorry for your furbaby’s illness, it’s hard when they’re sick and there isn’t anything we can do. I hope he is back to 100% soon.


    AFM~Had a really intense session with my trainer yesterday – we took medicine balls, kettle bells and some dumbbells to the squash court and did a bunch of agility type training. Really high energy, but the type of workout where you don’t feel like you’re working out. I burned a ton of calories and surprisingly didn’t wake up sore (I’m sure that will change). I thought my back would hurt this morning, too, but so far so good. It was really a lot of fun – I woke up super hungry this morning, though. I go to Starbucks every Friday and today treated myself to a bagel, I probably haven’t had a bagel in a year or more (surely not that many carbs in one meal) but it sure was delish! Most likely will take a rest day today, may go to the gym and get in the Jacuzzi though – that will be good for my muscles if they turn out sore later.

    Not sure what the weekend has in store yet, maybe work on projects around the house including a trip to look at paint samples. I need to shop for some new workout pants too.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, arc trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Gym training session Not Done (trainer canceled and I worked late)
    Wednesday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Thursday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Friday~Rest Day
    Saturday~Gym, running drills (may do this outside, supposed to be sunny and in the 60s)
    Sunday~Gym, Training session

    Have a great day!
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Greetings. I'm going through a tough mental patch right now. I'm wearing size 16 pants, which is the smallest I've been since I can remember in high school. I'm really worried about self-sabotage now, and I'm hoping getting it out in the open will be good. I've had a terrible eating week, and I've barely made it to the gym, but everyone gets off track a little here and there. I will go to the gym today. I ate better yesterday. I will eat better today. Gym's going to be chest and triceps day. I love chest flies especially because I do the same weight as most of the guys. :) 1 hour of cardio too. Just gotta give myself that kick start again. I feel like this weather is just bringing me down, but excuses will get me nowhere.

    Has anyone else self-sabotaged their journey? How did you get over it?
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Greetings. I'm going through a tough mental patch right now. I'm wearing size 16 pants, which is the smallest I've been since I can remember in high school. I'm really worried about self-sabotage now, and I'm hoping getting it out in the open will be good. I've had a terrible eating week, and I've barely made it to the gym, but everyone gets off track a little here and there. I will go to the gym today. I ate better yesterday. I will eat better today. Gym's going to be chest and triceps day. I love chest flies especially because I do the same weight as most of the guys. :) 1 hour of cardio too. Just gotta give myself that kick start again. I feel like this weather is just bringing me down, but excuses will get me nowhere.

    Has anyone else self-sabotaged their journey? How did you get over it?

    I do think this time of year is tough. The holidays being over plus the lousy weather brings me down as well. It's hard to get motivated to do much of anything especially when my instinct is to hibernate.

    I think having a short term goal to focus on has helped me. I'm going on vacation at the beginning of March and I want to be to 199 when I go. And I'm spending some time pinning cute spring/summer clothes that I will be able to wear this year to inspire and motivate me. Maybe you could set a short term goal and define a treat for yourself when you get there?

    Spring is coming........and we want to look good when it gets here!
  • bltyrone
    bltyrone Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, all!! Thank you for keeping me motivated this week! I am now 6 lbs down for the year!! Super excited! Yesterday, I even goofed and ate something before checking out the calories...and I still lost. It was a "Plain Jane" Potato from Jason's Deli. And it did taste really good...but I won't be doing that again...way over my daily calorie level. I told myself afterwards, I would walk that night and I would track over the weekend to make up for it.

    I go to my Gastroenterologist today. Hoping for some ideas on this abdominal pain (5 weeks). I go to a Nephrologist at the end of the month. We'll see. I've had what I consider a steady 4-5 pain with occasional 7-8 (8 level is where I can barely talk...and these have happened in front of my two kiddos, which I don't like that I think I scared them).

    I had a yummy PB&J Protein Shake this morning that I gotta share! I did 2 scoops of EAS Vanilla Whey Protein Powder, 1/2 c frozen strawberries, 1 tsp peanut butter, 1 c almond milk and a little bit of water. Blended in my trusty blender. It was amazing!!

    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?
    Right now, with the abdominal pain, the most I am doing is walking. Taking the stairs at work more when I can. On my good days, I want to get back to my Christian Zumba videos on youtube.
    I have my meals planned out for the weekend...and they are amazing, if I do say so myself. ;) Stick to the plan + track faithfully = Win.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Good morning everyone and Happy Friday!

    Yesterday was a mentally exhausting day at work. :grumble: Needless to say, I am very glad today is Friday.

    After work I met my husband at the store (a wholesale one) and we stocked up our fridge and freezer. I was very disappointed that they did not have any fresh edamame. I looked in the frozen section and I could not find any there either. Edamame is one of my go to snacks to bump up my protein. :sad: I was able to pick up more Greek yogurt and some frozen berries so I will be making a lot of smoothies the next couple of days. :happy:

    Kah - If you don't mind me asking what brand/ model scale do you have? I have a plain old digital scale, nothing fancy. I have been considering upgrading to one that gives me more information. I was looking at the scales in the store last night while I was waiting for my husband to get there. I am debating asking Brian for a new scale for my birthday.

    BJCamp - Congrats on the drop in sizes. That is great. I love that you say you are not happy where you are and are motivated to do even better. That is a fantastic attitude to have. Keep up the fabulous work!

    My MOwMOw - Great video, thanks for sharing.

    Tom - Sorry to hear you are in pain. Hope you feel better soon.

    tlh - Sorry to hear that. I hope your husband gets some help for his own personal needs and also so he can help you as well.

    Mel - Congrats on getting to the gym and the good workout. I can't help you with the lower carbs thing but I know they do make low carb cookbooks, I have a vegetarian one. Maybe you can search for some low carb recipes on the internet to help give you some ideas.

    Robin - Glad to hear your tooth is fixed and you had a fun day yesterday with a friend!

    Carnline - You stumbled upon the right place for support and motivation. Welcome. Jump right in and join us.

    Vicki - Sorry to hear about your work troubles. I hope things get better soon. Winning the lottery would be nice too. :wink:

    Kaye - That is frustrating. I don't really know an answer for you. Is it not showing up in the main databases or under your recipe section? Did you make sure you hit the save button or whatever the green button says at the bottom of the page?

    Skinny - I hope the problem with your knee heals soon. Is it possible you are in need of new shoes? I know for me once my shoes become worn down I experience some knee discomfort. Hopefully it's not a serious problem.

    Lauren - I am a scale junkie too. I step on every morning and sometimes mid day if I am home. I do it more so to monitor my progress. I only officially weigh in once a week. There are times I become frustrated with the scale. I am currently experiencing one of those times but I think it is due to TOM symptoms. :angry:

    Madeline - Sorry to hear your furbaby is not feeling well. It is so stressful when they are ill. I hope he feels better soon.

    bltyrone - I hope things go well at the doctor today and you can get some relief to your pain. That must be scare for your children to watch.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Friday fitness:
    planned on going to the gym, but the weather warmed up (around freezing) and compared to what it's been, it's like the warm tropics here....took the baby out in the sleigh (baby sleigh) and pulled him through the snow and slid easily as everything is slippery. I'm excited to go for a walk later today with hubby. We haven't been out walking since long before Christmas due to the weather.
    sticking to the low carb eating..seems to be working
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member

    I feel for you. I have self-sabotaged in the past and pretty much knew ahead of time that I was going to do it. Lost a lot of weight and gained it's what I think would long as you have a distinct goal in mind as to why you must lose weight, you will lose. If you reach your goal, or stop having a set goal, it's easy to give up and go back to the old ways.
    I'm certainly no expert. I struggle with the same thing and am trying to set a goal for myself to keep me motivated so that I don't self-sabotage.
    On 'Biggest Loser" they always say ...'you're worth it"!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Friday Fitness: I had two sessions with the trainer this week. Last night’s kicked my butt!! Kettlebell, squats w/medicine ball, stability ball, and a few other lovely exercises. Plus, I finished up with a treadmill walk. I did 4 days straight. I think today may be a rest day. My body is a bit tired or I may do a nice walk later tonight. I’ll see how I’m feeling later. I’m pleased with my fitness so far, but definitely going to start increasing the resistance on the elliptical to increase my HR.

    @ Karen – It sounds like you were already having a rough day then to add a little office/friend drama was probably the icing on the cake. Glad to hear today was better.

    @ Kris – You’re exactly right. The past month or so has been so out of whack, but the great thing is I only gained 3 lbs. Last year I completely derailed between Halloween and New Year’s so this year I basically maintained so I’m OK with that. You’ll be back on track very quickly once your routine gets back to normal too. I’ve followed another girl on Facebook who lost over 150 lbs and never once went to a gym. She post all these amazing shots from her living room. Everything she’s done was video’s on her living room. She’s been a huge inspiration to me. You don’t need all that fancy equipment, but just a few things and you can do it!!!

    @ Mel – Frost quakes? I’ve never heard of that. Wow!!! So many parts of the country have just been slammed this winter season. I know it’s tough getting out to exercise in this kind of weather, but I’m proud of you for trying.

    @ Laurie – I just can’t fathom these kids saying crap like that. If my son spoke to a teacher that way, I don’t care how old he is he would be disciplined.

    @ Lauren – Thanks!! I’m 275 right now and the same. Not a beginner, but not a pro either. My fitness level is decent I think for someone my size. Perhaps I should just bite the bullet and try one. I am thinking about getting back into a cross training, aerobics or perhaps try Zumba. I haven’t taken a class in a long time just working with the trainer and on my own, but I use to love classes and getting to know the regulars.

    @ Tracy – Right now, I’m eating 1,700 calories and do not eat the exercise calories. Initially, the trainer wanted me to eat like 2,100 and I just couldn’t. It seemed way too high. I just get so scared eating so many calories. All those crazy weight loss shows have folks only eating like 1,200 and exercise like crazy so why shouldn’t I? I’m slowly learning the whole body/fuel thing and I know I need those calories. I’m going to keep tweaking my numbers and see where I land. How are your goals for January coming along?

    @ Madeline – Sorry about the pipes. I’ve heard from so many friends who had frozen pipes too. At least you looked at the positive and got in some calorie burn. Hope it gets warmer soon for so many of you.

    @ Charlotte – Congrats on your first week!! You’re doing great!! I agree about the baby names. We had quite a few picked out. We wanted to wait and see him before we made the final decision, but definitely a list was already in the works.

    @ Nettie – I know it’s so hard when you have a day planned and then have to readjust. Plus, with your students, it’s imperative to have the right number of staff on hand. I would definitely take that as a compliment and I guess just keep doing what you’re doing. Hopefully, the door will finally open and you’ll be awarded for your hard work and commitment. Again, those students are lucky to have you!!

    @ Kelly – I’ll have to send the list to you, but I believe one of them is the D3 you mentioned. I think Garlic is another one and a Green Tea Extract. There’s another one I’m missing called K or something like that. I just started today so I’ll keep an eye on it and see how I feel. Thanks for the feedback though. I know you, Laurie, Karen or someone has already experienced it so that’s for the advice. The trainer really wants me to focus on Paleo so I’m leaning more towards protein and fat like 30/40/30 or something like that. More calories may be needed, but scares me like I mentioned to Tracy. Also, I have just a plain digital scale too so may invest in a better scale to see those additional numbers. It may help.

    @ Tom – Great quote! I’ve always been impressed with Colin Powell. Sorry about the arm. Hope it feels better soon.

    @ Robin – Glad the tooth is repaired and you had a little fun too. Good for you!!

    @ Vicki – You just can’t get ahead. Work has been just too frustrating for too long. You’re good at what you do and hopefully someone will see that and respect you for it too. Hang in there!!

    @ Naomi – Welcome!

    @ Bity – I hope you get some answers today. Luckily, I’ve never had gastro issues, but have quite a few friends who are just miserable and in pain. Hate that for you.

    @ Alupinsk – Girl, you’re wearing a 16 pant!!! You’ve worked hard. We knew this journey was not going to be easy with some rough patches along the way. So you’re in a little funk? Snap out of it!!! You’ve come so far and you did it!! Go back to baby steps again. Start getting back into the swing of things. You’ve got this!!!!!!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Well, last night didn't go as planned. As crabby as my husband is, he wouldn't do half of the errands that needed to get done, so I ended up dropping Jacob off at basketball practice at 6:30, go to the south end of town to get orthopedic inserts for Jacob's basektball shoes (couldn't put it off as his growth plates are suffering) and then get back across town to pick him up. Then we had to go to Walmart to get Jacob's glasses fixed and pick up some essential groceries. The part that irritated me is that Michael drove one block from Scheel's (only place that carries the right inserts) to get Emma to ice skating. ARGHHHH! :explode: By the time, I got home at 9:30, I just couldn't bring myself to go to the gym and had a pity party for myself at home last night.

    Today, I realized that that pity party doesn't get me any closer to my goals, so after my hair appointment today, I'm going to run to the gym and do the C25K at minimum. Tonight I will take Jacob to basketball practice and then when that is over, I have a date with my sister to do lifting.

    @Robin...glad your tooth is better. Is there a way to put an alarm somewhere to make sure that every 2 hours you sign into MFP and log that last two hours? You could do that until you get back in the groove of logging.

    @Vicki...I sure hope your work stress gets easier/solved.

    @Karen...I agree, get to the doctor so you can at least know how to solve the knee problem before it gets worse.

    @Madeline...good luck with your dog. Ours is a miniature chuhuahua and he's been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Not sure how much time we have left with him, but he takes his meds like a champ and he's not in any pain. Just a lot more laying around than playing.

    @Alupinsk...Maybe buy the next size down so you can physically see/try on the next goal? Not sure, but try to keep the end goal in sight. husband, unfortunately, will constantly say that he's not as bad as he was back when he was drinking, so he thinks he's doing great. Based on history, I know I just need to be patient for a few more days because it generally doesn't last this long. He's telling me that he's just still de-stressing from his superbusy month of December (to be fair he only had 2 days off between Thanksgiving and Christmas) but it's been a couple of weeks, I feel he should be on track now. I had been out of my protein powder, but got it last night, so I'll be on the smoothie/shake plan with you. My body will enjoy getting back into the groove of enough protein...I've definitely been lacking lately.

    @Susan...I'm so happy that you are enjoying the workouts with your trainer. When I read your posts (and others that have a trainer), I'm contemplating getting one but I feel like I need to see how our finances shake out now that we don't have the house. You'd think we'll have the money, but we also had to take out over $23,000 in loans to get out from our mortgage, so that has to be paid back as quickly as possible. I'm at 1850 for calories and generally eat back my calories from cardio. I don't record any weight lifting because I count that as part of my 1-3 hours of "lightly active." Right now, I seem to be on track with finding my groove, so I'll leave it as it is. My goals are pretty good...I listed how I'm doing below.

    Monday - Lift (and c25K? -- we'll see) DID C25k AND 5 MILES ON BIKE - NO LIFT
    Tuesday - Zumba with my sis DONE
    Wednesday - Lift DONE
    Thursday - C25K NOT DONE
    Friday - Lift
    Saturday - C25K
    Sunday - Rest

    Goals for January
    * Drink 8 glasses of water (boy did I fall off the wagon on that one)
    * One soda a week
    * Lift three times a week
    * Minimum two cardio workouts a week (shoot for three but...)
    * Get my calories back under control and within my "goal
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Nettie~I can’t remember off hand the brand of my scale, but I will look tonight and report back.

    @Susan~It was so hard at first for me to wrap my head around eating 2,000 calories. There are days that I don’t hit it but I come close and honestly I have found that I feel better and recover better when I’ve had the right fuel for my body – same holds true for supplements, I definitely feel it if I haven’t had fish oil for a couple of days.

    @Tracy~I’m sorry your husband isn’t more supportive and isn’t helping out more around the house, I hope that someday he’ll realize you can’t run the household on your own and your stress would be greatly diminished if he would lend a hand. You’re doing great with your January goals!

    AFM~Co-worker asked earlier if I was up to happy hour, so doing that this afternoon. I’ve been in the mood for fajitas, so we’re heading to my favorite Mexican place. They have the best margaritas so I will be over on calories/macros today - I haven’t had one in ages, so decided I’m treating myself tonight.