What's Wrong With Me?


Well I've been on MyFitnessPal daily since I started on Monday, January 6. During this past week I've worked out twice (first time since July!) and would have done more if not for the weather cancelling and closing things.

Anyway, I was doing OK and as of Thursday lost about 0.8 lb which is pretty good for 3 or 4 days in. But then this morning I weighed myself and GAINED almost 2 lb overnight! I ate slightly higher than my goal because I went out to eat (that foils me everytime!!). We ate at Logan's and I had 1 shrimp skewer, one house salad (no cheese, no croutons) with FF vinegrette, a veggie skewer, and a bite of my mom's ribeye (like a square inch of meat). I also had 2 cups of coffee, some ice water, and maybe 15 peanuts from the bucket.

I know, I know. Food at restaurants are loaded with sodium and hidden calories, but seriously. I had hardly any carbs and ate mostly veggies. And still I wake up to a discouraging gain.

Makes me wish I got a burger or a steak since I gained weight anyway :-(

It used to be so easy to lose weight. When I was 20 (I'm now almost 36), I went on Weight Watchers and lost 7 lbs the first week like it was nothing and continued to lose weight until I lost 40 lb. And it was easy :-(

Getting old sucks!!

Just wanted to get that off my chest since I feel pretty crappy about the gain.

Have a great weekend!



  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member

    You ate out - you were probably way over on sodium - the gain is all water weight - drink loads of water today and it'll be gone tomorrow. This happens to EVERYONE and wouldn't have mattered what you ate.

    I went out for dinner on Wednesday night and had 2lb gain Thursday morning, I just spent yesterday and today drinking plenty of water and now its gone.

    If you are going to survive this journey, this is something you have to accept and not let it get you down - if seeing an increase on the scale like this is going to upset you don't weigh everyday and leave it a couple of days after eating out. Otherwise you will just drive yourself crazy!!!
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    As you said, "Food at restaurants are {sic} loaded with sodium". You didn't really gain 2 pounds overnight; to do so you would have had to have eaten 7,000 calories more than what your body burned yesterday. Don't sweat this and don't think that there is something wrong with you; ESPECIALLY don't blame it on your age.

    Keep working out and tracking your food and you will lose weight!
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    As you said, "Food at restaurants are {sic} loaded with sodium". You didn't really gain 2 pounds overnight; to do so you would have had to have eaten 7,000 calories more than what your body burned yesterday. Don't sweat this and don't think that there is something wrong with you; ESPECIALLY don't blame it on your age.

    Keep working out and tracking your food and you will lose weight!

    This. I weighed 132.4 three days ago. Yesterday I weighed 130.9. Today I weigh 129.3. Did I lose 3.1 lbs in three days? No. The high weight was a water gain, probably from TOM.

    Keep track of your measurements and your food. Make sure you are eating at a deficit and you will be succesful.

    BTW, I'm 37 (38 in a month) and I'm thinner/fitter than I was in high school. Definitely don't blame age. Or like a lot of people do, use it as an excuse. :flowerforyou:
  • maria_tm1978
    Great idea! I will get myself to the office kitchen for water right now! Thanks!
  • maria_tm1978
    As you said, "Food at restaurants are {sic} loaded with sodium". You didn't really gain 2 pounds overnight; to do so you would have had to have eaten 7,000 calories more than what your body burned yesterday. Don't sweat this and don't think that there is something wrong with you; ESPECIALLY don't blame it on your age.

    Keep working out and tracking your food and you will lose weight!

    True I DID not eat 7,000 calories yesterday LOL. Thanks being a voice of reason!
  • maria_tm1978
    As you said, "Food at restaurants are {sic} loaded with sodium". You didn't really gain 2 pounds overnight; to do so you would have had to have eaten 7,000 calories more than what your body burned yesterday. Don't sweat this and don't think that there is something wrong with you; ESPECIALLY don't blame it on your age.

    Keep working out and tracking your food and you will lose weight!

    This. I weighed 132.4 three days ago. Yesterday I weighed 130.9. Today I weigh 129.3. Did I lose 3.1 lbs in three days? No. The high weight was a water gain, probably from TOM.

    Keep track of your measurements and your food. Make sure you are eating at a deficit and you will be succesful.

    BTW, I'm 37 (38 in a month) and I'm thinner/fitter than I was in high school. Definitely don't blame age. Or like a lot of people do, use it as an excuse. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks! You look great BTW! And I know it's not really age. When I was in better shape a couple of years ago I ran the Disney Princess Half Marathon and ran 10-milers every Saturday morning, whereas I couldn't run the required mile in gym class in high school. It's just hard starting from the bottom again I guess.
  • thesimsisters
    thesimsisters Posts: 73 Member
    Yeah, this is why I cannot weigh myself everyday. I find it very discouraging. I only get on the scale at the same time on Saturday morning. And if I'd ate out in a restaurant on Friday evening, i would skip that week as it wouldn't be accurate the next morning from all that salt. I also know that my period will make me up about 2-3 lbs that week depending on where I'm at in my cycle, so I know not to freak out if that happens. It'll be gone plus some the next Saturday ;)
  • SerenaKitty
    Weigh once weekly and don't expect to see results right away. It takes time! Good luck :)
  • callmeampersand
    callmeampersand Posts: 29 Member
    It is most likely sodium induced...when I eat out at restaurants or just eat particularly bad food my weight increases by a pound or two. Also, I noticed if I don't get enough sleep my weight fluctuates. I try not to weigh myself every day but sometimes its hard not to. Don't let it get to you!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    YOu said you did exercise this week for the first time since July right?

    The 2lbs is water weight due to your musce retaining water after your new workout.
  • jengoncalves74
    jengoncalves74 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you so much for this post. After working out for the last 7 of 8 days and tracking calories, I planned to weigh myself this morning and was excited at the prospect of seeing numbers go down. After all, my pants already started feeling looser.

    I stepped on the scale this morning and Boom! 4 lbs gained. Ugh. I knew it was likely because of asian takeout, and even though I chose wisely, it was all the sodium. This thread just made me feel so much better.

    THANK YOU!!!
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Stop weighing yourself everyday. You will drive yourself crazy.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Weight fluctuates due to any number of issues. Water weight and bowel content (sorry) being two of the biggest. Rest assured you did not gain two pounds of fat overnight.

    Focus on the overall trend, rather than the actual scale number. I strongly suggest signing up for a service like trendweight.com.

    If your weight trends up over a six week period, then there is something wrong, and you need to address it. Short term blips like this should be ignored.
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    Stop weighing yourself everyday. You will drive yourself crazy.

    This...or do weigh yourself everyday to learn the way your body weight fluxuates. I can "lose" or "gain" 5 pounds overnight. It's the weirdest thing, but I don't let it bother me anymore and just look at trends.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    It's only been a week...it takes a few weeks before you will notice any major changes.

    Plus, your weight will naturally fluctuate, especially being a female.

    Just give it some time.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member

    Well I've been on MyFitnessPal daily since I started on Monday, January 6. During this past week I've worked out twice (first time since July!) and would have done more if not for the weather cancelling and closing things.

    Anyway, I was doing OK and as of Thursday lost about 0.8 lb which is pretty good for 3 or 4 days in. But then this morning I weighed myself and GAINED almost 2 lb overnight! I ate slightly higher than my goal because I went out to eat (that foils me everytime!!). We ate at Logan's and I had 1 shrimp skewer, one house salad (no cheese, no croutons) with FF vinegrette, a veggie skewer, and a bite of my mom's ribeye (like a square inch of meat). I also had 2 cups of coffee, some ice water, and maybe 15 peanuts from the bucket.

    I know, I know. Food at restaurants are loaded with sodium and hidden calories, but seriously. I had hardly any carbs and ate mostly veggies. And still I wake up to a discouraging gain.

    Makes me wish I got a burger or a steak since I gained weight anyway :-(

    It used to be so easy to lose weight. When I was 20 (I'm now almost 36), I went on Weight Watchers and lost 7 lbs the first week like it was nothing and continued to lose weight until I lost 40 lb. And it was easy :-(

    Getting old sucks!!

    Just wanted to get that off my chest since I feel pretty crappy about the gain.

    Have a great weekend!


    4 days! Only 4 days. Please please allow yourself some time to see results!!! You didn't gain the weight over night, you will not lose it overnight. Stop getting on the scale....weigh in once a week. Have patience, stay consistent and you will get results.
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    Getting old sucks? You are 36, I am 54. Stop whining! Now, most have already mentioned the answer, your weight fluctuates. Focus on keeping yourself in calorie deficit everyday. Exercise helps because it gets your net calories down and makes staying on plan easier. If you eat out and indulge--go for a walk after you get home to help flush the salt and the calories. If you freak out about ups and downs on the graph don't weigh everyday and don't watch the stock market. Log everything like a religious rite.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    By the way, I also 'gained' two pounds last night. It'll be gone tomorrow, or the next day. I've been doing this long enough that I've seen dozens, maybe even more than 100, blips like this. I don't sweat it.
  • bridgew24
    bridgew24 Posts: 143 Member
    Um has anyone pointed out that it is useless to weigh yourself daily?!
    Your body fluxuates with water etc retension.
    Weigh yourself every week or 2. At the same time of day.
    You didn't gain the weight in one day so don't expect to lose it in one! :wink:
  • desireebeam
    Hi Maria! Absolutely NOTHING is wrong with you, and don't let yourself tell you otherwise -- you are HUMAN, and humans need to eat! Don't beat yourself up over the slight weight gain. (I'm laughing at myself right now because I tend to beat myself up the same way you do...but it's always easier to GIVE advice than receive it.) Either way, point is our bodies will fluctuate in weight DAILY, so it's important to not let those blinking (or rotating) numbers on the scale ruin the reason you started your journey. Try weighing yourself only once a month (that's what I do), but take your measurements every other week to really see the changes. I started out at 280 pounds back in September 2013, and I am down 25 pounds now. I have a ways to go, but it's so easy to lose sight of the end result when the process seems to take so long. Give yourself credit for even beginning this journey...the hardest thing to do is "tie up the shoes". Good luck, Maria -- and keep your head up, you are headed in the right direction!!