When was your last straw that made you want to change?



  • davadoto
    davadoto Posts: 105 Member
    I have yet another reason... made the mistake of taking a somewhat naked pic to track progress. Uggghhh!! Going to the gym RIGHT NOW!! If you need motivation, I suggest giving this a try....
    That's probably one of the best and scariest motivation tricks I've heard of :laugh:
  • Yes i agree. It just clicks.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Much like TheFitHooker it was a pic posted on FB...I was mortified...


    top left pic is July 2010...my dads wedding...and to top it all off there was a tummy control panel...
    bottom left is when I join MFP same dress..
    3rd pic...Nov 17th 2013

    ETA I have to say that when I show this pic to people and tell them about the tummy control panel they are like "Holy crap Stef..." or laugh which is fine it is sad to know I was there.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Being told I was borderline diabetic after a health screening at work. I started taking a diabetes prevention course at my local YMCA and started exercising. I also joined MFP because it was mentioned as a site we could use to track our exercise and food intake.
  • mrshudson813
    mrshudson813 Posts: 128 Member
    My coworker died suddenly from a heart attack. He was in his mid 40's..way too young to die. I am turning 30 next month and I know I need to do something about my weight sooner rather than later.
  • hep26000
    hep26000 Posts: 156 Member
    There are a lot of stories out there that I can relate too but I think the true reason for me is my nephew. I love my nephew more than life itself and he told me that he wants me to take him to sixflags and ride some rides with him. Last time I went to six flags was in 2009 and although I could fit into the rides back then it was a struggle. I have put on a lot of pounds since then and I don't want to go to the theme part knowingly i can't fit into a roller-coaster seat. In his eyes, I am the cool Aunt but it hurts me that I can't do things with him due to my weight like Go Kart Racing, jumping on a trampoline without feeling I am going to break it. So I am doing it for him and myself but he is my motivation and he keeps me going *tears*

    I didn't read every response but out of the ones that I did- yours was my favorite. It actually made me tear up a bit. :cry:
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    A friend of mine posted Halloween photo's and this is what she posted of me and I thought it was a cruel sick joke.


    Could not believe I let myself go that much. I had enough!

    Now that I have a little more time, I'd like to add to this. Before this photo was taken, my dad had a heart attack and found out he was a diabetic. Months before that, my grandmother made the comment that he and I both needed to be tested for diabetes, I didn't want to know, didn't care, was depressed and could careless if I lived or die. After this photo in April, I did find out I was a diabetic. I found out in april because I was pregnant with my last baby, I had a reason to care, found out in my first trimester, had the symptoms of it for quite sometime though. My unborn child was my motivation to take care of me. My dad almost dying was my motivation to not let that ever be me, that photo was my breaking point because I did not ever believe I was that big.

    Proud to say that I'm now healthy and happy! 815 days today of logging!
  • My grandma noticed that I was getting pudgier - my grandma is definitely 300+ pounds, so knowing that even she felt like I was getting too big was a good kick in the *kitten* (plus a ton of other factors, but that was the biggest warning sign).
  • MrsAustin1480
    MrsAustin1480 Posts: 83 Member
    We went to a rock concert (actually two) and saw Otherwise, Papa Roach and Stone Sour (GREAT show). While there, I actually put on makeup and fixed my hair. I felt pretty awesome. My hubby commented on how much he liked when I fixed myself up. I realized I hadn't been doing anything to myself - looking sloppy all the time - because I didn't like how I looked when I did. So, started my weight loss stuff and now I love to put on makeup, fix my hair and wear *gasp* tight clothes. I feel hot! I still have a few more pounds and some tightening up to do, but that concert (and wanting hubby to think I'm hot) was what kicked me in the bo-hind.
  • Chrissee
    Chrissee Posts: 23 Member
    For me it was almost too simple...my mother and I were shopping and she saw someone that she goes to Weight Watchers ahead of us. She told me that this woman used to be severely overweight but now looks marvelous! She apparently has kept the weight off for over a year. Well, this woman is in her late 50s, early 60s when she started her journey. I realized i have been making an excuse that because I am over 40, it is too hard to lose weight and so why try. Seeing that another person did it, despite my reasons, inspired me. My mother also shared her weight with me, which she looks great and has been on WW for many years. It was the first time I realized that she weighs less then me. That was a wake up call! I don't have to and definitely don't want to live the rest of my life feeling ashamed of the way I look in pictures, in the mirror, etc. I have a long life to live and want to feel good and look great!
  • RuthieLamb
    RuthieLamb Posts: 1 Member
    I went into the doctor for a sore throat and was in triage where they take your height, and weight and temp. Anyways, When the nurse asked me to step on the scale, it hit me that this was something i had definitely been avoiding and then the numbers popped up and about knocked me over. I was so mad, and wanted to cry. I was the heaviest I have ever been in my life. By a lot. The rest of the day I spent reflecting how i had let myself get to this point and, just seeing how much I weigh now was enough motivation for me to know it is time to make a change. a 40 lb change.
  • I weigh more now that when I gave birth to my 10 lb son!! I am uncomfortable in my own skin, shortness of breath, even my fat clothes do not fit and feeling sexy??? Forget about that!!! I am 45 and AM NOT going to live in this state ANY longer!! I feel confident and Will be successful this year!!! Cheers y'all!!
  • speshell4
    speshell4 Posts: 47 Member
    Someone close to me said some really mean things about my weight gain.... even thought I just had his third baby 3 months before. it hurt. I decided I was going to prove that I can be a healthy fit mom!
  • My size 16 stretchy jeans are starting to be too tight. I have a physical coming up and am afraid of the results, regarding cholesterol, blood sugar, etc. I figure if I use this resource I might actually stick to my goals. I have a real problem with emotional eating and I've got to knock it off.
  • 82 lbs lost!! That is awesome!! Any trick, tips???
  • amm8589
    amm8589 Posts: 55 Member
    I went to the doctor's office last year and had no choice but to step on the scale, which I had avoided for almost a year. That slapped me into reality. I was 45 at that time and had thought that weight gain was just part of middle age and perimenopause. But I looked at the nurse, who was around my age, and she looked great. That day I started logging onto MFP and couldn't believe how many calories I was eating, and how little I was actually burning. I snapped out of the fog I had been living in and made changes. I cut out sugar, started eating healthier, and got addicted to Turbo Fire. Nearly one year later, I'm 20 pounds lighter and feel fantastic. I'm a new person, inside and out!
  • Not liking myself for what I let happen weight-wise. I know I'm worth more than I think of myself right now. I want to say that one's appearance isn't EVERYTHING; on one hand it seems to silly to base my entire self-worth on my APPEARANCE, yet, *I* don't like the way I look, and I don't like the way I felt when I knew I was gaining again. All the "hm, well, these jeans did fit snugly...right?" excuses and denial was wiped out when I was honest with myself one afternoon in the mirror before leaving for - of all things - dinner! Side fat rolls hanging over my jeans, emphasized by a top that was too snug for my frame. Frumpy, dumpy and lazy was I.

    I've gained and lost weight over the past few years; the photo I have up now is from my heaviest - it's there to remind me when I log in who I do NOT want to be again. Right now I need that rear view mirror into who I was to stay the course. I have gained again and this time am committed to making my lifestyle change final for all the right reasons - ME! :)
  • micahsmom91011
    micahsmom91011 Posts: 26 Member
    The first time I lost the weight the last straw was a crush of mine's comment regarding cheerleaders. We were watching the super bowl and the Dallas cheerleaders came on. He commented on how hot they were and I realized that I looked nothing like them and would never get a hot guy if I wasn't hot myself.

    As many know I didn't lose the weight in a healthy way and now I'm about 70 lbs. more than I was at that time. This time it a few different things. One, is I landed a wonderful hot guy (not the guy mentioned above) when I was skinny and amazingly he still loves me at my current weight. But he deserves better. My son is now 2 years old and we would like to try for a girl, but we can't until I lose the weight. I also can't fit places anymore. I can't fit in booths at restaurants unless I can push the table toward my husband. In older cars the seatbelt barely buckles. I work for a travel company and want to travel back home to England but I don't want to pay for two seats or upset the person next to me on the flight by not fitting in my own seat. I also saw a photo of me on my husband's phone that was from our cruise back in May. I couldn't believe it was me. I could try and food myself all I wanted that I wasn't really that big, and here I was huge! Now it doesn't matter what it takes, but I need to lose the weight, and doing it in a healthy way so that I can keep it off when I'm done.
  • christiefitch94
    christiefitch94 Posts: 1 Member
    I sang with a band during my winter break. I was happy they had a photographer there because I thought I looked pretty awesome that night! The next week when the pictures went up on facebook, I didn't look awesome,... I looked like I was bursting out of my clothes. :(
  • SamanthaD1218
    SamanthaD1218 Posts: 303 Member
    Whenever people take pictures of me, I try to pose in a way that I know will make me look thinner. On Christmas in 2012, however, my cousin took a bunch of candids that I didn't notice, and later posted them on Facebook. I was HORRIFIED by how gross I looked. Not only was I overweight, but I was red and splotchy and just looked unhealthy. I knew I had been gaining, but I was avoiding mirrors and photos and clearly didn't know how MUCH I had gained. You know how when overweight people lose weight, but they still feel overweight because they had been for so long? Well, I was the skinny girl who gained weight but still imagined myself as being thin because I had been for so long. Being forced to really see myself how others saw me every day was my last straw.