When was your last straw that made you want to change?



  • Nuke096
    Nuke096 Posts: 10 Member
    Getting out of breath tying my shoes b/c my giant gut squeezes all the air out of me. That was the last straw.
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    I have yet another reason... made the mistake of taking a somewhat naked pic to track progress. Uggghhh!! Going to the gym RIGHT NOW!! If you need motivation, I suggest giving this a try....
    That's probably one of the best and scariest motivation tricks I've heard of :laugh:

    It was BAD!! Not bad maybe for someone else but bad enough for me. Reminded me of that show on cable, Scared Straight. That's what I got a dose of! :laugh:
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    I've never been truly "heavy" compared to others, but after my now husband and I got together I gained about 25-30 pounds of "newlywed" weight. Didn't really care a lot, neither did he. Then I was diagnosed with melanoma at the age of 26 and that opened my eyes a lot to how I treated my body. I finally acknowledged my weight, since I got weighed all the time, and ended up losing 20 pounds from stress. After my surgeries were done and I was healed, my oncologist had talked to me about the importance of what we put into our bodies and what we put onto our bodies and how it effects our health and I started paying attention and decided to get back in shape. I had grown up as a dancer and was always active, but got pretty lazy in my early 20's.

    4 years after my cancer diagnosis, I started lifting weights and running and had truly found my groove and decided I was going to get to my goal body (not so much a weight # on the scale, but a body fat %), and then I broke my ankle last July. When I say I broke it, I literally broke and tore everything. All the bones shattered. I still have extensive nerve and soft tissue injury that extends into my foot. I am almost 6 months post break and it's definitely not the same and probably never will be. I may never run again. So I am turning to what I know I can do, and what will bring me the health benefit I need, and that's weight lifting. Losing my ability to run is the last straw. If I don't run again, that's ok. But I'm sure as hell not going to stop being active.
  • MissLeelooDallas
    MissLeelooDallas Posts: 145 Member
    Such a variety of reasons... Out-growing clothing, seeing photos of myself (especially when seeing them after seeing older photos of myself), getting a hot tub and having to wear a swimsuit around others, depression... The absolute final straw was when I was so down on myself that I picked an arguement with my husband for hanging out with a skinny female friend when he'd done nothing wrong. I took accountability for my behavior, realized it was my problem and not anyone elses and I made a change.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Having to buy size 16 pants and breaking 200 pounds during my second pregnancy.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    When my size 20W (women's) pants were getting too tight. Yeah, it was time.
  • RunawayDaisy
    I too had reoccurring infections, I was also getting them beneath my breasts(horrible).They just tested me for diabetes, do not have it, but said I'm close. So here I am trying to reverse years of being sedentry, having 3 kids and eating unhealthy foods. I wish this were easier to do. I'm at it daily, I know it will take time, but will admit its the hardest thing I have ever committed myself to doing. The hardest part is not having a partner. I feel I would be more successful doing this with someone. In addition to my own goals, I would like my family to be in on the action!
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    This was a few years back for me (but it was at my heaviest and was when I realized I needed to watch what I ate):

    At work, a colleague had a buddy coming by and he asked me if I'd seen him. He said "He's got a shaved head and is about your size". I said no, I hadn't seen anyone like that come by.

    Sure enough, I had seen him, but this was a big guy and I didn't think he was talking about him since I didn't consider us to be similar in size. Tbh, he was still bigger than me, but the fact that I was considered 'around his size' made me realize I needed to change.
  • scholarlyminded28
    I think my last straw was having my daughter and realizing that at the size I am, I don't have the energy to run around with her or take her outside to play; I was just too tired. I made up my mind that food wasn't more important than my love for her. I've made up my mind a million times but this time has to be different, because life is too short and too precious to let it just waste away.
  • halfsizeheather
    halfsizeheather Posts: 45 Member
    My first inspiration was my wedding and having gone in to one dress shop and being told 'we only have one dress in your size i don't know what you want me to do about'' as i was stood in the only dress in the store in my size and she turned to another slim bride and rolled her eyes. it upset me at first but ultimately she did me a favour. (she's still a cow though lol)

    The 2nd time around the fact that i sat down and my zip undid it's self under the strain, eek not good in the middle of the office having only notice when i got up to get a drink...oops :-)

    This time i need to keep on track.
  • poutyjess
    The final straw for me was when I found out that my husband was no longer attracted to me.After 7 years of marriage and 3 children with working a full time job, I did not look or feel like the happy and fit bride that I had been. I realized I missed that person. I missed being confident and happy, even though it seemed that way on the outside to everyone, I pretty much hated myself and what had happened to my body after 3 kids so close together! I worked really hard and lost about 40 lbs. It was incredible. I felt overwhelmed at first and lost as to where to start and so I just walked into the gym one day and hired a trainer. Yes, it was a lot of money at first, but I started looking at it as investment in myself and an outlet for stress. We also worked on our marriage a lot that year. I started eating better, sleeping better, having less stress and pushing myself to move past what I "thought" I was capable of.
    Then, after losing 40 lbs, we became pregnant with number 4. So now I am starting over again, but this time, I have more knowledge and drive to work towards this. I really like who I have become on this journey and I realized that it's not about what anyone else thinks of me, even my husband. This is about how I see myself and how hard I'm willing to work towards my own goals to accomplish them. It's difficult, but I can't wait to get back down to my pre-pre pregnancy weight. I am giving myself 4 months. Watch me go. :)
  • HipsterWhovian
    HipsterWhovian Posts: 195 Member
    Mine mostly boils down to the clothes thing - I've had the lovely shirt-stretching stomach for a while which is never good. At work's Christmas do, I saw a video of me looking brilliantly awful which didn't help matters.
    Reason two is work-based. I'm currently training for a management position and for some reason in my head, a manager can't be overweight (I know that sounds bad!) Also, it would definitely help my confidence for management if I was happier with my weight.
    Thirdly, and probably most importantly for me, I've recently found myself in a relationship for the first time in ages - again, a confidence thing. My boyfriend says he doesn't mind how I look, but he's nice and slim, and I feel like whenever we're together, I'm the big chunky one. I don't want to be that any more.
  • SpencersHeart
    SpencersHeart Posts: 170 Member
    I'm just tired of feeling sick and tired.
  • amberpickens
    amberpickens Posts: 149 Member
    a girl from my husbands work was trying to be mean and told me i looked 7 months pregnant and i got real upset and found this site that night.
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    Mine occurred at my highest weight of 238 pounds, when I was trying to bathe my son and could not sit down on the floor and reach over to bathe him because it was too uncomfortable. At that point, I thought about ordering a bench to accommodate my weight, then I said, heck no, it's time to lose this weight. There will be no more accommodations for me being fat!
  • noratas
    noratas Posts: 49
    I had been thin most of my life, one of those people who could eat anything and not gain an ounce. Then the weight slowly started creeping on. I was still thinner than my friends and coworkers, so I didn't let it bother me. I work in scrubs, so it wasn't obvious. Then I needed an outfit for an event. I hadn't purchased anything new in a couple of years, and it was the first time I couldn't just pick something and look good in it. Then I had to admit that gaining 4 or 5 pounds a year for 5 years amounted to 25 pounds! And that if I continued, by the time I was 50, I would be obese. That was 4 years ago, and I have managed to lose that excess weight a few times. I'm hoping with the help of MFP this will be the last.
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    When I got out of breath trying to dry off after a shower AND standing at the kitchen zinc doing dishes in pain.
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    when i weighed 370 pounds. trying to explain to my four year old nephew there was no baby in my stomach.. he touches my stomach.. than grabs my face.. and says so your just fat aunt char.

    out of the mouths of babes

    the next day i started walking very slow but i started.. now i am 30 pounds from my goal of 135. that 370 pound woman is no longer .
  • insanely_amy
    insanely_amy Posts: 9 Member
    I've been feeling pretty crappy for some time now and I KNEW I had to make a change, but....I kept putting it off, excuse after excuse. The final straw was actually two different incidents in one day.....when I realized that I had become so thick around my middle (and so stiff from lack of exercise) that I started preferring my slip on ballet flats instead of the gorgeous boots I'd waited all year to be able to wear. I love my boots, but bending over to pull them on lately has been torture. So for me to dread them....wow.

    Later that day I stepped on the scale just for giggles and grins and well - there were no giggles or grins after seeing the number on the scale. I burst into tears!

    I was sad. Then I got angry. REALLY angry. But instead of becoming bitter and pitiful I instead felt determined and motivated - FINALLY - to make a permanent change to my lifestyle. I have the help of a close friend who has lost an enormous amount of weight and is in incredible shape.

    So....here I am! Finally! :)
  • wen1965
    I bought clothes in October that were too tight in December. I decided it was time to get on the scales and found out I was 6kg heavier than the weight I was at when the doctor put me on a low fat diet 5 years ago. Health is important - I have to get back down to a healthy weight for me.