Saving exercise calories (challenge)



  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    I heard it's bad not to eat your exercise cals as it could cause your body to go into starvation mode and make it harder to lose weight.

    When I asked my nutritionist, she said not to eat my exercise calories. I was surprised, so checked with my doctor who agreed. I am eating 1200 calories per day based on the guidelines provided by my team of health professionals. I don't think "starvation mode" is as black and white as people think.
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    C) to try to end the debate of whether to eat or not to eat your exercise calories.

    I doubt this little experiment of yours is going to end the debate. It isn't scientific, there are no controls, and way too many factors that could affect the weight loss. Plus, one week and handful of volunteers is in no way determinative as to what all people trying to lose weight should do.

    Could be that Leela is trying to end her own internal debate about this. I don't think she is necessarily trying to end the debate for everybody here, she seems MUCH too sensible for that!
  • Ckonner
    Ckonner Posts: 101 Member
    I am in too!
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    I heard it's bad not to eat your exercise cals as it could cause your body to go into starvation mode and make it harder to lose weight.

    When I asked my nutritionist, she said not to eat my exercise calories. I was surprised, so checked with my doctor who agreed. I am eating 1200 calories per day based on the guidelines provided by my team of health professionals. I don't think "starvation mode" is as black and white as people think.

    Agreed - and what I have been saying all along. Do the research, talk to the "MEDICAL" professionals, nutritionists, etc. There are so many others out there that indicate that this the starvation mode theory is simply not true for everyone. It is ONE method that has worked for many - but doesn't mean that it WILL WORK FOR EVERYONE. I know it doesn't work for me, and what I am doing obviously does. I am certainly healthy as is indicated by my MEDICAL professionals opinions. So, I will keep doing what I do and I will continue to encourage others to think for themselves and do what works best for them as long as they maintain a "HEALTHY" relationship with food and exercise.

  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    At this precise moment I have 3lbs to go, I'm in, starting from Monday.

    Gonna shift this last 3lbs, gonna gonna gonna!!
  • I heard it's bad not to eat your exercise cals as it could cause your body to go into starvation mode and make it harder to lose weight.

    When I asked my nutritionist, she said not to eat my exercise calories. I was surprised, so checked with my doctor who agreed. I am eating 1200 calories per day based on the guidelines provided by my team of health professionals. I don't think "starvation mode" is as black and white as people think.

    Agreed - and what I have been saying all along. Do the research, talk to the "MEDICAL" professionals, nutritionists, etc. There are so many others out there that indicate that this the starvation mode theory is simply not true for everyone. It is ONE method that has worked for many - but doesn't mean that it WILL WORK FOR EVERYONE. I know it doesn't work for me, and what I am doing obviously does. I am certainly healthy as is indicated by my MEDICAL professionals opinions. So, I will keep doing what I do and I will continue to encourage others to think for themselves and do what works best for them as long as they maintain a "HEALTHY" relationship with food and exercise.


    Amen, my nutritionist even recommends intermittent fasting. Something that most people would kill over with a heartattach when mentioned. BUT what I do is working and I think we should not condem others for the way they believe.

    Just as some loved the "fuel" comment, I am pretty partial to my religion comment. And in religion as well as here, we should "judge not, lest ye be judged." I don't care what you do to lose weight as long as you aren't anorexic, Binge/purge, or doing meth or speed-I will applaude you for your efforts. I myself would NEVER do the HCG diet, but I would never speak ill of someone that does, or come across in a manner that is demeaning and discouraging (and call it educational).

    I don't understand why some even bother to comment. Let people be.
  • Sorry, double post.
  • C) to try to end the debate of whether to eat or not to eat your exercise calories.

    I doubt this little experiment of yours is going to end the debate. It isn't scientific, there are no controls, and way too many factors that could affect the weight loss. Plus, one week and handful of volunteers is in no way determinative as to what all people trying to lose weight should do.

    Could be that Leela is trying to end her own internal debate about this. I don't think she is necessarily trying to end the debate for everybody here, she seems MUCH too sensible for that!

    That would have been the logical conclusion to come to, instead of comparing it to a science project! Common sense is hard to find nowdays.
  • Thanks for the "fuel", I'll certainly use it as motivation as to what I eat and to know that there are more people who want to see me fail, than succeed on site designed to help people lose weight/get fit/get healthy/maintain, etc.

    Cytherea, you kept using the word experiment. I never called it an experiment. Furthermore, did you see reasons a and b? you are dwelling on the last reason. I hope you're done here and you find another board to harrass.

    Yes, I kept using the word experiment because what else would you call it? You are trying something to new to see what kind of results you can get and see if the new method works. That's an experiment, no? I did see the other reasons, and even mentioned that in my last post. I am only "dwelling" on the last reason because that is the reason why I responded in the first place. You logging everything you eat is a GOOD thing and I said that! I am not trying to attack you, I was just trying to point out that this won't end the debate.

    I really don't see how I've harassed anyone. I have not said anything mean or inflammatory, I have not insulted anyone or said that they should not do this. I merely pointed out that there are flaws in doing this for a week and then generalizing the results.

    I also don't understand where you see people wanting you to fail. NOBODY said that they wanted people, you or others, to fail to lose weight. All I've said is that it may not be healthy to do this over a longer period of time, and that you cannot take the results you come up with and apply them in a general manner. Nothing more.
    I wish you success. I just don't want to see questionable advice get endorsed and passed along without an opposing viewpoint.


    To contradict ones goals, is a negative communication.

    Leela did not offer any "questionable advice" she simply stated her goals, and others followed suite.
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    wow why is everyone getting so worked up over this? i guess I don't really understand because my exercise consists of a 40 minute walk and 20 minute work out video a day... i don't think my body's going to die if I don't refuel after that for a WEEK.. and I have also seen tons of people who say that their doctor or nutritionist has told them not to eat their exercise calories...

    you would think we all just joined a group to only drink water for a week! sheesh!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Leela I'm totally in with you.

    People on here should respect you to for starting up and thread and sharing with people what you plan to do FOR YOURSELF and giving people the option, should they wish to partake, to join you.

    I'm sure everyone on here has read in other threads about eating or not eating exercise calories. This challenge is for one week and if Leela and others want to see if they can do it for discipline and to see what difference it makes to THEM then I say more power to you. The debate will continue long after this week has passed by but Leela if you want to try this (and I'm right there with you) then let any neagtive or rather not so positive posts float by so that we can conentrate on the actual challenge rather than being bogged down with the debate that wasn't really invited in the first place. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I think we can consider the discussion done and we can get on with the challenge itself.
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    so Saturday is my weigh in day and I lost 2.2 lbs this week! Which means I'm really not expecting a huge loss next Saturday right before the competition ends but I am definitely going to stick with it and see what happens!!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Let me know how it goes! I was under my exercise calories several times and MFP yelled at me for it. I don't want to stall my progress, but I am pretty desperate to lose the weight by June.

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Nam, thanks, I do have to ignore the negativity. I think the backlash is over! Thanks for supporting me and standing up for me!

    Kristen, great job on the loss!

    Shannon, thanks for the comment. good luck with your weight loss journey.

    I can't wait for tomorrow!
  • I'm willing to give it a try :). Willpower is my downfall! any suggestions on some good low cal dinners and lunches?
  • Well thank you Jess! I totally agree with you! people don't put things on here to be put down. It's your choice if you want to do it or not, and if not, your totally right! keep the comments to yourself! :) Well said :)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Tam, salads make great low cal lunches and dinners. as long as you don't go overboard with the dressing! Good luck and thanks giving it a try. Losing weight is 80 per cent mental. So I'm trying to discipline myself and hopefully this will jumpstart my stagnant weight loss.
  • HazelDiva1913
    HazelDiva1913 Posts: 194 Member
    Im TOTALLY late but i love this challenge and I am in...Exercise calories for me are just an excuse to keep eating...Im 303 my caloric daily is 1750 calories that is plenty...then i burn about 1000 cals per day...for me to eat 1750 +1000 cals per day is insane to not that hungry. even with eating almonds beans rice fruits veggies nuts etc i cant eat 2750 a day. Im going to have my partner lock up my scale so I cant get on and stay at 1750 for the week. I love your POSITIVE challenge. If you dont like the challenge you totally dont have to do it...Everyone takes different roads to weight loss...u take your road and let others take theres...ONE GOAL! thats whats important...If i went to my doctor today for weight loss ...he wouldn't tell me to eat 2750 calories a just sayin...All in love...
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Diva, You're not late! You're still early. The challenge doesn't officially kick off until tomorrow. I just wanted to put it out there early enough for anyone interested. Thanks for stopping by. Maybe this will be the week you break 300! I would love to be a part of that milestone with you. Great job on the 16 pounds lost already!

    MrsKelsey, thanks for checking in and for the positive comments. I appreciate you stopping by to see how things are going, even if you don't choose to participate in the challenge yourself. I really hope it goes well. Even if its a half pound more than I usually lose, I'll be happy. I'll keep you posted.

    Overall I just feel like eat some of them if you're hungry, but don't eat just to eat, what sense does that make when you're trying to lose weight. I want to see if I can control my hungry and appetite and not lean on my exercise calories as a crutch when I want to eat something, or have already eaten something that's not healthy.
  • mrskelsey24
    mrskelsey24 Posts: 18 Member
    Well Debbie downer!!! It's self motivation and gratification and something she and apparently a lot of other people are willing to try for themselves. Not some scientific experiment as to where she will publish a book on the matter. Do you find pleasure in crushing peoples goals? If so, just don't comment and get out of here.

    Wow, way to totally misunderstand what I said there. If the point of the experiment is to end the debate on eating/not-eating exercise cals, as the OP explicitly stated as one of the goals, it will not do that. Different things work for different people, so what works for some won't work for all. Plus, doing something for a week is not enough time. Maybe not eating the exercise cals back WILL help you to lose more, for that one week, but maybe if you did over the course of a few months your body would react negatively because you are putting it into starvation mode. You'll lose weight if you don't eat anything for a week, either, but that doesn't mean it is healthy for you to do that or the right way to lose weight! If you continued to do that, you would GAIN weight not lose it.

    I don't think anyone misunderstood you. You were totally a debbie downer! And if I were the OP I would have taken it as an attack. Maybe just word things a bit differently?

    You go Leela! I agree that you shouldn't eat your exercise calories. I mean you WANT your body to use up those stored calories (the fat). I look forward to seeing your results!!!
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    I just wanted to say goodluck and I'll be rooting for you. I already go by the rule of not eating my exercise calories. The only day that I eat them is Saturday and sometimes Sunday.

    Starvation mode is way overblown. You're not going to go into starvation mode unless you're dramatically decreasing your calorie intake for a long period of time and by dramatic I mean around 50% of bmr. To me, eating exercise calories is counterproductive and doesn't work for everyone. Unless you're an athlete, it doesn't matter what calories you burn by exercise, since you burn calories all day long. When you exercise, you are just adding 30 minutes of burning calories faster than usual. What's the difference of doing 30 minutes of walking vs. 30 minutes of cleaning the house?
  • ME TOO!!!
    i need to start logging everything i eat anyway!
  • HazelDiva1913
    HazelDiva1913 Posts: 194 Member
    girl if i could break 300 this week i will do a happy dance
  • I'll do it!! mainly because I need to get better about logging stuff.

    It will be difficult since I have 3 lunch/dinner "dates" planned, but that will be good since I'll order something healthy from the restaurants.

    if you are worried about the starvation mode. Go one week without eating the exercise cals. then the second week eat them, and third week don't. on and on. I wonder what would happen? I think I'm going to try that.
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    I heard it's bad not to eat your exercise cals as it could cause your body to go into starvation mode and make it harder to lose weight.

    I agree with you...I'm allowed 1300 calories daily and on days when I run 5-6 miles I do eat some of my exercise calories but never all of them!!! Your body needs the food to help refuel it...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Since everyone is different, as far as I'm concerned, there is no "debate" on whether to eat exercise calories. Some people can and some can't and two people will have very different results even doing exactly the same thing.

    And, personally, I would STARVE if I didn't eat at least some of my exercise calories back, especially on days I burn 1,000 or more.
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    I heard it's bad not to eat your exercise cals as it could cause your body to go into starvation mode and make it harder to lose weight.

    I agree with you...I'm allowed 1300 calories daily and on days when I run 5-6 miles I do eat some of my exercise calories but never all of them!!! Your body needs the food to help refuel it... I didn't read ALL the posts above mine...SHOULD have...I am NOT trying to restart any of the negativeness...I do log all of my food everyday and have just recently made my diary public I figured why should I keep it to myself??? As far as any research it has all been online nothing medical so now I find it interesting that some of you have found actual medical or nutrtitional experts that have said it is ok to not eat your exercise calories...Personally for me I am hungrier after a longer run and I do eat back some of my calories-but it is normally with a banana or some kind of protien which is what I crave...I think you should listen to your body and do what works as long as it is in a healthy manner!

    I am close to my goal (.5 pounds) and am actually scared to death to maintain...I will go from 1300 calories to a whopping 1800 calories-that just frightens me!!! I haven't eaten that many calories in over 8 months!!!!

    I do plan on checking in with all of you to see how this challenge goes...GOOD LUCK to everyone!!!!!
  • Thanks for your response. I have had a good weight loss since Aug. - 20 lbs. Recently, I have had trouble losing. Don't think it's because I'm in starvation mode.....think I've hit a plateau. If I had to eat all those calories, diet & exercise, I would be defeating my purpose. I have tried to drink more water this week. :heart:
  • I'm in! I already weigh in on Mondays. There are some days that I eat my 1200 calories plus either some or all of my exercise calories. So, I will try this for a week to see if it will help me loose a little more. Currently I lost 2.2 in a week. I'm assuming we should check back next week?
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