Always hungry! No 'off button'!!!



  • My husband asked me yesterday if my stomach was a police station... cos it's never closed for business!!!!!!!!!!!! He's such a romantic soul!!!!!!!!!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I do not think I am always hungry, I just LOVE food, I love eating.....period. (I am a foodie, I think it is imprinted in our DNA)

    Seriously, I go on vacations and plan my day based around the food.

    This is one of the reasons I have to eat the way do and not keep junk or high calorie food in the house.
  • I do not think I am always hungry, I just LOVE food, I love eating.....period. (I am a foodie, I think it is imprinted in our DNA)

    Seriously, I go on vacations and plan my day based around the food.

    This is one of the reasons I have to eat the way do and not keep junk or high calorie food in the house.

    Hehe!!!!!!!!!!! The only chocolate I keep in the house is snickers for my husband which I OK because I don't really like because of peanuts!
    I plan my sunbathing aroung breakfast and lunch!!!!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    My husband asked me yesterday if my stomach was a police station... cos it's never closed for business!!!!!!!!!!!! He's such a romantic soul!!!!!!!!!
    Obviously live in a decent sized town then... because the local police station where my mum lives is closed a good bit of the time :).
  • My husband asked me yesterday if my stomach was a police station... cos it's never closed for business!!!!!!!!!!!! He's such a romantic soul!!!!!!!!!
    Obviously live in a decent sized town then... because the local police station where my mum lives is closed a good bit of the time :).

    We live in a city!!!!!!!!!! There are at least 3 open 24 hours!!!!
  • Like an earlier poster, I find when I eat whole grain and little sugar, I don't get the willies to eat as much. Something I noticed about your diary is that you don't eat much in the line of vegetables, some days none at at all. Vegetables are filling and low calorie. And maybe you could spread your calories out more so you don't get hungry in between.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I do not think I am always hungry, I just LOVE food, I love eating.....period. (I am a foodie, I think it is imprinted in our DNA)

    Seriously, I go on vacations and plan my day based around the food.

    This is one of the reasons I have to eat the way do and not keep junk or high calorie food in the house.

    Hehe!!!!!!!!!!! The only chocolate I keep in the house is snickers for my husband which I OK because I don't really like because of peanuts!
    I plan my sunbathing aroung breakfast and lunch!!!!

    OMG, snickers are my kryptonite. I would take a king sized snickers over a steak. I think that just happens to be my most favorite food ever.

    FoodTV + a hooka = fat Lesa. I blame the bong and Emeril.

    Edited to say that ^^ was 10 years ago.
  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
    Does anyone else have no "off button" when it comes to food?

    People talk about cheat days and cheat meals but on a cheat day I could seriously eat a week load of calories (which is why I don't do it!) But seriously I am always hungry... even after a big meal... whether I'm on a healthy eating kick, a diet or just eating rubbish.

    Am I alone?

    Please say I'm not!

    Nicole xx

    Protein suppresses appetite finish with a piece of cheese
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I'm so pleased I'm not the only one with no "off button"!!!!!!!!!! It's always nice to know that you are not alone!!!!

    Someone posted that my meals are very British, which they are (because I am!)... I am trying to eat more good fats (after I was told that I had a 43% body fat by doc :embarassed: but that I should still eat fat?!) but that is difficult because protein and fats are so blooming expensive!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not nor have ever been on a low fat diet! But I do rather feel that buying 2 chicken breasts for a £5 is tantamount to daylight robbery! So lots of my meals are made up of much cheaper veg's, fruits and carbs! Although there is meat with every meal but breakfast!
    (I am also quite a fussy eater and I'm weird about textures - nuts, avocado and most fish don't do it for me!!!!)

    I actually find I am much better at home as I can control what I eat... my tempation always happens at work when there are biscuits around!

    The biggest help I think I have found is logging what I'm eating in advance so I know what calories I can play with and also that I probably wasn't drinking enough before. The more I drink the easier I find not feeling full... also a hot chocolate does wonders for a chocolate craving but with far less calories!

    Other than logging, protein and water are then any other tricks for someone with insatiable hunger?!


    Hello again

    I was over 30% bfat when I started my journey. It was the lack of protein and dieting for years without building muscle. That's why when I cut down to 8stone 12 I still looked flabby! English wobbly square bum! (Actually that's because I cut too fast 500 cals deficit a day and did too much cardio).
    I've now bulked and cut a few times and eat a minimum of 110g protein a day and things are much better. I've had comments about my body and bum looking young and a lot more 'attention' ;). And I weigh more. I lift heavy in the gym.
    I know food is expensive here but I'm a single mum and I find the protein on offer. Ie chicken thighs are always cheap, pork chops, oats, protein powder, skimmed milk. Chana dhal is dead cheap and high in protein. Buy stuff on offer and freeze. I still suffer with hunger, like before dinner I'm starving and have to nibble veg while I cook, and after dinner I have to wash up and distract myself to stop binging, but it's very do-able (and I'm on maintenance, which is harder for me than dieting or bulking). Feel free to nose around my diary.
    You can do it!
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    I have no off button.

    I wouldn't say I am always hungry, I just am never un-hungry. I could ALWAYS go for food. I have never once turned down food because I was unhungry.... I've turned down food because I knew I had to.

    So you are not alone!

  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    Well if it's just greed, then you're going to have to learn to just say no!

    But I looked at your diary, and while eating processed food isn't a problem, it can be high in calorie, and better choices could be made. I agree with posters that said you need more protein and fat, for example you eat a onken fat free yogurt, you could get a similar full fat one which wouldn't be more expensive, and get full fat milk, again, which is the same price. I honestly think refining your diet would do you the world of good, and would most likely reduce the need to eat all the time. I don't know where you are getting your chicken from, but in asda they do 3 for £10 on chicken and meats/ fish, and so i have to disagree that it's expensive.
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    A top tip I learned was to eat consciously. Slowly. Eat your food at a table if you can, or at the very least turn off the tv if you have to eat from your lap.

    Take a bite, put down your cutlery and chew, really chew, like twenty times, explore the textures and flavours and then swallow. Go for another mouthful in exactly the same way. It's not a race, you are refuelling and nourishing your body.

    So many people still shovel in food at speed and they don't give their body time to send the "I'm full" signal.

    This is how slim people can leave food on their plates and declare they are done no matter how delicious the food.

    Also I eat high fat / high protein and this keeps me full, I don't do sugar or wheat so I am never tempted to pig out and I'm not on the carb roller coaster. I was pre-diabetic with all the sugar I consumed as it was my 'go to' food.

    No my blood sugar is stable and my moods have improved so I am not eating emotionally as much. I'm not trying to fill a craving hole I thought was hunger any more.

    Hope that helps
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
    Bump to read later :)
  • Hi All!

    Thanks for your comments. There's a lot of feedback that's very helpful, there's some that I do agree with:

    I don't eat enough protein and fat

    There are some things I don't agree with:

    If I make food... which I do every night... it has vegetables in it!
    £10 for meat is a whole heap of a load more expensive than the equivalent weight of fruit / veg / pasta / rice etc. Your budget and mine may not be the same so please appreciate that when I say meat is expensive... to me it is!

    I think probably another poster made my point better when they said... "it's not that I'm always hungry... it's that I could always go for food" that means it is always a conscious choice to not eat... and that is hard!!!!

    What I currently eat has seen me lose 24lb in the last year and I like most of it (which is what is important to me... I want to LOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEE what I eat!)... I just want to be able to eat more of it... and chocolate... I'd like to be able to eat more of that too!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • MrsBrown104
    MrsBrown104 Posts: 88 Member
    I am always hungry too. and it sucks. I try to eat some meals/snacks every 2 hours, but honestly it doesn't help much. ive tried drinking water often- doesn't do much other than make me have to pee every half hour...which doesn't work well with my job.... So you are def not alone!! Good luck!
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I have days when I am starving no matter what I eat including protein/fats. Those days I drink LOTS got H2O. I usually eat at least 5-6 smaller meals daily so I don't have that feeling. IF i am starving I usually make poor food choices. Endless GD battle.
  • Natmarie73
    Natmarie73 Posts: 287 Member
    So lots of my meals are made up of much cheaper veg's, fruits and carbs! Although there is meat with every meal but breakfast!

    Other than logging, protein and water are then any other tricks for someone with insatiable hunger?!


    Have you tried cutting carbs from your diet apart from LG carbs found in leafy vegetables and sweet potatoes? Try it for a week or two and see how you feel. I am always ravenous if I eat any more than 50g carbs a day and rarely hungry when I go Low Carb. Refined carbs found in bread, pasta, rice and processed foods in particular make me hungry for them all the time.

    I don't know what your diet is right now, but eating more good quality, natural saturated fats stops hunger and doesn't lead to putting on weight like carbs does.

    Also you might want to get your insulin levels checked.
  • chaosrock
    chaosrock Posts: 13 Member
    I don't have an "off button" but I do have a "snooze button" for hunger: tall glass of water. Sometimes I really crave a sweet and I know I'd be just throwing away calories on it, so I drink a cup of water. I generally feel the craving fade away. If I'm still hungry about ten minutes after the water, I'll make a snack, but a sensible one.
  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
    I was like that before. The only way I stopped eating too much was when I turned on google search how many calories per hour, bmr calculator, how much I burn every hour.. mine is 50 calories every hour I guess. tht way I finally disciplined myself and realized that I just do bored eating back in the day. Now Im all good. lol. u can do it. or u can start off with 100 calorie every hour until u reach 1400. either way. ur choice.
  • No way!!!!!!

    I'm ALWAYS hungry.