When was your last straw that made you want to change?



  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    A few things!! I've been on here for a long time but the most recent kicks in the butt were:

    1. I went to my best friend's baby shower. My mom took a picture of us and I looked WAY bigger than her. She was 8 months pregnant at the time.
    2. My button actually popped off of my work pants. Thankfully it was in the car on the way home.
    3. I forgot to bring my duty belt one day so I had to borrow my co-workers...a co-worker who I had always seen as being "a little bigger". He isn't morbidly obese but he's kind of a big guy. So he said I could borrow his belt but he said "You just might have to do a lot of adjusting" (meaning to make it smaller for me). Wellllll no......it fit comfortably and was BARELY BARELY too big...

  • Dawn810511
    Dawn810511 Posts: 98 Member
    Well first off, what really motivated me is I want to stay around for as long as I can. I want to be healthy for my children to see them graduate, get married, have children of their own and so on.

    But as far as what motivated me physically is I have been diagnosed with IBS about 7 years ago, shortly after the birth of my first son. I also have recently developed dyshidrotic eczema on both my hands. My doctor told me that with having the IBS and eczema, more than likely I will develop asthma eventually because the three of those things go hand in hand with each other. Well I would like to be as healthy as possible and have my lungs strong for when that time comes.

    Feel free to add me on here as I am always needing friends/motivators! The more the better!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    when i weighed 370 pounds. trying to explain to my four year old nephew there was no baby in my stomach.. he touches my stomach.. than grabs my face.. and says so your just fat aunt char.

    out of the mouths of babes

    the next day i started walking very slow but i started.. now i am 30 pounds from my goal of 135. that 370 pound woman is no longer .
    Your pics are inspiring. I have a LOOOOT of weight to lose...and this makes me feel more like it can be done :smile:
  • ashcky
    ashcky Posts: 393 Member
    Originally I was going to start my journey in February of last year but the found out I was pregnant! So after I reached the 6 weeks post partum I have started my journey. Taking it easy, just logging food right now and then I will be adding exercise in the next 10 days.
  • Mountah
    Mountah Posts: 11 Member
    So I have been casually trying to lose weight on this site for quite some time without much success. Two nights ago I decided that casual attempts to lose weight were not going to cut it. This decision was reached when my wife woke me up and told me I had stopped breathing for several seconds in my sleep before gasping for air. I thought that was pretty scary and I had better get myself healthy before I stop breathing for more than just a few seconds.
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    I was being bullied in school and it made me unhappy so I decided to do something about it. I lost it, then got a girlfriend, we split up because she was crazy (lol) and it stressed me out and made me so depressed to the point where I stupidly put the weight back on through comfort-eating and then last year, I saw I was getting bigger and got upset so now I'm doing something about it again!
  • repertoire
    repertoire Posts: 53 Member
    I'm just fearful that I won't be around for my kids as long as I dream of. The years go by fast and I just need to stop stalling before it's too late...
  • LetChaosReign
    somebody told me I couldn't get back under 180...

    I have a habit of proving people wrong.
  • Memorableheart
    Memorableheart Posts: 69 Member
    The last straw for me...........................

    I am 33 years old with high blood pressure. My mom died this past March at 53 years old of a high attack in her sleep. It is heart breaking for me. So I decided at my highest weight ever(280) I have got to change. I started on December 10 2013 and have loss 17 pounds so far. I started videos on YouTube so people can follow me. And a blog I write almost everyday on. That was my last straw. I want to be healthy and try to live longer for my family.
  • lleaka
    lleaka Posts: 15 Member
    I went from 135 pounds to 203, almost 204 pounds.I was actually 204 before losing all the way to 135 last year.I went from a size 6 jeans to 8 to 10.Then my beautiful gap jeans size 10 would not fit anymore.I weighed myself, it read 203.6.I was shocked.....that was the last straw.Starting all over again.
    Lost 4 pounds so far...if only i could deal with my bad dinners habits, id be doing much better.
  • jessicagilb
    jessicagilb Posts: 69 Member
    At work a couple of weeks ago I was working with another nurse who had floated from another unit. (never met him). He saw my name tag and this was the convo:

    Him:Whoa! Is that you?
    Me: yea why?
    Him: You were skinny..
    Me: Yeaaaaah. That was 5 years, 1 husband, and 2 kids ago.
    Him: oh yeah, thatll do it.

    #1OUCH!. #2 I'm using the excuse that hes from a different country and maybe its ok to talk nonchalantly about a woman's weight? #3 I know its 100% true though.
  • ClevaBlandfy
    ClevaBlandfy Posts: 18 Member
    I have many reasons for wantingto change.

    1. My daughters need a healthy mother in there life.
    2. Im 30 years old and i cant go up a flight of stairs without feeling like im going to have a heart attack.
    3. I have rolls on my back i can feel friction between when i move to quickly.
    4. 20 pounds away from 200lbs when i normaly average 125lbs
    5. Busted a zipper and *kitten* out of 2 pairs of pants.
    6. I dont even recognize who i am in the mirror any more.
    7. Im completely disgusted with what i see in the mirror.
    8. Pajamas are the only thing i have that fits me out of the tons of clothing i have
    9. My boobs look like water balloons once let out of there cage that is known as a bra.
    10. Double chin.

    So thats just my top 10. Ive made a promise to myself I WILL CHANGE and become the person i am proud to see every day.
  • dawnmoonb
    dawnmoonb Posts: 13 Member
    I was tired of not feeling well. I saw myself in pictures. Nothing fits right. So many reasons I could go on forever. Any one that wants to add me feel free please.
  • jaeeunilan
    My last straw was when I noticed my dress slacks were way to tight and those things are expensive as hell I dont want to buy another pair, pluse its a change for my better good I shoukd have done it months ago.....
  • Kymsanity
    Kymsanity Posts: 27 Member
    What a great topic, I have enjoyed reading everyone's journey - kickstarters. I've had a number of last straws:

    1. NONE of my clothes fit. I have 1 pair of VERY stretched-stretch jeans and a couple of very stretchy t-shirts. I am 32 years old, I don't want to dress like this.

    2. I weigh 20lbs more than my fiance, and he's a 6ft2 muscular bloke - I feel incredibly unattractive.

    3. THE BIGGEST LASTEST STRAW...late last year, after queuing 2.5 hours to get on a roller coaster ride at a theme park, I sat down in the seat and the safety harness wouldn't come down over me. After having 2 members of staff jump on me unsuccessfully to try and make the harness "click" I was asked to leave the ride. My family and friends stayed on the ride and I waited at the "exit" point with a big smile waiting for them to get off. I was screaming with embarrassment and shame on the inside, and I have decided that I NEVER want to feel that way again, it was an absolute nightmare.

    I am new here (though I did sign up over 2 years ago but never actually logged in) so please do feel free to add me as a friend. I am looking forward to meeting new people and sharing in your journeys :)

  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    lol no one reads anyone else's in these threads

    I read all of them :embarassed:
  • AB4u
    AB4u Posts: 57 Member
    Getting a colonoscopy and being treated like a diabetic was an all time low for me. It made me realize how serious this truly is and how I can turn this around, the ball is in my court, its me that needs to do something.
  • sarahmichel101
    sarahmichel101 Posts: 158 Member
    I know how awful it is to be motivated by fear, but it is what is driving me. I am getting older, and my body is aging faster than it should. I see all the sickness in my family and it terrifies me. I hope that this experience will change the way I live my life, and having this community will hopefully hold me to it. So I guess my final reason is to prevent sickness, but I hope that it will soon change to the joy of having a healthy life.
  • amosmoses88
    amosmoses88 Posts: 163 Member
    January 9th 2013 I tried on a pair of jeans that not even a week before I could fit into and those were my size 20 jeans which I had to buy after my pregnancy and gained 20lbs. I couldn't fit them hardly and I weighed myself and came in at 246. I always told myself while watching all these very obese people who could barely walk and were bed bound, that I'd never let myself get that far. Well, I was well on my way. 15lbs away from 300. 300. Those numbers terrified me so bad. I had just had a baby, I could not let myself get to 300. Now, I quit in April due to so much stress and I didn't know how to deal with it. I lost 30lbs last year doing this and quit. So after gaining 18lbs of that back since April, I decided January 1st I'd go back to it and never leave until I reach my goal and learn to live a healthy lifestyle. Now, here I am. :) Back in the game and more determined than ever!
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    lol no one reads anyone else's in these threads

    I read all of them :embarassed:

    I have too!