Liquid diet



  • annegraceucc
    annegraceucc Posts: 7 Member
    Yes, a high protein liquid meal replacement. Through my local hospital, by prescription, monitored weekly by physician. Very effective.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    OP, I recently did a 5 Day Supershred as part of a challenge I am in. It involved 5 days of protein shakes with one meal a day, I chose dinner as my one meal (protein and veggies).

    I had previously been consuming about an average of 1600 calories per day. The Supershred took me to about 900-1000 calories per day.

    Day One - I was ok until about 4pm, then was ravenous, drank lots of water, it passed.
    Day Two - fine.
    Day three - no problems, felt like I could go on this "diet" forever.
    Day Four - 10am, stood up from my desk at work and almost passed out. It took about 20 minutes for the feeling to pass. I went and bought lunch at 11am. Ate 2 lunches, and finished the day at about 2600 calories.

    For the next 4 days, I overate. I just couldn't stop eating!! It then took me another 2 days to get back to my normal eating habits and 1600 calories per day.


    Under-eating always leads to over-eating. If I had stuck with my 1600 per day, I would have continued on my merry way and not had the 5 day binge.

    Just eat real food. Keep a calorie deficit and be patient. FAT loss takes time, and a better body takes time.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Years ago I did Slimfast, and I've also tried fasting on just water.

    Man, both times, was I grumpy and difficult to be around! I think I lost some weight, but I gained it back plus more.

    I had to do a sort of three day fast once before a medical procedure, and that was really no fun either, but doctor told me I had to do it.

    I want to encourage you to set your goals up in MFP and learn how to eat some of this wonderful, delicious food, in proportion so that you can achieve your weight loss goals.

    Believe me, liquid diets to lose weight are not healthy. Food is good for you, in fact.
  • Glampinupdoll
    Glampinupdoll Posts: 234 Member
    For the week I had my wisdom teeth out
  • I'm now on day 8 of my liquid diet and I don't feel like I'm losing much energy, I feel about the same and exercise 2-3 times per day for an hour a piece.

    I'll usually wake up, make a protein shake and take my PB8, Krill Oil, Multi vitamin, and fat burner and then go for a 1 hour walk and run up 2 sets of stairs or take a swim (I live in the Caribbean so I tend to take dips in the ocean quite often). I take a break and drink some water once I get home and take my colon cleanse / flush.

    Around 12:00 I'll go for another walk for 30-45 minutes trying to push myself a bit harder, trying to beat my previous time and run up 3 sets of stairs.

    Then once again around 6-8 I'll take another fat burner with some water and head out for another walk, this one usually a bit more calm but try to finish strong within the last 30 minutes and 2 sets of stairs once again (In the end about 125 steps) and another protein shake and or glass of juice with some water.

    I've been maintaining this for 8 days without any loss of energy and I'm seeing fantastic results, my only concern is whether or not it's going to all come rushing back the minute that I eat something. If it was over a month I wouldn't mind but if it all came back in the first week I'd be quite disappointed.
    I plan to ease off of the liquid diet on the 10th day and get back to just counting calories and eating solids again.

    I feel like it'd definitely worth it if you can transition back into solids with your jump start intact, I have quite a bit of will power so I feel like I could go back into solids slowly without gorging on something ridiculously unhealthy.

    Also I'm down like 100-120 lbs from when I started this time last year. (Started at 515).
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    Wow, everyone is so negative and pessimistic in response to this individual's question. You would think he/she had asked if any has tried a liquid bunny diet or a liquid puppy diet. Lol

    I'm currently doing a liquid fruit/veggie/protein shake diet for a few days to regain discipline in my eating habits and control of my taste buds and cravings. I feel good.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    A friend of mine did. Lost a ton of weight. Started eating again. Gained all weight back. Went back to shakes.
    I would just rather eat healthy and exercise.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,915 Member
    Has anyone tried a liquid protien diet only, if yes what were the results?
    Liquid diets are temporary weight loss. Unless you plan to live on a liquid diet the rest of your life, don't embark on this.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • snowbear1005
    snowbear1005 Posts: 79 Member
    Only when I was too sick to eat. I was on a liquid diet for several months last year because of gastrointestinal issues. I was also hospitalized twice on NPO status with nothing but IV fluids for days at a time. Lost a good chunk of weight (that I haven't gained back), but I was tired, weak, and nauseous. Even though I had no appetite, I still had hunger pains. It was miserable.

    I would rather be able to eat normally and work my butt off to lose weight. It's much easier this way.
  • Teka81
    Teka81 Posts: 1
    Not a liquid protein diet, but I do a cleanse or juice/smoothie fast once a quarter. It's great for clearing out toxins that build up in the body and get stored in our fat cells. For a cleanse or juice fast to work you'd have to do it for a longer period of time. If you can, watch Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, the guy did everything himself. I believe he did it for 40 days, then slowly adjusted his diet back to healthy solid foods. Hope that's helpful!
  • amosmoses88
    amosmoses88 Posts: 163 Member
    I've had to go on a liquid diet for 4 days before for a test. It was pure misery. I snuck a slice of pickle in. lol. It was not fun unless you like peeing out of your *kitten*. lol. Nasty, but that's what you're lookin at if you do all liquid, and if you add protein in the mix, No. Just no. Don't do it. I was sick on eating very little and drinking a protein shake. So I KNOW just drinking a protein shake would be even MORE miserable. Ugh.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Not me personally but a friend did. Of course you can't live on this forever so eventually your gonna have to go back to solids-and that's gonna make you sick. He lost weight, and while he was sick he lost more but now he's more overweight than when he started the liquid diet. The only adjustments you should make to your diet are the ones that you can do forever.
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    Has anyone tried a liquid protien diet only, if yes what were the results?

    I had weight loss surgery--out of necessity for my life--and did a one week doctor supervised almost full liquid diet using three protein meal shakes a day (Bariatric Advantage) and a dinner that consisted of 5 oz. of lean meat and 1/2 cup cooked vegetables or 1 cup of raw, salad type vegetables. I lost 12 pounds that week. I am 5'5" tall and my weight was 246 before I started. If this is done, I recommend doctor supervision and no more than one week.
  • Your body will end up eating all the good tissues and then you'll look like one of those kids from the "Feed the Children" ads.
  • .
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    "liquid protein"
  • JennaNicoleS
    JennaNicoleS Posts: 24 Member
    You're body can't live off of protein only
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Wow, everyone is so negative and pessimistic in response to this individual's question. You would think he/she had asked if any has tried a liquid bunny diet or a liquid puppy diet. Lol

    I'm currently doing a liquid fruit/veggie/protein shake diet for a few days to regain discipline in my eating habits and control of my taste buds and cravings. I feel good.
    So why are you dragging a year old thread from the grave?
  • JennaNicoleS
    JennaNicoleS Posts: 24 Member
    I tried mixing protein and vodka once, does that count? Afterwards, I'm pretty sure I could hear colours.

    You're my new favorite person. I cannot stop laughing
  • JennaNicoleS
    JennaNicoleS Posts: 24 Member
    I tried mixing protein and vodka once, does that count? Afterwards, I'm pretty sure I could hear colours.
    that gif>>>