How Do U Deal With Cooking For Your Family?



  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Im starting Optifast so I wont really be eating meals for a while

  • mikeroybal
    mikeroybal Posts: 111 Member
    I am single so I mainly am cooking for myself. How ever when I do cook for others I cook what I want the way I want it. If you don't like it go to the kitchen and cook yourself some thing and clean up after.

    I do make allowances if a guest is vegetarian or has certain dietary restrictions
  • Slippyslope
    Slippyslope Posts: 47 Member
    I cook healthy meals for my entire family and what is served is what is served. We don't diet in our house so what is on the menu is on the menu.

    Same here.
  • bkjk997
    bkjk997 Posts: 106 Member
    I cook the same meal for my family. I'm not on a diet, this is my lifestyle. I don't eat special "diet" foods -- I eat foods that I can eat for the rest of my life. Also, try chewing gum while cooking dinner. It cuts down on the snacking while cooking.

    ^ This ^

    You can all eat the same nutritious meal, but if you're trying to lose weight, don't forget about portion control.
  • mojoryzn
    mojoryzn Posts: 5 Member
    I shop for the food, I cook it, we all eat it. If you want something else you may be looking for a while or have to cook something for yourself because we do not buy much pre-prepared food.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I cook healthy meals for the whole family. No short order cook here--if you don't like it, help yourself to the cereal. I also don't buy junk food, no chips, cookies or candy. We rarely eat out or get take out, I plan ahead and cook every day. (and yes, I have a full time job as well). The whole family is healthier as a result.

    Im with you toots. We had oatmeal pancakes made with wheat flour today. My hubbs says, "are these your healthy shizzzzznit " (he said the actual word, he isnt cool enough to say shizzzzznit ). I said "yep, eat it or make something your damn self butterbuns :)"
    He ate them ;)
  • We all eat what I cook. We are currently eating recipes from Eating for Life by Bill Phillips. I want my whole family to be healthy so they eat what I eat!
  • I am lucky my husband loves vegtables, infact, if I ate more like him id probably loose weight!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I just cook "normal" food and eat a reasonable portion. Occasionally I'll skip the side dish or something if I don't have enough calories for it.
  • FitCanuckChick
    FitCanuckChick Posts: 240 Member
    I cook and we all eat the same, whole, healthy meals....the only difference is I eat fish and the rest of my family doesn't so I will poach a fish fillet and cook chicken or something for my family sometimes.
  • tedsmama
    tedsmama Posts: 178 Member
    I also do all the shopping and cooking. I make the same foods, some with healthier substitutions, and I occasionally throw in a new healthy recipe I have found and want to try. We have always eaten reasonably healthy home cooked meals so it's not really the food that caused me to put on weight, it was my portion sizes.