Anyone else starting the year with Herbalife?



  • Funny to see how people are getting all upset about this concept. If you don't like it, then don't pay attention to it. Think about your blood pressure people!
    All upset? Lol, I think it's the other way around.
    I started using Herbalife and I think it's awesome. I have tons of energy now, while normally I'm tired all the time. And yes, I've tried eating more fruit, vegetables, every kind of food you can think of giving extra energy, exercise, everything. And yes, I know what to do since I am a dietician. I'm happy with the products and its effect.

    And I'm looking forward to all the comments of people crying over this :)
    You're a dietician and using a powdered product as a meal replacement instead of food? Where did you attain your license from a cereal box?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    So using a powdered supplement makes me unsuitable as a professional dietician? No, it doesn't. I'm using it because of the energy it gives me, not to lose weight or anything.
    If you're equating a supplemental product vs fruits and vegetables and NOT being able to get energy from them but from the supplement, then yes it's unsuitable. Because at that point if glycogen levels are the same from both, then that would mean there's a stimulant in the Herbalife. And I'm betting there isn't. So what you're saying doesn't make sense. Somehow you can absorb sugar from the supplement, but not whole foods?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    It has nothing to do with the sugar, more with the vitamins and minerals which fruits and vegetables contain less than before:
    Lol, so take a daily vitamin mineral supplement for a few cents a day vs a "meal replacement" that cost more than 10 times more. And again, energy is derived from glycogen which doesn't have much to do with the reduced vitamin and minerals from the link you provided.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I've tried cheap vitamin supplements, they didn't work. I've tried a little more expensive ones, didn't work.
    For me the use of some herbalife products works, what is the problem? It works for me, I feel good, it is my money.. so why does it bother you so much?

    Maybe I should clear something up. I don't use Herbalife as an excuse to drop my healthy eating habits. I don't use it to replace real fruits and vegetables.
    I only replace breakfast (and if I really want to chew on a sandwich, I can always eat a sandwich, I won't prohibit myself from anything). I still make sure I eat AT LEAST 200 grams of vegetables, 2 pieces of fruit and whole grain products. So being on Herbalife to me only means that I add a shake a day to my daily food.

    I also give my clients regular food advice, I know nutrition works different on everybody, so other people will probably benefit from extra energy if they just start eating fruit and vegetables. I was chronically fatigued and for me eating well just wasn't enough.

    Indeed, energy comes from carbohydrates. But the way you feel, how energetic you are, isn't only caused by eating carbs or not. It is a big sum of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Everything counts.
  • I'm starting this week as well, soon as I receive my shipment. Feel free to add me :-)
  • To each their own. I'm looking for people that are taking the same path I am. If it doesn't work, then it doesn't work and I am wiser in the end for it. Again - if you're on the same plan, feel free to add me. If you're here to criticize then please move along.

    Its a public forum, you can't dictate who can and cannot comment.

    I wouldnt waste my money on any of these silly diet shakes but you got it as a gift so whatever. A calorie deficit is all you need to lose weight and its cheaper than some diet shake

    i couldnt have said it any better ^^
  • cryogenx
    cryogenx Posts: 1 Member
    Wasn't going to respond to this but felt I needed to. I have been a big guy all my life. When i started Herbalife i was at 340lbs and have since lost 53 lbs and with the support of all the people at my local club. Learning how to eat properly when not having shakes is a priority for them.

    im leaner a feel better i can actually excersize without feeling like im having heart failure..

    The shakes are great tasting and an easy way to maintain a calorie deficit with my always on the go lifestyle, my wife uses the products and loves them, hell my kids even like the shakes, and I for one would rather them have that than a run through McDonalds for breakfast.

    To all those who says its unnecessarily expensive, i say bull, I can't eat healthy produce and fresh whole food for what i have in the shakes.. period! I was going out to lunch everyday and grabbing a drive through breakfast most days, Herbalife has actually saved me quite a bit of money...
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Wasn't going to respond to this but felt I needed to. I have been a big guy all my life. When i started Herbalife i was at 340lbs and have since lost 53 lbs and with the support of all the people at my local club. Learning how to eat properly when not having shakes is a priority for them.

    im leaner a feel better i can actually excersize without feeling like im having heart failure..

    The shakes are great tasting and an easy way to maintain a calorie deficit with my always on the go lifestyle, my wife uses the products and loves them, hell my kids even like the shakes, and I for one would rather them have that than a run through McDonalds for breakfast.

    To all those who says its unnecessarily expensive, i say bull, I can't eat healthy produce and fresh whole food for what i have in the shakes.. period! I was going out to lunch everyday and grabbing a drive through breakfast most days, Herbalife has actually saved me quite a bit of money...

    You're equating "healthy produce and fresh whole food" with an Herbalife shake? Do you even know what (and in what quantities) is in those shakes?
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,157 Member
    No. I started with a rib roast and all the fixings.
  • sharil2012
    sharil2012 Posts: 2 Member
    I have been using Herbalife Protien and Nutrition for over a year now, with great success. I have lost 35 lbs by replacing my morning meal and lunch with a delicious shake and I have maintained the loss (within 3 lbs) for 8 months at 1 shake per day. I currently only purchase the Herbalife Form1 powder and use Natureade Protien from Sam's Club. In a side by side comparison, Herbalife Protien and Natureade are very similar in nutrition and taste, plus the Natureade is about 1/3rd the cost. I firmly believe that for true weight loss, you need both balanced nutrition and exercise. I workout, boot camp style, twice a week 45 minute sessions and then once per week I take a 60 minute Zumba class and a 60 minute Body Pump class.

    I have several recipes for Herbalife shakes that will keep you from getting bored with "drinking" your meals. My favorite recipe is: 1 Cup water, Chocolate Protien, Latte Form 1, 1 tspn coffee extract and 2 caps of Davinci No Calorie Caramel syrup. I also add a flavorless fiber powder to each shake. (if using Vanilla Form 1, I substitute the water for cold black coffee and then eliminate the coffee extract)
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I love herbalife. I have ibs and it makes eating certain foods a pain and choosing something to eat difficult. But with herbalife I can get nutrition and no digestive issues. I feel alot better with it. I've also lost 20lbs with it.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    The shakes are only yummy for like the first week or two, afterwards you'll get pretty damn tired of drinking your meals and will say "F, this shake..gimme something I can chew!".

    Seriously though, it was free so whatever use it for now..but I wouldn't advise doing it long term. Prior to MFP I used it for a few months and lost 40 lbs, but I was a total biotch to be around and constantly hangry and depressed because I felt deprived and also jealous of anyone who got to eat and chew. Not to mention broke because it's quite expensive. You could invest in good food and a gym membership and still spend way less in the long run.

    But hey, who are we to deter you from throwing your money away.

    lol yes.

    I know soooo many people who have done various shake "programs".

  • BokBagok
    BokBagok Posts: 345
    I'll just leave this here...

    Massachusetts senator Ed Markey wrote letters to the Federal Trade Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commission: “There is nothing nutritional about possible pyramid schemes.”