Not sure how to feel (LONG STORY)...



  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Not rage...irritation. She had the surgery - - now weighs 169 lbs and is still using her handicap parking plackard. She is perfectly mobile. My best friend who had the surgery is constantly saying how "fat" she is (even though she weighs like 150 somethin), and says things like if she wore a size 24 again she'd kill herself (knowing that I wore that size a few months ago). The surgery doesn't fix the issues and it irritates me when my weight loss is overshadowed by theirs because they're losing ten lbs a week compared to my 2 lbs a week. It being my boyfriend's family makes it harder because I feel like I can't talk to him about without making him angry.

    Hate to burst your bubble, but if you think doing it the "right" way fixes your emotional issues, you are DEAD WRONG. I still have so many issues about my weight, even after losing 80 pounds. I still see myself as so fat, even after 80 pounds. Don't question someone else's emotional have no say in how quickly someone "fixes" their issues.