SAHM 11/15/2010 to 11/21/2010

nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Welcome! We are a great group of SAHM's that support each through life processes! We welcome all newcomers!:flowerforyou:


  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Oops! I accidentally hit the button twice!
  • aneajo
    aneajo Posts: 287 Member
    Good Morning all. Joined a weight loss/ Sunday school group at church yesterday, so now I have double the support. :)

    Praying I do better this weekend, Did gain last week, but only a couple of ounces, so Im happy. Have to go to Pizza Ranch on Saturday and Im worried. Telling myself NOW to be good lol

    Have a great week everyone.
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    Hey, so glad I found you guys!! I'm a SAHM too. I find that I can do really well when I'm home by myself, it's in the evening and weekends when everyone's around that I want to eat. Does anyone else struggle with that?
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Welcome Nikki! Yes! Eating is definitely social with me too! especially because the kids and hubby are beanpoles, they can eat whatever they want! UGH!

    aneajo- that is great that you found a support group!

    KatieM- ((hugs)) I know what your pain feels like with the garlic! I one New years we went out to dinner nadi I had a margarita. just one! I ended up having the stomach flu....:sick: :ohwell: I still don't really care for the taste anymore. That was 11 years ago! HA!

    I have a busy day today...I have to clean out the chicken coop, (didn't get to do it yesterday, becauseit was raining), crossstitch, take the dog for a walk, try some primer on these crazy walls in my house. The wallpaper glue just does not want to come off these walls!:grumble: :explode: :mad: I am hoping that the primer will cover it. I am going to do a test patch of itand see how it goes.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    nicole--you are such a diligent diy'er! either my dh does the stuff or we hire out. :laugh: i'm so NOT handy!

    aneajo--support from all your resources is the way to go!

    this thing i heard on "dread"--for the pizza ranch. but bottom line, do your best now and when the time comes you get a new day of grace/mercy and you can call on g-d to help you thru that day/moment. don't waste the energy/power of it beforehand.

    welcome nikki!

    gotta go take care of the kids. i am the mom and all :tongue:
  • aneajo
    aneajo Posts: 287 Member
    I do good most of the week when it is just me and the kids, but when my husband is home on the weekends (truck driver), I tend to eat more. Usually more out to eat. :( The exception during the week is when I have a day like Im having today when I get stressed with the kids school work (homeschool) and Iall I want to do is eat candy bars and drink Dr Pepper. I do have some low cal crackers that Im hopeing will take the place of the candybar desire.

    I will keep Pizza Ranch as a "reward" day for the rest of the week to look forward to :)
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    Hello everbody. Im Candace a SAHM to 2 girls. A week ago i started working out in the mornings and all that good stuff but today I found it hard to get motivated to workout. I did it but I know I could have done better. Anyways HI!!!!!!
  • I am new to the site and am also a SAHM mom to 4 children, 15 year old, 9 year old, 6 year old and 15 mth old. My husband has taken on a new job in a different city, its been 12 weeks now, where he is gone 4 days/nights a week. I have lots of free time now :( and would like to get my butt into shape. My weight is ok, but I need muscle tone and stuff like that. How do I join this group?
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Welcome newcomers and good evening everyone.

    Just wanted to check in before going to bed. Had a good weekend, was short, but good. Didn't get as much done as I was hoping, but I guess that happens. My lil man is in the process of teething and I wish the bottom one that are teasing him would just pop through.

    Not sure what's on the agenda for this week, but I know tomorrow, Thursday and Friday my friend and I are going to walk the mall for a couple of hours.

    Gotta go, lil man is needing me.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    newcomers--nothing special to "join" this board. just come post whatever's on your mind re: wt loss, health, mommyhood, etc.


    my goal is to exercise 4x this week. 0 to 4--doable, huh? need to get to bed now as it's almost 10pm.

    hope everyone had a good monday. mine was pretty good---more yelling than the last few days, but no cussing. so that's a plus!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome to newcomers!

    Nicole~Thanks for the thoughts. :laugh: The hubby went to the store tonight and was going to get lasagna I asked him "is there garlic in it?" he says "yeah but it is one of the last ingredients." :laugh: I said "so do you want me to suffer again?" He promptly said "NOPE I don't what would you like me to get instead?" :laugh:

    Anyways not much new going on here. Check back in tomorrow...oh what it is tomorrow :wink: I guess later today. :laugh:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Welcome Newcomers!

    Stacey- Thanks for the link. They are really cute ideas too! Decisions Decisions. For the exercise, Maybe shoot for 1x a week to start, and then build up to 2x's, etc.? The only reason I say that is maybe set achieveable goals. I know I set myself up for failure alot if I set my goals too high and then don't achieve them. ((hugs)) just a thought! And congrats on the no cussing, that's definitely a good place to be!

    KatieM-:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: story from yesterday.....I did a medium load of laundry and.......the septic system backed up into the showers...YUCK!:sick: :devil: :grumble: I tried to fix it, but hubby came home and helped me...Did I say yuck?! The joys of living on a homestead! That took most of the day, so I didn't get as much done as I wanted to....but that's ok.

    Today maybe i will get more accomplished.
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    Good morning!! Hope everyone is having a great day!! I weighed in last night...down 2 more pounds.:love::love: Five pounds to go to my first goal, hoping to be there by Thanksgiving. Have a cedar chest full of skinny clothes, I'm gonna go through them the night before Thanksgiving. Would love to wear something from the "hope" chest to my family Thanksgiving dinner. I think it would help me make smarter choices. My goal this week is to exercise intentionally 5 times. No using cleaning or walking around the grocery store as exercise this week. Also not going to "eat" my exercise calories and see how it works for me. I know it works differently for everyone so we'll see. Have a great day everyone!!!!
  • aneajo
    aneajo Posts: 287 Member
    What a great goal. Wearing the skinny clothes should totally help with the over eating on Thanksgiving. Wish I was down more for that reason.
    I think I will weigh and measure before we go eat. Maybe, that could go either way. hmmmmmmm

    Very tired today and my first thought is to eat something sweet and sugary. Got my green tea infront of me and had my water, so hopefully I will wake up soon.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hello! I'm so happy!! The scale finally started moving in the right direction again! I lost half a pound from last week! I know it's not much, but when I've been seeing the scale not move or slowly creep up, that half a pound is great! Now once I can get down below 155, I'll be really happy. That's another 3 pounds.

    Tony took Saturday off from the Renaissance Festival so we could all go as a family. We had so much fun! The kids got to ride a camel again this year. The kids wore their Halloween costumes. DS was a knight and DD was a witch, but when you leave the hat off, it looks totally Renaissance.

    I'm looking forward to a good week. I'm going running today even though it's cooler and rainy. My goal is to start back into Shred this week. I plan to do the Shred DVD on the days I don't run. I HAVE to lose some weight by the 3rd week of January. Our church is doing a new directory, and I don't want my picture taken like this!

    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • aneajo
    aneajo Posts: 287 Member
    Congrats on the loss. Whats the Shred?
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    nicole---bluh!! gag gag gag
    i've had to scoop poo out of a toilet---but the shower???? uck! no one tells you when you're a kid all the FUN things that await you in adulthood :laugh:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    amy--that's AWESOME!! so proud of you and i think looking good for a picture is total motivation. that's how i did last year--looking good for my reunion.

    now i keep thinking of the jewelry i can get when i hit my goal.
    and before i stick (another) brownie in my mouth, i say--do i really want to look like THAT again in THAT swimsuit this summer? NO!
    only I can make the choices (even when no one is watching)

    so GO FOR IT!!! do the running, do Shred!!!

    nicole--thanks. i know i also get disappointed w/unrealistic expectations. but even if i wind up doing 3x, i'll be glad. one?? well there's no excuse for that for me!

    i got the marisa tomei dvd (core and curves) to try out. i will get back to zumba....but this seems to be more my speed. :)

    and in case i forgot, how was the run on Saturday?

    aneajo--get the dr pepper OUT!! y'know, we've kinda gotten used to diet dr p. no, it's not as good to my dh, but given the LITERS he drinks a day, the sub is a good move. just a thought.
  • aneajo
    aneajo Posts: 287 Member
    I have had diet dr pepper for awhile, but it is full of aspertame and we are trying to stay away from that. Im just trying to stay away from pop period
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