Sweating at the gym



  • VeggieKelli
    VeggieKelli Posts: 232 Member
    Glad to see this topic!! I have always sweat a lot and used to be really self-conscious about it. Now I don't care, though I'm happy on days I work hard and sweat a little less, but even then most of my midsection is soaked and the underneath of my hair and I look like a hot mess. I also work out usually 80-90 minutes at a time decently hard, so now I feel like I've earned the right to be that sweaty!! That, and I'm starting to notice that I'm sweating less during weights and aerobic-y activities, as well as walking.

    I'm proud to be the sweaty girl at the gym! And I always clean off my equipment once I'm done :)
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    Sweat and be proud! If you're not sweating, you're not working hard enough. As long as you clean the equipment, no one will care.

    I cant agree more. I really think it shows that your working really hard! I am just now starting to sweat less after a year and two months of going like 6 days a week. There were days my whole shirt was soaked and I mean like I lost 2 lbs in one session soaked...all but under the armpits LOL Kinda a reverse thing. I also hate this but I get butt sweat too, like under my cheeks and sometimes around my tailbone. :)

    I totally get that some people cant push themselves because of medical reasons, this isn't about them. I don't get why other people who clearly have the ability, go to the gym and not push? I mean, if I am there I am going to do everything I possibly can to burn as many calories in the time I have. What the point of only doing it half hearted? If your not breaking a sweat, kick it up! Again, I know its hard for me to judge without knowing them but the odds are, some of them are not bringing it! ;)
  • tdaddybarlow
    tdaddybarlow Posts: 673 Member
    I sweat PROFUSELY:embarassed: at the gym!!! I am like dripping all over the machine and my shirt is soaked meanwhile other people are training hard and barely sweating. My question to you, my fellow sweat hogs is what do you do for your car's seats. I usually use a towel but it just doesn't seem to cut it. Is there like a sweat shmmy or something?
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I sweat PROFUSELY:embarassed: at the gym!!! I am like dripping all over the machine and my shirt is soaked meanwhile other people are training hard and barely sweating. My question to you, my fellow sweat hogs is what do you do for your car's seats. I usually use a towel but it just doesn't seem to cut it. Is there like a sweat shmmy or something?
    I usually sit on a towel and leave the window down so the sweat sort of "blows off" of me lol
  • Tracie65
    Tracie65 Posts: 61 Member
    Wow, good to know I am not alone!! I love your stories, and statements!! Now I can go sweat my *kitten* off at the gym and totally not care, thanks everyone!!! :)
  • I'm so glad I found this thread. After doing an hour at the elliptical, my shirt and even my pants and socks get very soaked, and I even make two huge puddles of my sweat underneath the left and right pedals. I do take my time wiping off my machine and drying up the puddles, and people at the gym appreciate me for doing that. Some people even come up to me and give me compliments about me working so hard, and how they wish they can burn as many calories as I do. I know that I'm not the only person in the world that sweats a lot after a work out, and I know that people go to the gym to sweat. Which is why I never felt self-conscious about being so sweaty. That is, until today.

    Somebody told me today that it's kinda gross to see somebody at the gym sweat the way I do. And that I should do something, like wear black clothes so it's not too obvious that I was sweating so much. She even offered to buy me lots of black clothes so I can wear them at the gym. Oh, by the way, this somebody is...guess who....my wife. I know, right, of all people? Anyway, she said that if she feels that way considering I'm her husband, what more with other people at the gym who don't know me? She even mentioned that she was embarassed because there were girls behind me at the elliptical (she and two girls were in the ellipticals behind mine) and they could see me pouring sweat. I normally would argue back with her, but this time I assume she was saying this for my own good. I mean, who else at the gym would have guts to confront me about gym ettiquette, right?

    Regardless, after she told me that, I started feeling so self-conscious. I'm even worried about going to the gym tomorrow, since I'm gonna be all sweaty again, and it's already hard enough at the elliptical, the last thing I need is to feel self-conscious while I'm exercising.

    I've been googling around to see if people have the same experiences, which is how I found this thread. I am surprised to see that the all the comments here are positive. I'm so thankful to everyone who posted, and I mean EVERYONE, trust me, I read each and every comment. I know your comments are not directed specifically to me since I did not start this thread, but after reading them, I feel so overwhelmed with support from you all :):):) I'll probably still feel self-conscious tomorrow, but when I do, all I have to do is think of all your nice comments.
  • wee_wolfie
    wee_wolfie Posts: 40 Member
    I don;t like when back sweat seeps into the waist band of my trousers and creeps down so it looks like bum sweat. It makes me really self-conscious.
  • ArmandoG28
    ArmandoG28 Posts: 283 Member
    i sweat like shaquile oneal !! once i hit 1 mile its on boy !! i used to sweat way more when i was 435 not at 299 its a little less but i still sweat the front and back of shirt any time i play ball, or run .
  • mechchic84
    mechchic84 Posts: 2 Member
    Don't feel bad. I sweat like crazy. At one point I used to drip all over and soak the treadmill leaving a puddle behind it. I usually look like I got caught in a rainstorm or went swimming fully clothed. I've actually been sweaty enough that someone asked me if I had been swimming. The only downside is if we go as a group and someone thinks I just sat in the sauna the whole time that it isn't possible for a woman to sweat that much. I do go in the sauna after a workout but I'm already soaked before I get in there.

    The way I feel is the more I sweat out the harder I must've worked out that day. I'm proud to get as sweaty as possible.
  • mechchic84
    mechchic84 Posts: 2 Member
    Lol. Bum sweat. My whole undergarments are soaked when I'm finished. I love getting that sweaty at the gym cause I know I got a good workout. What I don't like is that afterwards my underwear feel like I peed on myself. I can literally wring them out and possibly make a puddle (dunno haven't actual wrung them out but they do drip).
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    I sweat more than anybody else at the gym... naturally.

    I've always sweated a lot since I was a kid. Doctors said it wasn't a disease and to just live with it. I don't have sweaty palms or feet, sweat just pours from all over my body.

    In regular life, I sweat slightly more than the average joe, but it's only a problem if I go into a 'hot' place and I begin sweating... usually at packed, overheated clubs lol. or the subway.

    At the gym, if I go extra hard, my entire shirt becomes drenched in sweat(literally whole shirt, not just the neck/chest) tot he point where the shirt weighs as much as a 5 pound dumbbell.

    Do I care what others think? no. I go to the gym to get in shape and look good and feel good about myself outside of the gym. If I never sweat at the gym, I'm not working out hard enough.

    I wipe the sweat off the machine though :D
  • endlesswonderr
    endlesswonderr Posts: 91 Member
    I sweat so much, not only at the gym but ANYWHERE I go. Seriously.

    I used to go to raves with my ex boyfriend all the time, and after dancing for 5+ hours I was covered head to toe in sweat. People would even come up to me and ask me if someone pored water on my head, because they didn't understand how I could be drenched .
    My boyfriend however, and the majority of people at the raves, were almost completely dry. I felt disgusting and still do when I go anywhere that involves lots of dancing in tight spaces because I'm always drenched by the end of it. However It also means I had a fun night so I don't mind much.
  • I am a minimal sweater, but I work hard when I go to the gym, so I get damp and I glisten.

    The boyfriend on the other hand, drips and rains off of him. I will say I am not a fan of touching a sweaty person, but working out with them, next to them, after them doesn't bother me at all.

    I usually bring a change of clothes to the gym and change out before heading home, or throw on jeans over my work out clothes and shower when I get home.
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    I sweat like an animal being hunted.
    Used to bother me
    Now it's a badge of honor
    or something.
    I just don't care anymore I guess.
    Will most likely happen for you too.
  • Every bead of sweat is a bead of fat running away