Hi guys,

I have started the 30 day shred today. Reason being, I am going to thailand, asia in about 30 days so its a perfect reason to get working and see if i can tweak my body a bit before i grace the beautiful thai beaches with my new (hopefully toned) body a haha.

If you haven't heard of it. It's a really simple 25 minute work out by Jillian Michaels. There are 3 levels, you do level 1 for 10 days, level 2 for 10 days and then level 3 for 10 days. If you pair this with a good diet, by day 30 the results can be immense.

You don't need any equipment apart from light hand weights and you can substitute that for cans or bottles of water.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pc-NizMgg8 <---- level one first video

If any of you wanna join then get started right now, seriously, what is 25 minutes of your day? Share how it goes on this forum and we can keep motivating each other!!!

It would also be awesome if you took a before/after pictures so once we are done we can all compare the changes!!!


  • rsmith77
    rsmith77 Posts: 6 Member
    I have the DVD. I was thinking of starting it on 2/1, but maybe I will start tonight ???? How was it?
  • katnotfat
    katnotfat Posts: 58 Member
    I'm in! I'll start it tomorrow! I was doing great this year but ended up gaining 15 lbs back over the last couple months. Boooooo. I hope you have a ton of fun in Thailand, kamsbryant! I'm excited to actually give this video a go!
  • Aching a bit today after the work out yesterday but yeh it was great fun! Wasn't too hard, there were moments when I was wanted to stop but its only 25 minutes long so I just powered through.

    Woke up this morning and did a couple of ab exercises because I don't feel like the workout alone is doing much for them.

    Anyone tried it???
  • helsbelshms
    helsbelshms Posts: 93 Member
    I'm on my third stint of the 30 day shred. I don't do any extra exercises, just my usual weekly zumba class. Last time I made it to 20 days straight (this time I'm only doing 5 days a week) and I lost about 10lb and lost several inches all over. Christmas came along and undid all of my good work, so I've started again.

    If you haven't already done it, take measurements. That is where you will see the biggest change.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Morning. I am on week 2 30DS day #3. Love it. Have done before with great results. Just an overall feeling of well being. Keep it up. Eat healthy. Drinks LOTS H2O.
  • LaurDavies
    LaurDavies Posts: 77 Member
    I'm on board - currently on Level 1 Day 7, but having an enforced day off as I'm a feeling a little flu-like and am trying to stop it before it takes hold. So in a day or two I will be back on board.

    For those who haven't done it before I thoroughly recommend, the results are amazing.

    I've take my before pics, but I will keep them until a bit later on when I have something to compare them to!

    Feel free to add me for motivation! :)
  • chickenpie
    chickenpie Posts: 64 Member
    Hi ! ooh am well jel re your trip to Thailand, great to have such a fab goal.

    I just did Day 2 of Level 1 last night. Until Nov last yr was running 3 times a week but wow obviously xmas and new yr took its toll. My legs are v sore today, like a 90yr old getting off my seat at work! I really struggle to find time to exercise what with work/family so this suits me perfectly.

    i did it with cans of beans first night, then found my husbands weights to use last night, 2.5kg each - too hard! going to try find smaller weights. Hopefully we can all motivate each other..

  • tisht0sh21
    tisht0sh21 Posts: 4 Member
    I also stumbled on this workout on YouTube. From what I've been reading around here, it has gotten
    geat reviews. Would you be able to tell me how it works? Do you use the same level 1 video all week?

    How doe everyone like it so far?
  • butlersoft
    butlersoft Posts: 219 Member
    The original post in this thread explains how it should be followed :-)
  • tisht0sh21
    tisht0sh21 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you butler!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    I just finished up Level 1 Day 4 last night. I have attempted this many times in the past but I don't think that I've ever made it past day 4. I do not do it daily. I aim to work out 3 days per week. I'm glad to have found a group that is also doing it at the same time that I am. I just upped my weights to 5 pounds last night from 3 pounds. Well except for the anterior raises in circuit 3 because the 3 pound weights already have my arms shaking. How is everyone else coming along?
  • atlraine
    atlraine Posts: 172 Member
    I'm in! I started today! 30DS D1 complete!!
  • katnotfat
    katnotfat Posts: 58 Member
    I did it! First day of level 1 dooone. Man, I'm so out of shape! I did a 5k last summer, worked out a lot and totally stopped it all a few months ago when I had lost my job. Finally starting a new job in February. Today was super rough, but it's just day 1!
  • Hey ya'll, I started 30 Day Shred on January 14, 2014. I am looking it up off you tube. I'm starting at my heaviest weight I've ever been. So I'm in, lets do the challenge.
  • Have just started this today!!! Day 1 of 30 day shred done :-) Ouch so unfit but looking forward to feeling and looking better! :smile:
  • Is anyone doing any special diets or eating programs, maybe meal replacement? I need a big kick start! I started replacing my lunch with designer whey protein chocolate to help. Any one have anything to add?
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    I am doing the 30DS. On day 9 Level 1. I got it free online. Is Level 2 available free on youtube?
    Using 5LB weights---killers on the lunges.
    I took measurements and after 1 week I lost 2 and 1/4 inches total.
    I Eat 1200 cals and addditional exercise calories...i need to cut back on eating all my exercise cals.
  • Im doing the skinny fibre tablets aswell but basically 1000 cal and under daily of healthy low fat food and the workout, also some womans multis
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    SusanRechter - all levels are available on You Tube.

    Ruth947 - I've heard about Skinny Fiber. How do you like it?
  • katnotfat
    katnotfat Posts: 58 Member
    30DS D2 done!

    I put up a little calendar page in my living room on the wall and I cross of the day once I complete my work out. Extra motivation! Also took measurements since it may show more in the inches vs weight.

    Height: 5'1
    Starting weight: 141.5 lbs
    Underbust: 29
    Waist: 29.5
    Hips: 41
    Thigh: 25.5
    Arm: 12