Whey protein..does it help you lose weight?



  • ciaranspeake
    ciaranspeake Posts: 2 Member
    If you use it correctly, it can boost your metabolism by 25%. I replace my breakfast with 2 scoops (I usually didn't eat breakfast before I started doing that) and I take 1 scoop before and after workouts.
  • I havent started using it yet, and am currently reading up on if or not to go for it. My current break up is 27,37,36(Carbs,Fat,Protien). I am wondering if that is a good enough breakdown.
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    The simple answer... NO. The basic equation to loose weight, eat less than you burn, but not by too much.
    The more complex answer is much more complex. Fueling your body with more nutrient dense foods can help eliminate and/or delay hunger so you feel satiated longer therefore, theoretically eating less in a day. In addition, the more muscle mass you put on your body the more protein you need to take in the help rebuild what s broken down in your workout.
    As far as low carb, high protein, paleo, or whatever dietary guidelines one chooses to follow, the basics are still the basics... Eat less than you burn... Period!,
  • foot2wood
    foot2wood Posts: 149 Member
    Whey protein helps you fit extra servings of high-quality protein into a weight loss plan. It contains no fat and all of the amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own. A study published in "Nutrition and Metabolism" published in 2008, found that a whey protein supplement high in the amino acid leucine consumed two times daily helped people on a reduced calorie diet lose more body fat and preserve more lean muscle compared to people consuming a control beverage. Protein takes longer for the body to digest, so diets high in protein can help keep you feeling more satisfied so you are less likely to overeat due to extreme hunger.

    Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/448722-can-whey-protein-shakes-help-you-lose-weight/#ixzz2QypnV5Dn
  • deeray
    deeray Posts: 103 Member
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    Not really to lose weight.
    I just use it to help me keep to my protein goals.

  • That depends on your metabolic type, lifestyle and eating habits too. I used to eat protein at every meal and used whey supplements twice daily for a long time and it never helped me lose any weight. In fact when I cut down my protein intake I lost more bodyfat and more scale weight and a few more inches around my waist too. I do use whey from time to time but don't have anywhere near the amounts I used to when I was struggling with weight loss and fatloss many years ago. It never even helped me with cravings or feeling full or calorie control or any of those other claims.

    There are so many of false claims about protein helping to boost metabolism but no research studies confirm any of it. If a person replaces a junk food diet with protein shakes they'll lose weight. If a person struggles with hunger and they start drinking whey shakes and this keeps them out of a cookie jar they'll lose weight too. But that wasn't my experience and none of the clients I've worked with who have lost anywhere between 30-70 pounds and kept it off ever supplemented either.

    If you're not sure then it can't hurt to experiment for a month or two with whey. Just be sure to get the organic kind since most commercial brands are chock full of antibiotics, hormones, heavy metals, additives and preservaties. They are also treated with surfactants such as ethoxylated mono-diglycerides, propylene glycol and polyscorbate 80 all of which are used in soap and shampoo manufacturing.
  • duke0825
    duke0825 Posts: 22 Member
    makes you feel a little full if anything.
  • I use it in the morning with my silk in my shaker due to never eating breakfast. Just count it in your calories and keep a deficit. It limits my DOMS after a work out. I also was not getting my protein intake for the day (160g). I buy the COSTCO brand 6 lb bag chocolate flavor ($30 very cheap). Tastes great and fits in my desk at work. If you are using it as a meal replacement and not exercising ie slim fast shake crap, then the deck is stacked against you.

  • I want to start have whey protein shakes to loose weight & tone ! But when do i take them and how many? Before the gym ? After ? As a meal or what ? Please help thanks ????
  • Does that actually taste good cuz it sounds awful. ..lol
  • matndrew
    matndrew Posts: 3 Member
    I started drinking smoothies/shakes using BiPro Whey protein. A lady at work brought me a sample to try out. This is probably the only whey protein powder that I have ever used that has zero taste. It also dissolves well and does not leave those gross clumps. It is kind of pricey but after using it for a week, I went ahead and bit the bullet and ordered it. Amazon carries it or you can order directly from the distributor. I got the unflavored kind but they also sell flavored ones too. My boys LOVE it because it does not have that funky aftertaste that so many of the protein powders have. I just started a training program to run the Cooper River Bridge run in April and then a ten mile run at Disney in October. I have found that the smoothies I am making do indeed curb my hunger.
  • With that how much weight have you lost..
  • sharon210579
    sharon210579 Posts: 9 Member
    I have just bought diet whey protein and I am running 3 times a week usually about 20 miles a week. So I decided to have one in morning for breakfast and count this in my calorie intake and going to have another only after i run but not count this shake after running in calorie intake - do you still think I will be able to lose weight and get tone?
  • Hello I'm wondering if enyone can give me sum advice on the help I'm wanting to go on a wight loss shake to lose wight for the 1st time and I'm just wounding wich is the best one sumone as said to me diet whey !!
  • I prefer a vegan protein powder to whey, but yeah, I agree with what everyone else has said! So many good shake recipes out there too!!!
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Hello I'm wondering if enyone can give me sum advice on the help I'm wanting to go on a wight loss shake to lose wight for the 1st time and I'm just wounding wich is the best one sumone as said to me diet whey !!

    Whatever helps you stay in a deficit and helps you hit your protein macro. Assuming you need something to supplement a lack of protein. Otherwise, it's unnecessary.

    There are no "specific" foods that are for weight loss. Weight loss comes from a calorie deficit. For body composition, focus on meeting your macros, for health your micro nutrient goals. What you eat is up to you. Typically, nutrient dense whole foods will leave you satiated and help you meet these goals better than other things but it's trial and error to find things you enjoy that help you meet these needs.
  • I have a bowl of oat meal in the Morning, a bowl of vegetable for lunch and for dinner i do whey protein shake which i blend with 2 bananas, spinach, orange and apple . i run for 1 hour every day do you think i am gonna lose weight. Whats your advice guys who have lost weight successfully.
  • I have a bowl of oat meal in the Morning, a bowl of vegetable for lunch and for dinner i do whey protein shake which i blend with 2 bananas, spinach, orange and apple . i run for 1 hour every day do you think i am gonna lose weight. Whats your advice guys who have lost weight.