Anyone in their 20s

Hey everyone i'm Edel i'm looking to lose weight for the summer had a baby girl 5 months ago need new friends to help with motivation on my 3rd day here seems like a really good site..


  • Laquincy
    Laquincy Posts: 76 Member
    26 here, feel free to add me
  • mc0806
    mc0806 Posts: 1
    Hey! I'm 22, feel free to add me as well! Good luck on your journey, its not hard as it looks :)
  • ChaelaMonstah
    ChaelaMonstah Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, Edel! Congrats on your baby!

    I'm 24 and just started trying to get back into shape yesterday. Like you, I could do with a little motivation. Sending you a request. :)
  • ils_1231
    ils_1231 Posts: 249 Member
    Hi, I'm 26! I'm always looking for motivation. Feel free to add me!
  • corky90
    corky90 Posts: 35 Member
  • edelm09
    edelm09 Posts: 20
    Thanks Chaela :) added everyone there..
  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    I'm the oldest one out of the bunch at 32. Feel free to add me. I am on everyday and try to motivate my friends. Good luck with your journey :smile:
  • Kleese86
    Kleese86 Posts: 16 Member
    27…feel free to add me
  • I'm 23! :)
  • JamieK84
    JamieK84 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi! Congrats on the baby girl, she's beautiful :) I'm 29 (trying to enjoy my last year in the 20s, haha). You can definitely add me if you want!
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
  • tesha_chandler
    tesha_chandler Posts: 378 Member
    24! :) Feel free to add me..
  • Roarmiaka
    Roarmiaka Posts: 25 Member
    24 as well! ^_^
  • lane112409
    lane112409 Posts: 28 Member
    My name is Stephanie I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I had my wake up call last Thursday when I went to the doctor. When I stepped on the scales I though I was going to faint 238lbs What I have never been this heavy. I am determined to get this weight off and be healthy. Let's get honest weighing 238 at 5ft 5.5 is not healthy. I know this will be a long process but I know if I have the help and motivation I can do this. Should I say we can all do this. I want to feel sexy in clothes not like a fat blob that is unhealthy. Weight in my opinion is a little sticky to apply but harder then you know what to get off.
  • Yellowbelly84
    Yellowbelly84 Posts: 33 Member
    Feel free to add me :-)
  • Hey! I'm Brandee, 23, just starting out! Feel free to add me! :) I could definitely use some motivation, I can't do this by myself, I've tried multiple times.
  • Soritaia
    Soritaia Posts: 63 Member
    Im 20 and on every day. feel free to add me.
  • Kristink_Vaughn
    Kristink_Vaughn Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 24 and trying it get in shape before having children! feel free to add me anyone!
  • Sarah_828
    Sarah_828 Posts: 23 Member
    24 and looking to shed my extra "love"!
  • mpoz23
    mpoz23 Posts: 2

    I'm 24 and new to this site! I'm trying to get back to the healthy state that I was in before I gained back 25 lbs. The last time I lost weight, the support of a site similar to this helped considerably! Add me if you wish! Support is beautiful!!