Looking for Friends in their Early 20s!



  • kALcyoum
    kALcyoum Posts: 8 Member
    Hey All,

    24 year old here with a full time job that requires me to travel a lot. I was pretty serious about working out last year and dropped about 25 lb (fell off the wagon around end of November/Holidays) but trying to get back to working out regularly and being better about tracking my food intake.

    Definitely looking for some extra motivation so please feel free to add me!
  • Hey! Same situation, graduated in June but I'm back for more school lol but this time will be different. 23 years old, 172lbs. Feel free to add
  • arserine
    arserine Posts: 63 Member
    Hello! I'm Ashley and I'm 23. I've been on here consistently for about 6 months and am always looking for committed and supportive friends! Feel free to add me if you plan to be on every day to log and support each other :).
  • acmrshll
    acmrshll Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 25, and am working to increase my support group! I graduated with a Masters in 2012, and started my desk job the same year...and managed to gain like 10 lbs from being so sedentary, yikes.
  • Feel free to add me, there is never enough of mutual support when it comes to fat loss
  • Behxo
    Behxo Posts: 1,190 Member
    Add me, I try and be supportive and give you daily laughs :P I'm 22, 23 in March.
  • mcroix
    mcroix Posts: 2
    Does 25 count as early 20's or has that ship sailed in my life? Just joking! I just recently joined too and I hope you reach your progress! Congratulations of graduating!
  • Masekre
    Masekre Posts: 5 Member
    I'm going to add EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!. (:< I'm almost 25... So technically still early 20's, right? ha
  • Motivation is key! Lets push each other towards healthier goals.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • ashleearoha
    ashleearoha Posts: 165 Member
    Hey! I am 21 and looking for some people around my age to be friends with on here too :) Feel free to add me.
  • Hi. Im new to this so looking for some friends to motivate me. Im 39 and looking to lose weight by my 40th birthday at end of march. I'm a busy mum of 2, working part time. If you would like to help me on my journey , please add me as a friend :) Im in need of help and motivation x Look forward to hearing from you :)

    Sorry, just realised this post was for people in 20's.. doh..lol
  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    Hello, I just turned 22 in December, I graduate college in May. I currently do not work, I take care of my mom and grandparents. I have started with spinning as exercise. I do 20 mins - 1 hour depending on pain levels. I love to walk trails in the warmer months. Anyone who like may add me. My last college semester started this week so I haven't been as active as I like.
  • rexroars
    rexroars Posts: 131 Member
    I requested you! Just graduated, I'm 22 (23 in March) and I have my first desk job. I have never sat down for this long during a day in my entire life!! I gained weight after graduation but I want to lose it again, and a bit more if possible!

    Anyone should feel free to add me!! I love to share tips and recipes :)
  • noisyhearts
    noisyhearts Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Jess! I'm 24 & similar height/weight/goals. Sending you a request.
  • LouiseB1991
    LouiseB1991 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 22 and since I started uni my weight has been up and down all the time, too many parties and late night study snacks! Trying to get into some sort of normal habit now!
  • I'm 22 and anyone feel free to add me if you want :) I show support and am always logging my food and exercise. We got this!!!
  • GrindingSalt
    GrindingSalt Posts: 68 Member
    Hey : ) I'm 22, also turning 23 in February, also weighing about 174#! I've been reading the forums a ton and am just now starting to participate. I'd love some friends for support and encouragement!
  • kayleenmcgrath
    kayleenmcgrath Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 20, anyone who wants can add me :).
  • jkm92
    jkm92 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey, I'm 21 graduated this year, currently doing my masters ...which has made me gain everything I lost during uni :/
    Feel free to add me, would be great to have a support system :)
  • NicoleRaeB
    NicoleRaeB Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'm 19yrs old and am 5'3.5 and 197.6 lbs and am hoping to lose 45-50 lbs by the end off May. :) Feel free to add me as a friend, I could use the support.