Have you decided not to weigh yourself daily? Please share:)

After reading the forum post "why scales lie" I was just wondering of any of you decided not to weigh yourselves at all or a certain amount of time (weekly,monthly or whatever). My kids broke my scale 2 weeks ago I'm trying to talk myself out of buying a new one because it's been kind of nice not stressing over the number.


  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    I'm not there yet but I'm seriously considering it.
  • godsgrl33
    godsgrl33 Posts: 307 Member
    I weigh myself daily, but don't record it daily. I only record it about once a week, whether it is more or less than the previous week. It keeps me motivated. I know some days will be higher than others and vice versa. I don't stress about it, though. I know weight fluctuates.
  • Yep, I stopped a few months ago. I was getting way too obsessed with the number.
  • NormaHBrown
    NormaHBrown Posts: 4 Member
    I've never weighed myself every day--I just try to do it about every 2 weeks or so. It's always nice to see that scale go down a lot, plus gives me a LOT of motivation to keep going!
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    I like to see where I am. I weigh everyday. I look for trends. And hopefully, the trend is maintaining or going down. But it is a trend. And without that, I would give myself license to gain. I have to look at that number every single day. It is about being accountable - not really the specific number.

    BTW, I also don't beat myself up over it. I know it is one day and that I have the power to change it.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    For me, weighing daily created a problem. It wasn't good for my mental health, I was too obsessive and sensitive to the results. I think I'm staying on track better now that I only weigh once every few weeks or once a month because I want to see my weight go down. Everyone is different but I always go with the less stressful option!
  • ButterfliesOnMyEyes
    I really try to talk myself into not weighing myself everyday but I still do it :/ If i would have gotten a digital scales it would have been better but this is a cheap one and doesn't show ounces. I am an instant gradification kinda girl i guess. I wanna see results now but i did my weigh in today and going to try my best not to weigh again til next week this time....TRY LOL
  • mmommymusings
    mmommymusings Posts: 18 Member
    I'm not going to weigh myself for the first 4 weeks ( a month ). I don;t want to get discouraged too early in the game. I figure that if I weigh myself daily I might hit a plateau and want to give up.
  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    Well I was always a weigh yourself everday kind of gal...unless I was pregnant. However, in the past I had an eating disorder and I'm feeling it rearing its ugly head at me with each passing day ( this is my lot in life)...so I have decided to knock off all the weighing to stop all the obsessing. Weight will naturally rise and fall and for some people they have no issues with seeing that...for me its a trigger...so its got to go!
  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    Once a week, always on friday morning first thing after a wee! :-)
    I couldn't cope with daily weighing at the moment (the fluctuations would get to me), and weekly seems right for me so I know I am on the right track.
    I am petrified of wasting time, as I need to be able to fit some of my warmer clothes when winter comes. I just don't have the money to be replacing clothes right now.
  • nytrifisoul
    nytrifisoul Posts: 500 Member
    Hell no. Every time i gained weight backwas because i stopped weighing myself. It leads to not weighing your food, and eventually stop exercising. Dont stop, trust me.
  • xkimberlee007
    xkimberlee007 Posts: 44 Member
    Hell no. Every time i gained weight backwas because i stopped weighing myself. It leads to not weighing your food, and eventually stop exercising. Dont stop, trust me.
    Im not goIng to stop logging food and exercising I'm just thinking I should weigh myself once a week on the weekends at someone else's house :)
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I like to weigh myself daily, a few times per day or just whenever I feel like it.

    It helps me to gauge my "real" weight. So if I stay consistent each morning at a particular weight for x number of days then I will record on here.

    The problem I have with weighing just weekly, whatever is that it may not truly reflect my current weight as I go for patterns. Like yesterday I was a up a lb. But went back down to my current weight that I recorded less than a week ago this morning. If I would have just weighed myself yesterday and not previously then I would have thought I actually went up a lb.

    It may have been due to wine or just whatever. So I like to watch patterns and from there the more consistent number gets recorded.

    But again, seeing the number on the scale doesn't stress me out as I know I fluctuate from a few ounces to up 3-4lbs throughout the day and that is good to know.
  • nytrifisoul
    nytrifisoul Posts: 500 Member
    Hell no. Every time i gained weight backwas because i stopped weighing myself. It leads to not weighing your food, and eventually stop exercising. Dont stop, trust me.
    Im not goIng to stop logging food and exercising I'm just thinking I should weigh myself once a week on the weekends at someone else's house :)

    Once a week is good. Just dont let once a week turn into once a month..........you get me? I am/was a repeat YoYo dieter.
  • EchoCreature
    EchoCreature Posts: 1 Member
    I only weight myself about once a month. The scale isn't all that reliable. It can change day by day or it can stay the same. One thing that will cause it to change is how much water one drinks per day. It is also known for women that their weight can change up to 5 pounds during a month depending on their bodies monthly schedule. One of the best way that I have found for seeing if I have made any improvement to my health is to have my body fat percentage check. If I find improvement there, then I know I am making progress.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Yes, I only weigh every once in a while. It varies greatly depending on how much I've eaten the last couple days, how hard my weights w/o was, the time of month, etc.
    It only matters to me how I look, fit into clothing and if I feel strong/energetic!
  • the_dude00
    the_dude00 Posts: 1,056 Member
    I've decided to weigh myself monthly at most. The only things I am paying attention to are my athletic performance in the gym and my waist size - by how my pants fit
  • toy_
    toy_ Posts: 11 Member
    I lost weight previously and I weighed myself daily at that point. It became an obsession and I was disappointed constantly if it didn't move. This time I plan to weigh myself maybe once every couple weeks (I don't own one anymore either.)
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I weigh myself if I'm at my mom's (about once every 6 weeks) and when I go to the doctor (every three months). I don't worry about the number, I'm looking more at what I feel like, and how my clothes are fitting.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I weigh myself every saturday morning, no other time. I have an appointment with myself, and I keep it cause I am important and worth the effort. I don't cheat on my date, cause I really really like myself and I want to keep that appointment.