Afternoon slump - What do you do?



  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    This is going to sound totally kindergarten, but here we go... (lol)

    I always pack a 'dipping' snack with me to work. Something like apple slices and peanut butter, pita bread and hummus, carrots and tzatziki, etc. etc. I find that not only is it a nutritious snack, but the activity involved in eating it wakes me up a little too. I look forward to it everyday at 3:00pm! Today is banana and coconut greek yogurt.
  • I eat. Actually I don't get slumps but if I did, I would up my calories. It's a pretty good sign your metabolism is tanking.
  • CherylG1983
    CherylG1983 Posts: 294 Member
    A small handful of mixed nuts and green tea usually does it for me. I keep a bar of Lindt 85% dark chocolate in my kitchen cabinet and allow myself one square when I get home... that usually motivates me to work faster and get out of there!
    FATJAKE5 Posts: 162
    Spicy hot homemade no-salt pico de gallo and a handful of whole grain corn tortilla chips
  • Green tea
  • therealblackdahlia
    therealblackdahlia Posts: 3,110 Member
    I noticed a lot of people said green tea. Is the myth true that it helps with weight loss?
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Almonds are good for a quick snack and boost!
  • tallvesl99
    tallvesl99 Posts: 231 Member
    These are all great ideas. I usually have the same problem around 3:00. Walking around and drinking water is usually my answer. Going for an unhealthy snack is a HUGE temptation. I have bought some NICE brand granola bars at Walgreens that are only 100 calories apiece but fruit is a much better choice!
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    A banana, fills you up and gives you a natural boost

    Bananas are amazing! They're a go-to snack of mine too! When I need that pick me up, what works is a cup of coffee and a banana, sometimes with a little bit of peanut butter. It's healthy, natural, filling, not too high in calories, and it really does a great job of giving me energy! :bigsmile:
  • afat12
    afat12 Posts: 178 Member
    almonds just a few and a lot of water :)
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    Bananas are definately cool. I keep protein bars handy also. Quest makes AWESOME bars and I havn't found one that is more than 220 calories, but they are PACKED with protein. My favorites are Strawberry Cheesecake, Vanilla nut crunch, and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. AWESOME SAUCE!!!
  • Excercise..... or just move around - leave the office and go outside - fresh air!
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    Eat something - fuel that body. Then go work out!
  • obmckenzie
    obmckenzie Posts: 75 Member
    I'm on a low carb/high fat diet (Keto) and I have not had my normal 2-4pm slump. I've found I'm going really strong all the way to about midnight!
  • Some things I do:
    10 almonds.
    A few slices of low sodium deli turkey and/or cheese stick (Colby is bomb)
    A cheese stick and half an apple sliced is one of my faves.
    Greek yogurt w/ fruit

    If you notice you get that slump at 3, eat one of these at 230.

    Then drink a big glass of high quality H2O.
  • mike_ny
    mike_ny Posts: 351 Member
    Eat more protein and fat and less carbs at lunch and you should have less of a slump. Bread and pasta are typical lunch fare and they will contribute to being short of energy a couple hours later. It's not that carbs are evil. They just get used up quickly, especially simple starches and sugars. Protein and fat take much longer to digest so the energy is more spaced out over the afternoon.
  • Jill4165
    Jill4165 Posts: 50 Member
    I guess try and bring high protein snacks with me to work. However I find that drinking green tea always helps me out.
  • Snack an apple. Medium apple has about 100 calories and the fructose provides an energy surge to get through the afternoon slump.
  • Mellyajc
    Mellyajc Posts: 142 Member
    Sometimes a small nap, but what seems to work best is a walk around the block. Fresh air, sunshine for the pineal gland, gets the circulation going. I should probably do that now, actually.
  • Mellyajc
    Mellyajc Posts: 142 Member
    Let me just say...

    thank you.

    I was craving sugar and you reminded me of alternatives, so I just went for a walk. I now have a few more calories to eat back than I did before and I feel better and less cravings.

    I want my new algorithm to be...craving? -> exercise->healthy food->before considering filling the craving.