Is anybody else eating 1200 calories per day?



  • I am also at 1200 calories a day, but is hard for me because I'm never hungry, I have to force my self to eat.
    and when I eat it's @9:00 or 10:00 at night after my workout, but its never a big meal., any suggestions?
  • I'm on a 1200 calories a day plan. I have a shake for breakfast and one for lunch each shake is 200 calories and contains at least 15 vitamins and minerals so I'm having a good intake.

    It leaves 800 for drinks and dinner. For dinner I have all homemade food, no ready meals of any kind. Eg chips, burgers etc.

    If I want them I make from scratch so nutritional value is a lot better.

    Reducing the calories at the start was pretty tough as I went from 2000 to 1200 and I guess I didn't really appreciate how easy it was for them to add up without thinking about it.

    Just persevere it gets easier

    Mary x
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I have a shake for breakfast and one for lunch each shake is 200 calories and contains at least 15 vitamins and minerals so I'm having a good intake.

    I'm having trouble getting from your statement to your conclusion. How are you getting from a couple of low-calorie shakes w/ the equivalent of a small multivitamin to a "good intake"?
  • aldamorkore
    aldamorkore Posts: 5 Member
    My calorie goal is also 1200. I have a dog that I walk several times a day, so when I type in my exercise I get some extra calories. So my average calorie-intake is about 12-1300 a day, which works fine for me, some evenings I actually force myself to snack more because I have eaten less than I should during the day. It helps to postpone your breakfast a little bit, that makes you less likely to go hungry during the day. I don't deny myself any particular kinds of food. I just eat the required amount of calories (although I do not eat lots of candy, which is filled with empty calories). I never had any problems adjusting at all. I guess it is different for each person.
  • crt714
    crt714 Posts: 19
    that's about my intake - i do best when i have a huge breakfast, moderate lunch, and very small dinner. i have to jump-start my metabolism and get plenty of food in me first thing or i'll suffer and binge later in the day. my breakfast is usually 500-600 calories, believe it or not!

    lunch is around 300, dinner 200-300. there might be a protein shake in there on a work-out day. this type of kick-start for your meals might be worth a try rather than spreading out the calories evenly throughout the day. hope it helps.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    My calorie goal is also 1200. I have a dog that I walk several times a day, so when I type in my exercise I get some extra calories. So my average calorie-intake is about 12-1300 a day, which works fine for me, some evenings I actually force myself to snack more because I have eaten less than I should during the day. It helps to postpone your breakfast a little bit, that makes you less likely to go hungry during the day. I don't deny myself any particular kinds of food. I just eat the required amount of calories (although I do not eat lots of candy, which is filled with empty calories). I never had any problems adjusting at all. I guess it is different for each person.

    How can you possible get to your macro requirements on 1200-1300 calories/day while eating "lots of candy". I'm currently struggling to reach a reasonable protein and fat level at 1970ish calories.

    ETA: Aha, I think I just figured it out. You're using MFP's default macro settings, aren't you? (And by MFP's default, I mean, ridiculously too low protein and slightly too low fat.)
  • kellymac518
    kellymac518 Posts: 132 Member
    after reading one post in particular i realized that 1200 just isn't enough... here is the link

    give it a read and see if you can make some adjustments!
  • mwhite61451
    mwhite61451 Posts: 209 Member
    great article. explains why i have not been able to lose lately, dspite all the excercise
  • When I first joined few months back I was set by mfp 1240. They have recently just put me down to 1200. At the beginning I done great wasnt hungry coped well the past month I'm always hungry.. my new plan is to join the college gym tomorrow.then it will help my overall fitness also extra cals to eat! Xx
  • Sizethree4Ever
    Sizethree4Ever Posts: 120 Member
    I'm doing 1200 net now that I'm working out. When I started my food diary I counted up what I normally ate for the first 3 days. I was averaging around 2400 so cutting my food in half was hard the first 3 weeks. After my stomach shrunk down and I got used to it, I've been happy as a clam ever since. After losing the first 10 lbs I started an exercise routine. That's when I switched to eating 1200 net. That way I would still continue to lose nice and slowly and still be at the level I am at. It's worked out great. In a year I've lost 47lbs. Feel free to add me as a friend on the app. My username is Gamer88liz.

    This !!!!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I did this for most of year while losing. HOWEVER, I eat back my exercise calories (from walking), which meant that I usually ATE more than that, even though I netted it.

    Things that helped me were protein at every meal (yogurt or eggs at breakfast, lean meat at lunch, meat for dinner, nuts and ice cream for snacks) and lower (40%) easy to digest carbs.

    Every time I was hungry I'd have some (5) cashews or almonds. Around 9, after dinner, I'd have 1/4 cup ice cream.

    Drop things you don't care about - for me it was milk and bread - and eat small quantities of filling things when you're hungry.
  • kitty2470
    kitty2470 Posts: 7 Member
    Ditto, this site recommended 1200 calories for me to lose a few pound so i struggle on days I don't exercise and find I can just manage if I have an extra 200~400 calories from exercising
  • marcellomoo
    marcellomoo Posts: 107 Member
    If you're feeling hungry in the evenings, why not save up some calories during the day to have a bigger dinner? If you're using them all up during the day then try a more filling breakfast. On the days I have a big bowl of porridge with banana for breakfast I usually won't be very hungry again until dinner. This leaves me with plenty of calories for dinner and snacks. Also, don't waste calories on drinks. Just drink water and use your calories on food to fill you up :)
  • Same thing is happening to me, and im getting frustrated about it.
  • DeathNoteKira
    DeathNoteKira Posts: 6 Member
    Ive been doing this diet for 3 weeks and Im really happy with the results :) In 3 weeks i went from 121 to 116, I havent been that light since grade 9~
    Im pretty short (4'10) so im not that thin, i need to lose a bit more
    I usually burn 510 calories in one hour on the treadmill about 4 times a week
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    Do I eat 1200 calories a day?
    Sure, probably twice :happy:

    But then I run, cycle, play with my dog, walk to the store, scratch my nose, etc...
    I'll take distance ran over pounds dropped any day. And funnily enough, there seems to be a correlation :tongue:
  • aldamorkore
    aldamorkore Posts: 5 Member
    See post below.
  • aldamorkore
    aldamorkore Posts: 5 Member
    My calorie goal is also 1200. I have a dog that I walk several times a day, so when I type in my exercise I get some extra calories. So my average calorie-intake is about 12-1300 a day, which works fine for me, some evenings I actually force myself to snack more because I have eaten less than I should during the day. It helps to postpone your breakfast a little bit, that makes you less likely to go hungry during the day. I don't deny myself any particular kinds of food. I just eat the required amount of calories (although I do not eat lots of candy, which is filled with empty calories). I never had any problems adjusting at all. I guess it is different for each person.

    How can you possible get to your macro requirements on 1200-1300 calories/day while eating "lots of candy". I'm currently struggling to reach a reasonable protein and fat level at 1970ish calories.

    ETA: Aha, I think I just figured it out. You're using MFP's default macro settings, aren't you? (And by MFP's default, I mean, ridiculously too low protein and slightly too low fat.)

    I said I DO NOT eat lots of candy! I actually don't eat candy at all except maybe during the weekends but not always. Please read more thoroughly next time :)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    My calorie goal is also 1200. I have a dog that I walk several times a day, so when I type in my exercise I get some extra calories. So my average calorie-intake is about 12-1300 a day, which works fine for me, some evenings I actually force myself to snack more because I have eaten less than I should during the day. It helps to postpone your breakfast a little bit, that makes you less likely to go hungry during the day. I don't deny myself any particular kinds of food. I just eat the required amount of calories (although I do not eat lots of candy, which is filled with empty calories). I never had any problems adjusting at all. I guess it is different for each person.

    How can you possible get to your macro requirements on 1200-1300 calories/day while eating "lots of candy". I'm currently struggling to reach a reasonable protein and fat level at 1970ish calories.

    ETA: Aha, I think I just figured it out. You're using MFP's default macro settings, aren't you? (And by MFP's default, I mean, ridiculously too low protein and slightly too low fat.)

    I said I DO NOT eat lots of candy! I actually don't eat candy at all except maybe during the weekends but not always. Please read more thoroughly next time :)

    But I was right about the default macros right?

    How has your adherence been to 1300 daily calories for the past month?
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    I ate 1200 calories today...

    ... for breakfast.
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