4 days in and already confronted with a cheat dilemma



  • Smashley1947
    I too struggle with the love of craft beers. The town I am living in now has an amazing brewery and every single bar has them.
    Im also trying to reduce alcohol consumption

    So when I go out. I order a sleeve or half pint, I stick to one max two. Most people are understanding if you say no for health reasons. After that, water water water, or a tea if I want something different. Stay away from pops and soda water. Too much sugar or bad unhealthy things.

    Just before the holidays I told EVERYONE I was giving up beer. So everyone knew. So now I only have it when I deserve it (like after a day of skiing where I burn 1000 plus calories) or a special occasion. Then I still stick to my limits.

    beer is quite good for you in moderation. loads of minerals and nutrients, up until a few years ago they were telling UK new mothers to drink Guiness (loads of iron)

    As for food. Choose healthy options, Burgers are healthy, but try rice and vegetables, or soup or salad instead of fries.
  • zootiesgroove
    Ok, for those following from home...I was good last night. I drank only water. I ate a grilled chicken breast and a side salad. My friends didn't give me a hard time about it either. The only problem was, I cut back on my calories in case I couldn't hold out, so I only ate 1000 calories for the day and as a result, my weight remained the same from the day before :( I was afraid that would happen. It's my body messing with me. I decide to be good and it's a big F U for not having the beer and burger I wanted so bad. Dammed if I do (indulge and gain weight); dammed if I don't (no weight loss for being good) :( #FML
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Plan your day around having your beer. And then have ONE and enjoy it. There's no reason not to have things you like as long as it fits into your calorie plan.
  • zootiesgroove
    I understand those that say plan it.. but only 4 days into a new diet is not the time to go have a drink, especially when alcohol is my trigger. In the past, Ive never just had "one" and almost always after having a few, it leads to additional bad choices with food (fast food, delivery, pizza, binge eating late at night).

    Im a firm believer that if you want to change your habits, you have to hold strong for at least 15-30 days. put a good 2-3 weeks in and the "cheat" will be more of a reward. if you dive in too soon, the side affects would have too much of a negative impact on the otherwise successes that keep you going.

    I know this is a lifestyle change and I need to think of it as something I can stick with long term, but for me, if I give in too soon, everything unravels and I wind up having more bad than good.. completely undoing all of the hard work from the rest of the week. I'm not at the point in my life where I can follow an 80/20 rule (if youre good 80% of the time, you can afford to be bad the other 20%). I need to only allow myself 1-2 "cheat meals" per month right now. Do I want a craft beer - you bet your *kitten* I do. But I also want a nice big greasy pepperoni pizza and a 5 guys bacon cheeseburger and fries and margaritas and the list goes on and on and on.... but this is how I got to be this out of shape, fat and unhealthy to begin with. So I need to avoid gluten and starchy carbs and alcohol and reset my body. then as I get more comfortable with situations, I can slowly introduce these things back in IN MODERATION. right now there is no moderation. - its a free for all.. so that is what I am stopping by not allowing myself to fall off the wagon so early in.
  • Awesomers
    Awesomers Posts: 144 Member
    It tastes even better after a hard day's workout.

    When I know I'm going out, I make sure I get a quality workout during the day. Then, I might eat half of the burger, half of the fries, and enjoy the beer!!!
  • eAddict
    eAddict Posts: 212 Member
    I do the sample sizes. Stay away from fries and other stuff. Sip and really enjoy the beers.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Since no one else is saying it, I will. Losing a pound a day is unrealistic. The sooner you recognize a more realistic weight loss goal (about 1-2 pounds a week) the easier your life will be. Weight can fluctuate up to 10 pounds either way every day based on various factors, including water weight, glycogen storage, food in your digestive tract, etc.

    A couple beers doesn't derail a long term plan. I haven't given up anything.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    While I agree with all the "everything in moderation" people I think it's the "moderation" that is the issue with most people in the first place if they're overweight. Double that when it comes to drinking and going out with friends where you guard gets lowered even more. Is it easy to fit one 250 calorie beer in to your day? Yes. Is it easy to fit 5 in? Maybe less so. Now fit 5 in twice a week every week plus allow for those spontanious outings where you have a couple after work on Tuesday. I feel the same way when people say they have candy every day and you look at there diaries only to find out it was 3 squares from a Hersey bar. You have to take the "don't deprive yourself" thing with a grain of salt. In the end it's about picking what's important to you and doing what you think is best for your goals.
  • mrsfoster102613
    mrsfoster102613 Posts: 126 Member
    If/when you feel comfortable going out for drinks, here are a few suggestions:

    1. Eat before you go. Maybe even consider “sneaking” in some healthy snacks, too, just in case.
    2. Drink a glass of water between every beer. You’ll fill up more quickly, and hydration is always good.
    3. Order half pints or sample sizes (if available).
    4. Decide how many beers you will drink ahead of time and log accordingly. Once at the bar, ask the bartender to ring them up and close you out in advance. You will have to start a new tab if you are going to drink more beers, so that may help you refrain from ordering more beers and/or pub food. I used to bartend at an Irish pub, and this is a great plan some of my health-conscious “regulars” implanted.
    5. Bring only cash (enough to buy the beers you intend to drink). Leave your credit card at home. You won’t be able to “afford” to buy pub food or extra drinks.

    Just a few suggestions. Hope it helps. Best of luck!

  • zootiesgroove
    Since no one else is saying it, I will. Losing a pound a day is unrealistic. The sooner you recognize a more realistic weight loss goal (about 1-2 pounds a week) the easier your life will be. Weight can fluctuate up to 10 pounds either way every day based on various factors, including water weight, glycogen storage, food in your digestive tract, etc.

    A couple beers doesn't derail a long term plan. I haven't given up anything.

    This isnt my first go-round. Ive lost over 100lbs back in my 30s and gained it all back by letting the beer and eating out take over from eating healthy and exercising. Once youre in good shape (and based on your metabolism, etc), you can moderate this stuff back in. but for me.. I eat the same exact thing every day, with the exception of dinners and on weekends. I pack the same breakfast and lunch and drink the same amount of water.. so my weight doesnt fluctuate 10lbs.. thats just crazy. I might be a pound or maybe 2 in either direction.. but im not overly hydrated or dehydrated that would cause that kind of swing on the scale. I can also take a squirt and healthy dump and get that half to third of a pound off on the scale.

    Long term, no it doesnt derail it physically.. but mentally... sure it does!

    I wont lose a pound EVERY day, but if I'm doing things exactly the same every single day.. there is no reason that my weight should go up. in the very least, it will remain the same (with a half-pound swing in either direction). I expect to see the weight come off consistently - this shouldnt be unrealistic. Biggest Loser contestants lose double digits each and every week. if they can do it.....
  • mobilechris
    mobilechris Posts: 4 Member
    'nothing tastes as good as fit feels' ahhh yes.. I remember that line when i use to listen to Tony Robbins regularly.
  • mobilechris
    mobilechris Posts: 4 Member
    nothing tastes as good as fit feels' ahhh yes.. I remember that line when i use to listen to Tony Robbins regularly.
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    I need some advice today. I am consistently losing on average 1lb/day this week. I am sticking mostly to diet (under 1600 cals), restricting my carbs and not really focusing on exercise heavily at this point. But my biggest struggle is with going out with friends and drinking. What's worse is I love a good craft beer. Each beer can be several hundred empty (but tasty) calories. Tonight we are going to a bar that serves dozens of incredible craft beers on tap. I'm struggling between saying eff it and having a couple of beers, that I know will lead into having a burger and fries, and will more than likely negate all progress I've made this week - or just sitting at the bar to enjoy the company, drink water, no food and stay on track. Drinking ****ty light beer is NOT an option. Then I'm faced with this dilemma again on Saturday, when some friends and I are going to tour a local brewery. I cant just stop drinking beer because I like it and it's what my friends and I do when we go out, but I also want to get in shape and not keep sabotaging my diet. HELP!

    I would have the draft beer(limit myself to one), eat half a burger and share my fries with someone!
  • MrsK20141004
    MrsK20141004 Posts: 489 Member
    As far as I am concerned, DEPRIVATON = DEVESTATION! Trying to wipe out things you love will likely just tick you off and make you rebel. Reflect on all that you have done for yourself and the accomplishments you have made and simply make some simple alterations.

    You said you aren't too heavy in the exercise at this point. Sounds like if you want to maintain the lifestyle you thoroughly enjoy, you will need to up that some.

    As for the burger and fries, YOU ARE PREACHING TO THE CHOIR BRUTHA MAN!!! I'm all about a kickass burger and fries. If you know you are gonna hang with the crew later, compensate for the extra calories early in the day. Ask for your burger without the bun and ask for a knife and fork. Do you HAVE to have fries? Can you replace them with something else or maybe SHARE your fries with someone in your posse?

    And then there is the beer. OH HELL YEAH!!! When I go out and drink, I alternate. I have them bring me a beer or whatever AND a diet soda or water, that way you have SOME beer, but not ONLY beer.

    I hope this helps dude. YOU GOT THIS!!!

  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Since no one else is saying it, I will. Losing a pound a day is unrealistic. The sooner you recognize a more realistic weight loss goal (about 1-2 pounds a week) the easier your life will be. Weight can fluctuate up to 10 pounds either way every day based on various factors, including water weight, glycogen storage, food in your digestive tract, etc.

    A couple beers doesn't derail a long term plan. I haven't given up anything.

    This isnt my first go-round. Ive lost over 100lbs back in my 30s and gained it all back by letting the beer and eating out take over from eating healthy and exercising. Once youre in good shape (and based on your metabolism, etc), you can moderate this stuff back in. but for me.. I eat the same exact thing every day, with the exception of dinners and on weekends. I pack the same breakfast and lunch and drink the same amount of water.. so my weight doesnt fluctuate 10lbs.. thats just crazy. I might be a pound or maybe 2 in either direction.. but im not overly hydrated or dehydrated that would cause that kind of swing on the scale. I can also take a squirt and healthy dump and get that half to third of a pound off on the scale.

    Long term, no it doesnt derail it physically.. but mentally... sure it does!

    I wont lose a pound EVERY day, but if I'm doing things exactly the same every single day.. there is no reason that my weight should go up. in the very least, it will remain the same (with a half-pound swing in either direction). I expect to see the weight come off consistently - this shouldnt be unrealistic. Biggest Loser contestants lose double digits each and every week. if they can do it.....
    No they don't. For one thing a "week" on Biggest Loser is more like a few weeks, sometimes a month. For another thing, they intentionally dehydrate themselves before weigh ins like a boxer or wrestler trying to make weight for a fight. The numbers they lose on that show are as fictional as the rest of the show.
  • zootiesgroove
    No they don't. For one thing a "week" on Biggest Loser is more like a few weeks, sometimes a month. For another thing, they intentionally dehydrate themselves before weigh ins like a boxer or wrestler trying to make weight for a fight. The numbers they lose on that show are as fictional as the rest of the show.
    How discouraging.
  • Gingerspice45
    Gingerspice45 Posts: 137 Member
    I have one day a week and sometimes two, usually the weekend, where I allow myself the option to eat over my calorie limit and then during the week I eat significantly less to compensate so I can have some beer or whatever on Friday or Saturday. I usually only have one beer tho if I'm out and then drink water. If I'm at home I don't drink more than two. I have made a conscious effort since I started back up losing weight to cut down on my alcohol. You have to have some fun or your gonna feel miserable. Eat the burger and fries and have a beer but just take it into account. If I eat 3000 calories one day, the next I might eat 1400 or less to balance it out.
  • zootiesgroove
    I have one day a week and sometimes two, usually the weekend, where I allow myself the option to eat over my calorie limit and then during the week I eat significantly less to compensate so I can have some beer or whatever on Friday or Saturday. I usually only have one beer tho if I'm out and then drink water. If I'm at home I don't drink more than two. I have made a conscious effort since I started back up losing weight to cut down on my alcohol. You have to have some fun or your gonna feel miserable. Eat the burger and fries and have a beer but just take it into account. If I eat 3000 calories one day, the next I might eat 1400 or less to balance it out.

    I was thinking about this on my drive home from work today. I could easily justify allowing myself to have a beer or eat a burger - try to pretend like I can control myself and show restraint. But the truth is I CANT. I'm not there yet. I'm 5 days sober and eating clean. If I give in right now, the entire weekend (3 days) would be at risk of completely unraveling. If I get a taste of one of my trigger foods or adult beverages, all the progress I've made so far, could go up in smoke - it's happened every other time prior to this. I've been unsuccessfully half-*kitten* trying to lose significant weight for at least 2 years so I don't want to give my old habits an inch because if I lose focus for one minute, they will take a mile.

    I whole-heartily agree, there has to be a life to live, but I've done a hell of a lot of "living life" to get where I am, and if I want to have more life to live in the future, I have to make this time stick and to do that, I need to prove to myself that I can endure the process and pass the tests. Then I can moderate those triggers on my own terms. Right now I'm reprogramming and so far the support of the boards and being accountable to a group of people has been very valuable.
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    Don't look at food as cheating. Look at it as food and fuel. Enjoy your time.
  • _AwesomeSauce_
    Just say "no", you'll feel better about your decision on your way home (or the next time you workout) and your liver will thank you.