4 days in and already confronted with a cheat dilemma



  • katielshelby
    katielshelby Posts: 137 Member
    So, I've been working out like Crazy for a year now. They only time I stopped was a month after my first half marathon because I hurt myself during the race and couldn't hardly walk afterwards. I even worked out during my vacation in Florida with the gym they had on the island. That's nuts! And what do I have to show for it?? Nothing except maybe more endurance. You know what my conclusion is? Because of my drinking. I don't drink during the week.. EVER! I constantly watch what I am eating with MFP and I don't eat my exercise. (So, if I burn 500 calories at cycling I don't give myself that excuse to eat those 500 calories). I also use a heart rate monitor that is attached to my chest to measure my calories so I'm not just guessing. So, this is my conclusion. I do go out on the weekends from time to time. Whether it's for a girls night out, or with my boyfriend and if it's a crazy night, it will consist of lots of bud lights/ bud selects. Then, I feel like crap the next day and usually eat whatever I have in my house, or I make it a point to get Chinese food. This is usually only on a Saturday night to Sunday day when this happens. Therefore, all because of drinking on that 1 day a week with the added calories from the crappy food from feeling like crap, I have lost NOTHING but maybe a pound or two that keeps fluctuating. It makes me feel like all that hard work, the time on my freaking vacation that I used to workout instead of sleep in, was a total waste of time. So, here is goes. I had a friend come in town from Chicago last Friday and last Saturday was the beginning of no drinking for two months. This means I will no longer be drinking those extra calories, and this means no more crazy cheat days with Chinese food or whatever. I have made my "diet" a way of life, but sometimes, a good burger is what my body craves and I will not give that up. But, I have been told if you crave it, then wait until it's the end of the week and only eat it for one meal and be smart about it. If I want that burger, I will eat it with half the bun and no fries, etc etc.
    Sorry for venting, but since I was in the same boat, I wanted to give my input. Also, I know everyone's body is different so you may have better luck, but I would try and just cut out how much you drink since you won't give up the taste aspect of the beer. I am still going to go out with my friends, I won't give that up. I just will drinking soda water on the rocks to get me through! :)

    Good Luck,:smile:
    Rachel B.

    This! This is the story of my life.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I didn't read all the responses, so sorry if this has been asked/answered - You said the bar serves dozens of craft beers, so do they having a "tasting" or "flight" that you can order? Ie, a beer or pre-selected set of beers where you only get 2-6oz of each? A lot of the craft-beer-focused bars here in Colorado (also just known as "bars" to us) tend to have these options.
  • Gingerspice45
    Gingerspice45 Posts: 137 Member
    I have one day a week and sometimes two, usually the weekend, where I allow myself the option to eat over my calorie limit and then during the week I eat significantly less to compensate so I can have some beer or whatever on Friday or Saturday. I usually only have one beer tho if I'm out and then drink water. If I'm at home I don't drink more than two. I have made a conscious effort since I started back up losing weight to cut down on my alcohol. You have to have some fun or your gonna feel miserable. Eat the burger and fries and have a beer but just take it into account. If I eat 3000 calories one day, the next I might eat 1400 or less to balance it out.

    I was thinking about this on my drive home from work today. I could easily justify allowing myself to have a beer or eat a burger - try to pretend like I can control myself and show restraint. But the truth is I CANT. I'm not there yet. I'm 5 days sober and eating clean. If I give in right now, the entire weekend (3 days) would be at risk of completely unraveling. If I get a taste of one of my trigger foods or adult beverages, all the progress I've made so far, could go up in smoke - it's happened every other time prior to this. I've been unsuccessfully half-*kitten* trying to lose significant weight for at least 2 years so I don't want to give my old habits an inch because if I lose focus for one minute, they will take a mile.

    I whole-heartily agree, there has to be a life to live, but I've done a hell of a lot of "living life" to get where I am, and if I want to have more life to live in the future, I have to make this time stick and to do that, I need to prove to myself that I can endure the process and pass the tests. Then I can moderate those triggers on my own terms. Right now I'm reprogramming and so far the support of the boards and being accountable to a group of people has been very valuable.

    I def know how that feels. It takes time to get control. I'm still learning too or I wouldn't still be fighting to lose weight again. Weight is kind of like having a lot of debt. Being in a calorie deficit pays back those days you went over your credit limit and took on the debt. I've found MFP to be very helpful so far in trying to get my eating back under control.
  • ingraha
    ingraha Posts: 99 Member
    I think its great that you posted your topic, because it means you are struggling and willing to talk about it. This topic is listed under Motivation and Support and in my mind if I am going to respond to you it should be with both of those things.
    Motivation; it is within yourself. Until you have the joy of the feeling healthier, it is almost impossible to see that the benefit of this outweighs the momentary enjoyment of the food and drink we love so much. I love food !!! Yum food!!! But I was at a point after surgery where I was going to undo all the good that the spinal surgeon did by carrying all that extra weight. Now that I am down near my goal weight, I can enjoy a few more and larger quantities than I could a year ago. The only motivation I can give you from outside is, believe that I believe you can do it and you will feel awesome when you are buff.
    Support: This website can be fantastic. There are people on here who will try to run you down of course but for the most part it is supportive, helpful, and the people who try to bash you...well, let it run off your back like water off a duck. The bottom line is we dont have to give anything up; but we do have to pay a price, exercise out = calories in, and of course there is a point where its impossible, no one can run a million miles a day, so you have to cut it off somewhere.

    It sounds like you are an Epicurean; in the Greek parlance, it means you love to enjoy the moment. That makes it tough to look down the road at a bright future, but believe me, its out there.
    Good luck to you.
  • zootiesgroove
    So, I've been working out like Crazy for a year now. They only time I stopped was a month after my first half marathon because I hurt myself during the race and couldn't hardly walk afterwards. I even worked out during my vacation in Florida with the gym they had on the island. That's nuts! And what do I have to show for it?? Nothing except maybe more endurance. You know what my conclusion is? Because of my drinking. I don't drink during the week.. EVER! I constantly watch what I am eating with MFP and I don't eat my exercise. (So, if I burn 500 calories at cycling I don't give myself that excuse to eat those 500 calories). I also use a heart rate monitor that is attached to my chest to measure my calories so I'm not just guessing. So, this is my conclusion. I do go out on the weekends from time to time. Whether it's for a girls night out, or with my boyfriend and if it's a crazy night, it will consist of lots of bud lights/ bud selects. Then, I feel like crap the next day and usually eat whatever I have in my house, or I make it a point to get Chinese food. This is usually only on a Saturday night to Sunday day when this happens. Therefore, all because of drinking on that 1 day a week with the added calories from the crappy food from feeling like crap, I have lost NOTHING but maybe a pound or two that keeps fluctuating. It makes me feel like all that hard work, the time on my freaking vacation that I used to workout instead of sleep in, was a total waste of time. So, here is goes. I had a friend come in town from Chicago last Friday and last Saturday was the beginning of no drinking for two months. This means I will no longer be drinking those extra calories, and this means no more crazy cheat days with Chinese food or whatever. I have made my "diet" a way of life, but sometimes, a good burger is what my body craves and I will not give that up. But, I have been told if you crave it, then wait until it's the end of the week and only eat it for one meal and be smart about it. If I want that burger, I will eat it with half the bun and no fries, etc etc.
    Sorry for venting, but since I was in the same boat, I wanted to give my input. Also, I know everyone's body is different so you may have better luck, but I would try and just cut out how much you drink since you won't give up the taste aspect of the beer. I am still going to go out with my friends, I won't give that up. I just will drinking soda water on the rocks to get me through! :)

    Good Luck,:smile:
    Rachel B.
    This! This is the story of my life.
    Rachel. Exactly!
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I need some advice today. I am consistently losing on average 1lb/day this week. I am sticking mostly to diet (under 1600 cals), restricting my carbs and not really focusing on exercise heavily at this point. But my biggest struggle is with going out with friends and drinking. What's worse is I love a good craft beer. Each beer can be several hundred empty (but tasty) calories. Tonight we are going to a bar that serves dozens of incredible craft beers on tap. I'm struggling between saying eff it and having a couple of beers, that I know will lead into having a burger and fries, and will more than likely negate all progress I've made this week - or just sitting at the bar to enjoy the company, drink water, no food and stay on track. Drinking ****ty light beer is NOT an option. Then I'm faced with this dilemma again on Saturday, when some friends and I are going to tour a local brewery. I cant just stop drinking beer because I like it and it's what my friends and I do when we go out, but I also want to get in shape and not keep sabotaging my diet. HELP!

    Pre-plan it.
    Either get in some extra exercise to earn the calories or eat light to save the calories. Trying to cut it out completely will make you miserable and probably cause you to splurge.
  • zootiesgroove

    Pre-plan it.
    Either get in some extra exercise to earn the calories or eat light to save the calories. Trying to cut it out completely will make you miserable and probably cause you to splurge.

    Thanks - This appears to be the best advice for long term success, but perhaps not what's best at this stage of the game for me mentally.
  • DavidSTC
    DavidSTC Posts: 173 Member

    Pre-plan it.
    Either get in some extra exercise to earn the calories or eat light to save the calories. Trying to cut it out completely will make you miserable and probably cause you to splurge.

    Thanks - This appears to be the best advice for long term success, but perhaps not what's best at this stage of the game for me mentally.

    It sounds like everyone is preaching moderation, but that you are struggling with that very concept. I went a while where I wasn't losing much weight because I'd drink and eat it back on the weekends. So, I understand. I'd love a bomber of craft beer on the weekend, and I'd eat a little less some days to afford the calories. Next thing I know I'm drinking 2 or 3 beers, and I'm eating something to soak up the alcohol. At that point, you have no willpower.

    I'd say you're making the right decision just avoiding the problem. I've lost weight lately because I've kept myself to fewer beers. And, I only drink them with a meal. That way, I'm not getting drunk, just a little buzzed maybe. But, I had to stop the weekend binging. So, I still enjoy some craft beers, only a few times a week, during dinnertime. And, I don't have a big beer in the middle of a Sunday while watching football, because I know that leads to bad decisions.
  • sue_langley
    sue_langley Posts: 63 Member
    Also telling yourself you "CAN'T" have it will only make you feel deprived, and the truth is you CAN have anything you want. Instead, if you choose not to have any, you tell yourself "sure I CAN have that and I just CHOOSE not to today". Empowers you! It really works and if you choose to eat and drink less than that's what you choose to do. You won't feel like you failed afterwards. I work out like crazy the morning of the evening that I plan to eat more than usual. So planning is key to any success.
  • mrsfyredude
    mrsfyredude Posts: 177 Member
    I know this doesn't help at all, and I'm Totally with you as far as your dilemma goes, I myself am a sort of "beer snob", so in the words of the immortal Homer Simpson...

    "mmmmmm.....beer" :drinker:
  • zootiesgroove
    Also telling yourself you "CAN'T" have it will only make you feel deprived, and the truth is you CAN have anything you want. Instead, if you choose not to have any, you tell yourself "sure I CAN have that and I just CHOOSE not to today". Empowers you! It really works and if you choose to eat and drink less than that's what you choose to do. You won't feel like you failed afterwards. I work out like crazy the morning of the evening that I plan to eat more than usual. So planning is key to any success.
    Good point :)