Went way over my calorie count, feeling so guilty!



  • Schtroumpfkin
    Schtroumpfkin Posts: 123 Member
    Do you throw a party if you come in under one day? Of course not! Likewise, you don't let going over one day cause a melt down.

    Well put!
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    Guilty as charged...we all will go over our calories for some reason or other...it isn't the end of the world and we are allowed to enjoy life...today is another day of the journey you just took a detour yesterday now you can get back on track. Don't let it defeat the whole purpose of why you are here. Self sabotage is a terrible thing...I know as I am a saboteur of my efforts (or have been in the past) :ohwell:
  • Ke11er
    Ke11er Posts: 147 Member
    Keep it all in perspective. Most of us probably found our way to MFP because there was a time when every day was filled with unhealthy choices. Now, most of your days you make nutritious thoughtful choices, you're doing so much better!
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    Shhh... Don't tell anyone, but I've logged a couple of 3000 calorie days. Still losing. :)
  • mercurybubbles
    mercurybubbles Posts: 33 Member
    We all have good and bad days. I usually tend to work out a lil extra the next couple days just to even things out a bit. I like to log in wha I eat right away so that im on top of the calories.
  • jjj6689
    jjj6689 Posts: 10 Member
    My first time on the boards and I found just the thread I needed. After a crazy 2 days, I am tracking today and feeling good.
  • I'm sure that a lot of us have been there, myself included! Today is another day, all we can do is move on and do better today:)
  • cgal25
    cgal25 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I was hugely inspired after reading all of the responses and they have made me even more determined to keep going. I still feel bad about my off day but thats just a normal reaction for me, i'll be fine in a few days.

    In the meantime ive exercised A LOT and eaten healthily since and to reward myself for 12 days out of 14 staying on track, i've ordered a fitbit. YAY!

    Thank you again for all of your words of encouragement, it means a lot!
  • HipsterWhovian
    HipsterWhovian Posts: 195 Member
    Like everyone else has said, one day isn't going to ruin everything. Today I've gone over by more than 1300 calories. It's the first day I've done such a thing for two weeks, and I've lost 8lb already. Am I annoyed at myself? Slightly. Is it irreparable damage? Definitely not. I'm going back to healthy eating from tomorrow, and I feel better for the 'binge' because I feel it will help me stop doing it more frequently.
    Keep up the good work!
  • CoastGuardBill
    CoastGuardBill Posts: 26 Member
    Today is a new day!!! We can all start fresh on a new day, new hour, new minute or second. The key is to string together many more good than bad! I have done this with business and now trying it with weight loss and fitness! I think the approach can be the same!