No. That weight on the scale is mathematically impossible



  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    OP - quit weighing yourself everyday. You'll drive yourself nuts. Weigh at most once a week and get that tape measurer out!
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    Are you weighing yourself same day, same time. You can fluctuate up to 5 pounds or more in 1 day.

    This. And also, this is why the scale shouldn't be your only measurement of how you're doing. Take your measurements. There have been weeks where I'll gain a pound but lose an inch on my waist and I still consider it a win.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    search for the internet article on whooshes and squishy fat... kinda makes sense. this happend to me the entire time i was activley losing. id go 2 or even 3 weeks with no loss, and then boom, in one day i would have a 6 pound loss... just keep going!!!
  • olivia_june
    olivia_june Posts: 111 Member
    Is it possible that you aren't eating enough or your exercise calories are inaccurate? Do you have a FitBit or something that measures you specifically?
  • Losingthedamnweight
    Losingthedamnweight Posts: 535 Member
    Is it possible that you aren't eating enough or your exercise calories are inaccurate? Do you have a FitBit or something that measures you specifically?

    Yep! Got a fitbit one and wear that thing religiously. It says I usually burned just over 3000 calories daily and I usually eat between 1800-2000 calories. Sometimes less. And I've stuck to perfectly counting for awhile now, so the math says I should be lighter. So really. My scale is just a little douche bag
  • Losingthedamnweight
    Losingthedamnweight Posts: 535 Member
    Are you weighing yourself same day, same time. You can fluctuate up to 5 pounds or more in 1 day.

    This. And also, this is why the scale shouldn't be your only measurement of how you're doing. Take your measurements. There have been weeks where I'll gain a pound but lose an inch on my waist and I still consider it a win.

    This sounds like what I'm going through. I was just staring at myself in the mirror like a weirdo today for a couple minutes and thinking "it could be my imagination, but I feel smaller". My pants feel a bit loose and my chest looks more sucked in. But my face feels bloated. Isn't that weird how that works? Feels like all my fat and bloated ness went straight to my fat head. Maybe it's just going there temporarily as a pit stop before it disappears altogether? A man can dream
  • Losingthedamnweight
    Losingthedamnweight Posts: 535 Member
    Are you weighing yourself same day, same time. You can fluctuate up to 5 pounds or more in 1 day.

    I weighed myself on Sunday and I was 237. Then weight myself yesterday at the exact same time of the day and was 237-238. Then I weighed myself today and I'm 239! Ahhhh! I'm going in reverse here. And I have been weighing the same time everyday. This is weird as hell. The scale must have something against me
    Weight loss isn't linear and small variances in your hormones and water make a difference.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    This...totally makes me sympathize with people that see a disappointing number on the scale and then decide to give up on dieting. I feel their pain. I can completely understand why someone would feel defeated. I don't. But I can see why they would. I know logically I'm moving in the right direction

    You sound smart. I like you. Can you tell me more about hormones and how it affects weight loss? I'm doing some googling at work right now. Interesting stuff
  • eyleene
    eyleene Posts: 264 Member
    Options so frustrating. Isn't this frustrating? Grrrr it's frustrating!! Why can't weight be more linear? Why can't I burn 3500 calories and boom plow see a pound gone on the scale? Instead, almost a week later not only do I not see a pound or two lost. I gained 2 lbs? That's mathematically not possible! After burning 1000-12000 calories a day in deficits? How does that even happen? The scale is a big fat dirty liar and I want to chuck his *kitten* out the window.

    Ugh. I'm telling myself to just have faith in the numbers and maybe I'll see a whoosh or something. This happen to anybody else? Seeing an impossible weight on the scale? I can see why people get discouraged after looking at the scale and just give up on counting calories and doing everything right. But I won't. I'm not going back to being that depressed fat guy with no hope of ever being fit. I'm going to lose this damn weight if it's the last thing I do

    I am always tempted to take mine out the back and kill it with a brick .........
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Don't eat anything salty for a few days and you'll see a whoosh.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Is it possible that you aren't eating enough or your exercise calories are inaccurate? Do you have a FitBit or something that measures you specifically?

    Yep! Got a fitbit one and wear that thing religiously. It says I usually burned just over 3000 calories daily and I usually eat between 1800-2000 calories. Sometimes less. And I've stuck to perfectly counting for awhile now, so the math says I should be lighter. So really. My scale is just a little douche bag

    Aren't those numbers a bit weird? 3000 daily burn? Does that mean your netting minus 1000 calories?
    Ps I haaaaaaaaate my scale. I need to be proud that my measurements are the same as when I was 5lb lighter but noooooo!
    Scales are so 1983. Let's all move on ffs!
  • GagaForever
    This happens to me at least once every two weeks. I'm losing and then all of a sudden I'm up 2 to 3 pounds.
    It drives me insane, to the point where my boyfriend will put up the scale so I don't get on it. Haha.
    I measure myself about once a week, everywhere. It makes me feel better to see inches here and there vanish.
    Just keep hanging in there. Also, on days that that does happen I drink a lot of green tea, it seems to help me lose whatever those mystery pounds are. I'm guessing mine is mainly water weight.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Is it possible that you aren't eating enough or your exercise calories are inaccurate? Do you have a FitBit or something that measures you specifically?

    Yep! Got a fitbit one and wear that thing religiously. It says I usually burned just over 3000 calories daily and I usually eat between 1800-2000 calories. Sometimes less. And I've stuck to perfectly counting for awhile now, so the math says I should be lighter. So really. My scale is just a little douche bag

    Aren't those numbers a bit weird? 3000 daily burn? Does that mean your netting minus 1000 calories?
    Ps I haaaaaaaaate my scale. I need to be proud that my measurements are the same as when I was 5lb lighter but noooooo!
    Scales are so 1983. Let's all move on ffs!
    The 3000 is over the whole day, including his BMR, not like a heart rate monitor's estimate for his workout or something. So the numbers aren't weird at all. There is no 'netting' with Fitbit. It looks at the only two numbers that matter: Total intake, total burn.
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    Your diary is not open so hard to find the problem . Did you maybe consume saltier foods the past few days?? If you did, It will take a few days for the body to rid itself of the water it is retaining.
  • Kimbie500
    Kimbie500 Posts: 388 Member
    I would like a wifi scale that has no display. I stand on it daily or weekly and it tells me nothing but transmits the number to an app. The app alerts me ONLY when my x-week average is over y. I bet the Withings wifi scales do that, don't they? Well, if you tape over the display.

    I want one of those, too!!
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Is it possible that you aren't eating enough or your exercise calories are inaccurate? Do you have a FitBit or something that measures you specifically?

    Yep! Got a fitbit one and wear that thing religiously. It says I usually burned just over 3000 calories daily and I usually eat between 1800-2000 calories. Sometimes less. And I've stuck to perfectly counting for awhile now, so the math says I should be lighter. So really. My scale is just a little douche bag

    Aren't those numbers a bit weird? 3000 daily burn? Does that mean your netting minus 1000 calories?
    Ps I haaaaaaaaate my scale. I need to be proud that my measurements are the same as when I was 5lb lighter but noooooo!
    Scales are so 1983. Let's all move on ffs!
    The 3000 is over the whole day, including his BMR, not like a heart rate monitor's estimate for his workout or something. So the numbers aren't weird at all. There is no 'netting' with Fitbit. It looks at the only two numbers that matter: Total intake, total burn.

    Thanks! Still, he's burning 1000-1200 under tdee. Has he got a lot of body fat spare to do that?
  • Losingthedamnweight
    Losingthedamnweight Posts: 535 Member
    Update 2 on my harrowing journey against thy enemy: THE SCALE. I could've updated yesterday since that's when I got the good news, but it's hard to type and do a happy dance at the same time, so I thought I would wait until a time my hands are more steady. The high from seeing a good number has worn off, so I'm ready. Are you? I know I left you with a cliffhanger a couple days ago. Will he lose the weight, or will he throw the scale out the window. What happened? Well I'll tell ya what happened.

    Frustration. Yesterday I got home from my night shift at work and did what any crazy person would do. Step on and off my scale about a thousand times until I got the freaking number I wanted. 237. No, 238. Noooo 236.9. No. Now you gained a pound. Now you're 238! Then finally....23-freaking-5. A number I was actually hoping to reach by Monday but instead, I made the scale so sick of me getting off and on, he gave up and surrendered the number I want to me. Life lesson here. Don't get what you want? Step on it. Again and again and again. Boss rude to you? Step on them. Someone cut you off in traffic? Pull them out of their cars and step on them. I will never NOT step on things to get my way from now on. My cat better not make me mad

    So I learned through my first successful weight loss that it's not linear, is frustrating annnnnnd sometimes it's better to just not check the scale and have faith. For anyone struggling with the scale while doing everything right. Give it time! It's just another exercise in believing in yourself. A couple friends on YouTube suggested I document what's going on with me and my weight loss on camera, so I may start putting up videos pretty soon. It's a good way to keep myself accountable without having to step on anything. Or anybody.
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    So much love for this thread. Totally thought about it while engaging my own scale today, with its ideas re: bf%, RMR, body age, etc.

    Pleased to see you got some better numbers, and hope the scale has learned its lesson!
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    in love with this thread. *bump*

    my scale gets kicked when it doesn't produce the numbers I like.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Thanks! Still, he's burning 1000-1200 under tdee. Has he got a lot of body fat spare to do that?
    Judging by his ticker I'd say so.

    OP- Thanks for the hilarious update. That's how I lose often... nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, 5 lbs. down.

    Kimbie500- I'm pretty sure a Withings scale would do that but I might just have to research it.
  • jv0898
    jv0898 Posts: 20 Member
    LOL...I too use to step on and off the scale repeatedly to see if I could get what I wanted for a number. Totally pi$$ed me off some days, so to keep my sanity I started stepping on it once (after I get up in the a.m. and pee) and have gone with the first number. Maybe this has been working for me because my number has been down (down 1.5 pounds today from yesterday and down 1 pound the day before).

    Been doing cardio faithfully around 4 p.m. the last 4 nights....not sure if that is pushing the scale down so quick or not, but I'll take it.

    Love this post!