Tupler technique-diastasis recti



  • I ordered the Tupler Technique back in June. I did it faithfully for 4 weeks, saw great results, and then my Velcro stopped sticking :(. My tummy immediately went back. Has anyone else had an issue with the Velcro? I can't afford a new one right now. Any suggestions?

    Hi, I was wondering if the one your talking about has two or three arms, I have both. The two arm one scrunched up a bit and lost its Velcro but the three arm one I find much much better, much more comfortable too.
  • I discovered that I have a diastasis recti of 5 cm. my belly is becoming bigger and bigger. I have a back pain. I tried several exercises found on YouTube but in vain. Congolese refugee in South Africa, I can’t afford the Tupler technique Kit.
    Would there be someone who could send me the video course?
    I hope to get rid once and for all of this condition that pushes me to hide in public.
  • jmach7
    jmach7 Posts: 1 Member
    Is there a group for this? If so, can I be added? I'm in the process of ordering the kit and splint. :)
  • Moca324
    Moca324 Posts: 1 Member
    I currently have a diastasis recti as well. I have been doing the tupler technique for a 10 weeks now and I was doing really well until I saw result and then I became lazy. the first few weeks I saw amazing results and now I am at a stall. I need some motivation and thought it would be great to join a group with girls that are going through the same as me! If the group is sill open I would love to be included!
  • I started Tupler one week ago, and after just three days, I could see results. (Seriously, I had to double check to make sure I wasn't imagining things.

    Background: I'm a military officer with two kids, and my youngest is 16 months. I got back to the pre-baby weight, but after a bazillion crunches, my abs only looked worse and I was completely baffled. A friend of a friend tried Tupler and when I mention my woes to my friend, she said, "You know....a friend of mine tried this thing." And I bought the Tupler technique the next day.

    I'm taking pictures each week and will blog about it on my blog, alitary.com after it's all over, but happy to see others are in the process and I'd love to be added to any group for support!!
  • Lizzyjames76
    Lizzyjames76 Posts: 1 Member
    I have this as well. I"ve been doing exercises from you tube designed to close the separation and am seeing good results, but I also fear that if I ever stop the separation returns? Has anyone successfully closed their separation and didn't have it return? Mine is six cm right now. I hate looking pregnant with an almost two year old!
  • I have it too. I've got two fingers split. I'm going to buy tulper kit tomorrow. I also was exercising like crazy. It is so frustrating that nobody warns you about it. At 6 weeks health check I wasn't actually checked she just asked me how I feel and told me that now I can exercise :( I would also like to join the group. Is there anybody who completely recovered from it? I would love to join the group too
  • Did anybody try mutu system? With mutu system You don't hv to wear splint they say that mussels start to relay on it and that it is more effective to achieve the goal just by the complex of exercises they offer. I can't decide between the two.
  • I also have diastasis recti, just started researching everything about it, all of the different types of programs for it. I am a physical therapist and I have to lift and bend over a lot and I feel personally that the binder helps me to notice when I my posture is not properly. I don't agree w/ the theory that it weakens the muscles, but it is my opinion. Just try it out and see w/ one off the shelf. So glad I found out about the diastasis b/c like most I have been running like crazy, doing push-ups, planks, everything to get the weight off and now I know why I am still ask if I am pregnant after two years since my daughter was born.
  • My sister and I have the same thing after 4 kids each, mine got worse after having twins, we would love to join your group
  • tinytinam
    tinytinam Posts: 57 Member
    My sister and I both have it too. Mine is there a long time but I didn't know what it was, just thought I was fat and had stretched muscles. So,like all of you, I have been exercising completely wrongly and making to worse! Its a really bad one, so I am going to a Tupler Technique therapist soon and plan to start the programme. I also have had a prolapse repair which has been somewhat successful but I still have issues. I would love to be in the group. On the website, it says that doing exercises like the plank make it worse!
  • cabbagesoup10
    cabbagesoup10 Posts: 3 Member
    bump for later. great topic, I have it too after my second baby. she is now 18 months old but I still look like pregnant:(
  • Tanana66
    Tanana66 Posts: 84 Member
    I'd love to be in the group. Not sure if I have DR or just fat on my belly.
  • SnazzIT
    SnazzIT Posts: 215 Member
    Link me in please. I would like to join your group. I too never realised why my tummy protrudes despite all my ab workouts.
  • Hello all, I realized not too long ago that I have this too. Please link me in to the group. I plan on ordering the splint along with everything else very soon.
  • Wombatta
    Wombatta Posts: 2
    Hi all, I also have a diastasis from my pregnancy and have just started the Tupler technique to help heal it! I would love to join in the group, please link me in. It would be great to chat with others doing the same program. Thanks! :)
  • Feelin_fat
    Feelin_fat Posts: 2 Member
    Can I be linked to the group too please? I need this help too.
  • ebfma
    ebfma Posts: 1
    Would love to be connected to this group! I'm a Pilates instructor and my 2nd child is about to turn one. Finally took the time to diagnose myself. Want to make sure I'm not making it worse in my workouts!
  • Hi Guys, I have a used size small splint to sell if anyone would like to buy it. It's black. $40 and I also have Gabrialla Breathable Elastic Abdominal Binder I will include. I can list it on ebay if you would rather. I had a gap after my first child and it never closed up, it got worse with my second birth. After my 4th and last birth I used the splint right after my last birth for 3 weeks solid then off and on for 6 weeks total. I used the Gabrialla Breathable Elastic Abdominal Binder around it because when you move around it begins to bunch and fold a bit and the other one on top keeps it flat better. My gap is almost 100% closed and I work out normally not, crunches and all.

    Good luck to you all!

  • tinytinam
    tinytinam Posts: 57 Member
    Can I please join the group? I really need this group. I have had mine I reckon for the last 20 years, since shortly after having my first child, when I did all the wrong things to improve my belly. I can fit 10 fingers into mine so you can imagine what its like! I have just finished my first week of the Tupler Technique ( had to travel to the other end of the country to access a trained therapist) - a four hour journey each way! I need all the support I can get!