30 Day Shred



  • marym6066
    marym6066 Posts: 21 Member
    I just finished day 9 today. Super excited to start level 2! I've already had some awesome results and can't wait to see what the thirtieth day brings! I've been dieting as well, and had a couple bad day where I ate everything I knew I shouldn't have, making it hard to feel like I didn't blow it. But I stuck to it and kept doing it every day and I'm so glad I did! Don't give up! It will be worth it!
  • nicolie81587
    nicolie81587 Posts: 75 Member
    I did it in the past, now I do it about every other day. I like it, it's a nice variety.
  • Finished day 3 of level 1 today, and it does seem to be getting a fraction easier. Still hard though!! I think it's great, and am looking forward to seeing the effect. :smile:
  • I'm new to fitness pal and this comunity can someone please tell me whats 30 day shred:smile::smile:
  • Skipper111
    Skipper111 Posts: 392 Member
    in the past, i've done the first level of the 30ds, but never made it past that. once my stamina has increased a bit (probably in a couple weeks) i'm going to try to complete all 30 days. right now i'm adding it in to my regular exercise routine once a week or once every couple of weeks.

    Haha, I do exactly the same thing. Level 1 is on YouTube so I just take a day off the gym and do this instead. I have just ordered the DVD though so will finally get to Level 2 and have a heart attack... joy!!!
  • TeenTwinkleToes
    TeenTwinkleToes Posts: 119 Member
    Level 1 Day 4 starts for me today after work! I've never completed it, but have tried it a good handful of times! This time I'm ready to finish!!
  • Just finished day 6! This is my second time doing it. The first time I only made it about 7 days into level 1 then found out I was pregnant with twins! Im determined to finish it this time!