Need to lose 88 lbs. Looking for motivated buddies :)



  • bluesky248
    bluesky248 Posts: 18 Member
    Feel free to add me, I am on daily. I am part of the 200 plus group and looking at "one-der-land" as my next goal. I could use some motivation to keep me going to and accountability helps lol.
    Good luck on your journey!
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss so far. 30 lbs is awesome. My husband went from 305 to 220 and has managed to keep it off for many years. I am working my way back to health after an accident that left me in a wheelchair for a while then a walker, then cane. Between me and my DH we have learned lots about weight loss and and health. It's not easy but it IS DOABLE. Feel free to friend me and we can help each other. That goes for all the posters that need motivation. We can do this.
  • sukifr
    sukifr Posts: 70 Member
    Hi feel free to add me!

    I'm at 120kg so I've got along way to go. I'm in for the long haul and even though I've stumbled I'm never giving up! :smile:
  • HappyMeLovely
    HappyMeLovely Posts: 134 Member
    I am 266 and am shooting for the 250's. I log pretty consistently, and if I do stop logging I always come back. Currently rising stationary bike and just started going to the gym. Feel free to add me, it is always nice to have motivated friends who will offer mutual support!
  • whitmers22
    Feel free to add me :happy:

    I am here to help motivate anyone along their weight loss journey and get some motivation as well
  • 145fit
    145fit Posts: 7
    Thank you so much for your replies!!! The ones who posted their weight loss stories, Congrats!! Very inspirational. If I haven't sent you a friend request, please feel free to send me one :)
  • tilburn
    I have around 40lbs to lose and would love to be part of a motivational group helping each other out! Feel free to add me anyone, the more the merrier:)
  • tessalavanture
    tessalavanture Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I need help to need to lose 50lbs .
  • katgolightly66
    Hey there, I am currently 235, my goal is a little higher right around 260, that is my feel good weight. I was there before and I looked good and felt great!! I will be 48 this June and want to be fit by 50 ... heck1 I want to be fit and feeling great by 49 who am I kidding. I would love to share this journey with you. :)
  • nanaofnc
    nanaofnc Posts: 7 Member
    Same here, been fighting weight all my life. At age 66 and my third grandchild on the way, I don't want to feel as old as I do! I weigh 235 and want to get down to 200 or less. Colored my gray hair today for a pick-me-up. Now to lose 35 pounds!

    Would love a few good friends to motivate and receive motivation in return. Please add me if you wish.
  • Zvijerijer
    Zvijerijer Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I weight 91 kg at the moment and my goal is to lose 26 kg. I have failed many times before but now I'm determined to succeed.
    Please feel free to add me, I log in on daily basis and hope we can all support each other.
  • NessaR2011
    NessaR2011 Posts: 184 Member
    I'm 73 from my GW so we're not too far apart! Feel free to add me (and anyone else wanting to). My diary is open, I log everyday and I try to encourage as much as possible!
  • erikarobles
    erikarobles Posts: 205 Member
    ADD ME:)
  • em84
    em84 Posts: 144 Member
    hi I'm trying to lose my first goal of 25lbs feel free to add me always open to new friends :smile:
  • lisasback25
    I also need some motivation, I have been trying to lose the same 40 lbs. for 4 years already!! Any advice? I am going to the gym 4 days a week and trying to keep calories under 1500. Good luck and I would love to hear from you.:wink:
  • ing4164
    i need to lose 130 pds and i need help help:smile::laugh: :drinker: :heart:
  • Krisunderconstruction
    i need to lose about 55 pounds. Any that wants can add me.
  • Lexi0405
    Lexi0405 Posts: 4 Member
    I am 52 years old, and this past Christmas reached my all time high weight. I have lost 9 pounds since then, but have 142 pounds to go. I am a divorced mom with my last child still at home (who is never home LOL), and could use some accountability to someone, as well as someone to share successes with. My friends don't have weight issues, or those that do tend to be enablers. I would be great to support each other.:smile:
  • LoriFernFroehlich
    It's DO-able! Just have to stay FOCUSED!! I'm starting here at 247 also - - -
  • EatRunRepeat
    That is my goal weight as well.