Does Hydroxycut make a difference?

Hello All!

I started taking hydrxycut max today and have a few questions.

I am flying to see my boyfriend in 4 weeks and want to look better by then!
My goal is to lose 10 lbs by then, but i would have to cut out too many calories to reach that safely.
Will taking this diet supplement help me melt the pounds faster?
And if so, how much more will i expect to lose vs not taking it?

And by the way, I know the health risks, I have read up on them and studied it before buying the product



  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    its pretty much caffeine if you want the good stuff you could just buy a thing of caffeine pills and ephedrine hcl (also known as bronchaid you can get this by asking the counter at your local walgreens) and aspirin is optional some say its better some say its not for more information you could look up ecy stack online
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Well thats what i read up on as well, and it says that it will help boost metabolism and burn fat, which not all caffeine products will do.

    I have tried it before but it was a long time ago heh
    Gives me so much energy i love it lol
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    i havent tried it im already jittery as hell sitting in the library double bass pedaling making people mad haha but i hardly have the energy to finish insanity would that help with it?
  • Mrbackslap
    These products need to be accompanied with proper exercise and dieting for you to get the full effect.
    I use to know somebody who did them throughout the day and they where a jittery mess.
    I'd stay away from them coffee before your workout is your best bet.
  • KPagels
    I would definitely stay away from anything else with caffeine in it. I started taking GNC Active vitamin pack and since they have caffeine in them I had to cut all other caffeine out. I was a jittery mess. On the vitamin pack I just started walking and cut calories I lost 7 pounds in 4 weeks.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    the advice about the other caffine is def right...don't have any of it!! you should notice more energy to get your workouts done even when you are tired, and it should help decrease your appetite or at least make you not care about food as much! as far as the fat burn...i don;t know if you'll notice a uge diff in weight loss but it'll just be easier getting there!
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Oh yeah I fully plan on good diet and cardio with it,

    does anyone know how much of a difference in weight loss it will make?
    like how many more lbs i could somewhat expect to lose?

    just wondering since this stuff is not cheap xD
  • starstealing
    no weight loss difference for me, just really bad heart palipitations and vomiting. yeah, not very glamorous.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Well i guess I will try it for a month...
    All it will do is help! at least with energy if not fat burning.
    Will need that in college lol

    as long as it doesnt add fat to my body.... then its worth a shot
  • rckola911
    rckola911 Posts: 24 Member
    its true alot of them will make u a jittery mess. the only one ive saw since the bad ephedra rap is hot rox. thats the only one that seems to be halfway decent. hydroxy has changed their formula a million times.
  • ClaireElanB
    ClaireElanB Posts: 94 Member
    Dont take Bronkaid as a stack. It messed up my adrenal & thyroid glands permanently and I became chronically fatigued when I used it a few years ago.

    You could drop around 10 lbs short term following the cabbage soup diet for a week. Its pretty nutritionally balanced if you plug everything into a calorie counter (though low on protein for the first few days) - its like a vegetable cleanse. Its just a lot of cooking but theres nothing that will cause long term damage and its really effective in one week I dropped 8 lbs on it, and it stayed off.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Hello All!

    I started taking hydrxycut max today and have a few questions.

    I am flying to see my boyfriend in 4 weeks and want to look better by then!
    My goal is to lose 10 lbs by then, but i would have to cut out too many calories to reach that safely.
    Will taking this diet supplement help me melt the pounds faster?
    And if so, how much more will i expect to lose vs not taking it?

    And by the way, I know the health risks, I have read up on them and studied it before buying the product


    The Currently marketed and available version of Hydroxycut is nothing more than a mish-mash of Caffiene derivatives combined with a few herbal ingredients that are largely taken out of context with no factual research basis behind any of the claims being made by the product.

    Original versions of the product contained an ingredient called Ephedra which was then banned several years ago by the FDA due to the incredible number of adverse side effects it caused including some potentially fatal to certain populations

    The ban was lifted in 2005, but most manufactureres of "weight loss pills" like Hydroxycut have not re-included the ingredient based on the negative press and viewpoint.

    Bottom Line: You lose weight because you spend alot of time in the bathroom.
  • itsbella
    itsbella Posts: 1,101
    Do you think your boyfriend would really care about 10 lbs? Or, would he just be happy to see you?
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Another thing to keep in Mind: "Weight" loss and "Fat" loss are not the same thing. There are no quick fixes regardless of what the ads claim.

    It's about changing personal habits and lifestyle to create a new image.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Well I know my boyfriend doesnt care at all if I lost 10 lbs, he cares about me all the same
    Its just the confidence I want when I go back over to see him
    since he plays semi pro hockey, i want to look nice too
    But i am currently 131 lbs and 5 ft 4 so I am not too far off
    I would just like to look nice!
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    I personally would have went with something other than than. Most of the people who tried it tell me they only get an energy

    Anything, in conjunction with diet and exercise, could help.

    If you consume a lot of caffeine, you *may* not get the full effect of the thermogenic.

    I take lipo 6 black hers to help with appetite.
    They say not to take any other caffeine, but I still drink soda.

    Alot of people like CLA to help with fat, and GNC has "Thermo CLA" which pairs the CLA with a thermogenic blend.

    There are also products that help you burn more calories. The ones that GNC carriesare X12, Burn 60 and Amplified Muscle Igniter.

    Lots of people seem to be liking Oxyelite Pro right now.

    *edit to add*
    I have heard/read that thermogenics work better if you have more weight to lose.
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member
    I personally would have went with something other than than. Most of the people who tried it tell me they only get an energy

    What else did they expect it to do?
  • Audi68
    Audi68 Posts: 113 Member
    I agree with the weight loss and fat loss is not the same thing. So unless you take a scale with you to stand on while you are with him to let him know you lost 10 pounds he may not even notice.

    Would you love him any less if he gained 10 pounds since the last time you saw him?
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I recommend against taking that stuff! My ex was taking that to help with weight loss. We ate the same meals (cause I cooked...just bigger portion according to what he needed), we did the same workouts (Power 90 in my livingroom)...

    And in the first month he was NOT taking it. He lost 4 pounds. In the second month he WAS taking it. He only lost 2 more pounds, but I had to usher him to the ER because his heart rate and blood pressure were extremely high and he had to stay overnight. The ER doctor told him to drop that crap immediately... In the third month he stopped taking it, lost 4 more pounds.

    I never took anything and lost 12 pounds overall.

    The best way to boost metabolism is exercise. Just get up and move, and your body responds and creates a higher metabolic rate to compensate for your movement. I don't think you need any pills at all, but especially not that one after seeing what it did to him.
  • sara_xo
    sara_xo Posts: 195 Member
    its true alot of them will make u a jittery mess. the only one ive saw since the bad ephedra rap is hot rox. thats the only one that seems to be halfway decent. hydroxy has changed their formula a million times.

    noticed this too!! I took hydroxycut oh god maybe 7 years ago and it was AMAZING! Then tried it again maybe a year to a year and a half ago and it was not the same, made my heart hurt and everything was just blah.. gross.