I've run out of calories and I haven't even had dinner?



  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I must say I am TOTALLY dismayed by the number of people advising OP to work out again. :noway:

    That is a recipe for developing an eating disorder.

    OP, you over ate one day. ONE. Out of many many days either past or to come. Just log your brownies, your dinner, and move on. I ate almost 1,000 calories in freshly baked chocolate chip cookies yesterday. No regrets, they were FABULOUS. And I logged every last one. And today is a new day. Isn't it awesome how that happens?

    me too. that's how exercise bulimia starts. eat a dinner of lean protein and some veggies. sounds like you've had a good serving of carbs for the day. plan your day out tomorrow. the biggest issue is not letting a minor slip up turn into a "screw it" mentality.
  • Huni, listen to me. We all have bad days, it is when we dwell on them we become demoralised. You have been given some great advice here and you would be wise to take it. Start again, revise and reflect why you ate the brownies and try to figure out if there was a trigger (how did you feel leading up to eating them). I am an emotional eater and when I think about the "bad days" there is normally something that has lowered my mood causing me to eat food that I wouldn't normally eat. Sometime what I do is "bank" calories so that if I know i'm going out for a meal I will stay under my daily amount by approx 150 and then I have the extra to treat my self with. Chin up chickie and keep going xxxx
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    It's okay to go over it's not going to kill you. I would just eat a light dinner then make go for another walk/run tonight. But really don't sweet it, you still have to enjoy yummy stuff. Don't beat yourself up about it.
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    How many calories are you eating a day ???

    I still did not see an answer to this question OP what is your calorie goal everyday ?????? :grumble:
  • Go run again and eat a small low fat or fat free snack. If you still feel hungry after the snack take a sleeping pill so you won't eat again til morning. P.S. Throw away the brownies.

    No for sleeping pills and yes for throwing away the brownies.
  • ajcmoran2005
    ajcmoran2005 Posts: 173 Member
    I must say I am TOTALLY dismayed by the number of people advising OP to work out again. :noway:

    That is a recipe for developing an eating disorder.

    OP, you over ate one day. ONE. Out of many many days either past or to come. Just log your brownies, your dinner, and move on. I ate almost 1,000 calories in freshly baked chocolate chip cookies yesterday. No regrets, they were FABULOUS. And I logged every last one. And today is a new day. Isn't it awesome how that happens?

    Thank goodness someone finally said this! It is INSANE that people are recommending op run/exercise again. I had a severe ED and seeing this advice is troubling and not good.
  • journey_man
    journey_man Posts: 110 Member
    I must say I am TOTALLY dismayed by the number of people advising OP to work out again. :noway:

    That is a recipe for developing an eating disorder.

    OP, you over ate one day. ONE. Out of many many days either past or to come. Just log your brownies, your dinner, and move on. I ate almost 1,000 calories in freshly baked chocolate chip cookies yesterday. No regrets, they were FABULOUS. And I logged every last one. And today is a new day. Isn't it awesome how that happens?
    This is the best and most reasonable advice offered in this thread. Much of the rest is completely insane.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    If you're hungry, then eat, but keep it moderate. If you're not hungry, then don't worry about it. And do better tomorrow.

    I find pre-planning my meals REALLY helps keep me in line, even if I eventually change out something later on.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I can't remember the last time I ate multiple brownies, in a sitting? These days, ONE brownie could screw up my dinner calorie budget. :sad:

    Anywho, your calorie budget is based on an OVERALL AVERAGE, not one day's worth of calories. If you keep track of your weekly average, and it's at target, then you're actually doing it right. Trying to judge successes and failures based on ONE day's actions is going to drive you crazy and not give you a true account of what you're actually taking in.

    I suggest that you calculate your caloric average, for the past 7 days, then see if you're on target. If not, try to eat 50-100 calories less each day, until your average balances to target.