pals in 40s and 50s



  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I'm 55! Always happy to find new and dedicated friends around my age (although...all ages are welcome:))) If anyone is looking to add a supportive friend, who is active in the newsfeed and dedicated to a healthy lifestyle...feel free to send me a friend request! OP...I've sent one to you!
  • leona74
    leona74 Posts: 18 Member
    Looking for weight loss friends to help me in my journey. I'd be more than happy to give support when needed. Like every time a delicious commercial comes across the TV;) LOL:laugh:
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    Hey there I turned 40 last year so I should finally admit I am in my 40s. Can only say I just turned 40 for so long. :)

    Feel free to add me as a friend. Anyone really who could use some support. Is try at home with my son so I am around a lot.
  • karlajotj
    karlajotj Posts: 46 Member
    You can add me, I'm 52.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I'm 47, feel free to add me.
    The lovely lady above me is a wonderful friend to gave on MFP :smile:
  • I just turned 50 and decided that it was going to be a marker in my life, Life before, and after, 50. I just started this, but I'm feeling great and looking forward to what 2015 will bring. 2014 is the year I get there.

    Feel free to add me.

  • By all means add me. I'm 42 and wondering who stole my metabolism and skin elasticity and replaced them with a tummy.....
  • Lola824
    Lola824 Posts: 96 Member
    Just turned 40 in August! You can add me! I feel like since I turned 40 the fat is glued to me....grrrrrr! I will succeed lol!
  • dcombellick
    dcombellick Posts: 3 Member

    I would love to join this group, I am 55 and have just started my weight loss journey. I would like to lose 60-70 pounds and can use all the support I can get.
  • 46yo guy, log every day, 1/2 way to a 100lb loss. I'm active with the friends feed also.

    Feel free to send a request.
  • Hi - Just starting here. I am 5"4, 42 and have at least 30 pounds to lose. It seems so daunting. I have never lost that much weight. I had breast cancer at 37 and had about 10 to lose at that time.. now after surgery, chemotherapy and hormone treatment I have gained weight and can't see to get it to budge. I am very unhappy and uncomfortable at this weight. Also, during my last checkup with the Oncologist he really got on to me about my weight and it being a risk factor for cancer recurrance. So here I am trying to get very serious about it. It just really seems impossible. All of the inspiring stories in here are helpful to read through.

    I started last week and my immediate changes are (these are big for me but will add more things in slowly)

    * Following rule of calories in vs calories out (vs, weight watchers, low carb, etc.)
    * Logging everything I eat and drink on (good or bad)
    * Breaking habit of drinking red wine at night during the week
    * Trying to get more than 5-6 hours of sleep at night

    My next step is to add some cardio in. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

  • I'm 49 and will be 50 in September.
  • sue_stef
    sue_stef Posts: 194 Member
    anyone here feel free to add me too
    I'll be 43 in a week ish
    I was diagnosed diabetic with high blood pressure on Dec 2nd
    my blood pressure is now down to a safer level and based on how I feel I'm betting my blood sugars are better too
    I still have a ways to go but Im getting there
    Always happy to have new friends
  • Hello,
    I am 47 and loving this site too! I have only been actively using this site for almost 2 weeks. I've gotten some great ideas and motivation here!
  • Rak0ribz
    Rak0ribz Posts: 177 Member
    Add me, if you like - I've been 40 for a few months, and plan on remaining so for quite a few more. I took a hiatus from tracking my calories & exercise late last year, but have been keeping up with it lately.
  • I just turned 40 this month and joined a gym yesterday!! I am excited about this journey!
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    45 here and working on ditching diabetes and high bp meds this year for good.
  • slimandtrimsoon65
    slimandtrimsoon65 Posts: 11 Member
    48 now. Just started on the site yesterday, and finding it really useful. Have lost 22lb so far without this site but need more encouragement! Doing it for general health reasons, and sooo don't want holiday photos like the ones in September last year. too disgusted to put them on here but they're on the food cupboards, the fridge and in my work locker!!
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    53... been here for 3 years. Just maintaining. Would love to share support. Feel free to friend me:-)
  • A_Warrior_Princess
    A_Warrior_Princess Posts: 344 Member
    You can add me I am 44, been trying to get healthy the last 3-4 years, lost 80 pounds but still would like to lose another 20-30 pounds. Exercise daily and eat relatively healthy, struggling to get the pounds off me. Feel free to add me if you want another friend!